
September 22, 2008

Pastor Mark Arnold talks with Todd & Sarah Palin

Filed under: Uncategorized — Michael Wright @ 7:38 pm

I received this e-mail this evening and called and visited with Pastor Mark Arnold. This is not an internet scam and it really did happen. He has heard from people in 23 states this weekend and today CBN News spent 90 minutes on the phone with him and reported on this event. He is calling Christians everywhere to prayer for the upcoming election. Pastor Arnold pastors Covenant Christian Church which is just north of Cincinnati, OH. He gave me permission to post this on my blog and says this can be shared with anyone.

—– Original Message —–
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 9:33 PM
Subject: Pastor Mark’s Meeting with McCain & Palin

Dear Pastor Clagg: 
Thank you for contacting me with your words of encouragement regarding my recent face-to-face meeting with John McCain and Todd and Sarah Palin – when they were on their Bus Tour in Lebanon, Ohio.
The meeting was a Divine Appointment with a definite message that God wanted me to share with all of them.  Meeting John McCain was a tremendous honor simply as I respect anyone with the track record of being a POW and for his years of leadership in Washington. 
Upon sharing with Sarah Palin the message that she is a “present day Esther” was a very humbling and moving ministry opportunity for me.  Her receptivity of the Truth was very evident as she was moved to tears and that she shook her head in a positive manner, thanking me for giving her the words that she will think about and stand on in the coming days.  Both her and her husband, Todd, received the words that the Lord allowed me to share.  They are a very strong team of integrity, honesty, confidence and an allegiance to God that will truly change the face of politics. 
While so many nay-sayers and complainers and criticizers want to hunt them down, and destroy their destiny and purpose they will not be able to remove the fact that God was grooming Sarah Palin in a little town called Wasilla, Alaska and at the appropriate time, God birthed her “…for such a time as this.”
Brother Ron, I want you to know that while I preached a Revival in your home town at your Church in Idaho, more than 15 years ago, you shared with me your heart regarding “Taking Our Cities for God” and “Spiritual Warfare” and as a Pastor/Evangelist like myself, I turned up the “heat” when I got home and began to call our Congregation to prayer…not just to pray – but to pray until answers came!  We stormed the “gates of hell” and we decided
that we would do what it takes to be a people that God could use and “believe God for anything!”
Now, all of the preaching and teaching and believing has surely been recognized in Heaven by our God – who really is interested – in the Leadership of our Country.  My Heavenly Father spoke to me…and I heard His Voice!
In this Truthful – real – definite – Ministry event that the LORD called me to in meeting McCain/Palin, in the little Ohio town recently, I share the event and exactly what happened with you as a Testimony of Praise to God for allowing me to “hear the voice of God” and then “carry out His message in a timely fashion.
Use this story in Email form.  Please know that you can send it to the ends of the earth to anyone who has ears to hear!  I know this is true…because I experienced it.  I will never be the same. When the Anointing shows up…things change…and my prayer is that God will move in the hearts and lives of anyone who reads this email story.  Oh God, let the prophets who have been hiding out in the caves and dens of the earth come out – for it’s time to guard one another and spiritually “fight” the good fight of faith! 
And for anyone who needs to verify or confirm this story that follows, please Email me or call me at the following numbers:        (513) 291-0425
Be Blessed!
Pastor Mark Arnold        

This past Tuesday, the McCain / Palin Bus came through a little town called, Lebanon, Ohio.  The LORD allowed me to go to the Rally giving them a message that He wanted me to personally deliver.

Sunday Night – a burden hit me that would only shake me to my knees – I prayed and wept for our Nation.  Never has my heart been so broken before God.  I literally interceded for these wonderful people who do not deserve all the hate against them.  The GOD-Haters are going to try everything to stop them, but they will not succeed! 

God is not pleased with the “bashing” in the News of this “Anointed” person.  He has called her for this time!  I promised God that I would pray and hold them up in prayer.  I would “listen” out and be mindful of where they were.  The following day is important in this time-line…because I didn’t even know until God spoke to me…

Monday and into Monday Night – the burden of prayer was so heavy that I was literally shaking and could not stop weeping.  I didn’t know that they were coming to Ohio.  I prayed and walked and wept and walked.  I prayed and prayed and wept and prayed…

Tuesday at 2:00 A.M. – God spoke these words to me – “…Go turn the Radio on!”  Immediately the Reporter’s Words were – “McCain & Palin Bus to be in Lebanon later this morning for a 10:00 A.M. Rally!”

Immediately on hearing that news, I heard God again…God said, “You are to go.  You will meet them and give them a message for Me!”

I prayed as an intercessor and went to a place in prayer that I don’t think I’ve ever been…because the LORD had just visited me…and I knew I was on a ” Mission .”  I had now been up since Sunday NIght…and now it’s Tuesday and I’ve got to go on the “WORD of the LORD.”  He sure became My Strength as this unfolds…

I didn’t stop praying until I drove over to the town and parked the car.  The News would later report they were expecting 5,000 people and the actual head-count of those who had been scanned was more than 10,000 people. 

I simply obeyed…and God actually told me where to stand, who to talk to…and when to be on the move.  I had sure learned on the Mission Field, when God wants to open a door, He will do it at the appropriate time.  He always has someone to assist…and even those standing beside you may just be an Angel.

I struck up a conversation with an agent on the ground – he simply said, “I can’t allow you to stand here!”  Here is where the bus was going to actually pull up to.  They had to make a much larger perimeter so the entire area was now being moved back several blocks.  The only other thing he told me to do was to go through the metal detector zone and just watch from the back.  So, that’s what I did.

Due to sensitivity of the Internet…I can’t share much of the story as to what happened next was a definite GOD THING ALL THE WAY. 

Looking over the shoulders and backs and heads of all those people…I knew it would take a miracle for what GOD told me to do.

As I was standing there, two Boy Scouts came running up my back…literally, they almost knocked me to the ground because they were running so fast behind me…up my back and over to the right.  These Boy Scouts were about Junior High Age.  Their Scout Leader and several others were behind them…but as the two out front was trying to push through the crowd, saying they were late…the smaller scouts were left in their dust.  The Scout Leader who was with a McCain Rep from the State grabbed me and told me bring the other Scouts up front as they try to keep up with the first two that just came through.

I just became the leader of the rest of the Scouts to lead them right up front and center.  As the Rep was shouting back at me…to bring the Scouts forward…the people parted just like God parted the Red Sea.

I marched them boys right up front and to the right of the stage as one was looking from the back.  When I got there I was fifteen feet from the podium.  GOD said,
“Stand here, and don’t move from this spot.”
Within five minutes…the bus pulled up and around the other side McCain, Sarah Palin and her husband Todd stepped up and the speeches took off.  I was where God placed me…and even Sarah Palin and Todd were standing on my side of the stage.  I made eye contact, I gave them thumbs up gestures…and I knew they were just happy to see me standing there.  Ha Ha 

When they came around the podium and started on the other side, I knew they were coming right toward me, a little lady who stood by me, reached up and told the Rep that they had promised a Picture with her because she was the one who had lost a son in Iraq, recently.  The Rep confirmed she would get a pic with them and they would talk to her.  When McCain came to hug her… he immediately shook my hand and following his moment with her, I shook his hand as he grabbed my hand, now for the second time, and I said, “God wants you to know that I’m praying for you, Sir!”  He thanked me and kept smiling.  I repeated that phrase to him five times.  He grabbed my hands and looked right into my eyes and said, “I won’t make it without prayer.  Sir, Thank You for praying for me, and don’t let one day go by that you don’t pray for me.  I need all the prayers that I can get. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”As he moved to my right, Sarah Palin, came over to my left side…standing over the crowd and then looking at the little lady who had lost the son.  It took a moment for her to shake some hands and people were pushing in all around.  Sarah came and got on her hands and knees on that side of the stage and hugged that little Mom, telling her, “…it was not in vain.”  She promised her support. 

It was at this moment Sarah Palin, reached out for me to help her up and as I was assisting her to stand I was now face to face with her and GOD said, “Open up your Mouth and I will fill it.”Here is what came out…

“God wants you to know that you are a present day Esther!” 

[She immediately began to cry]!

“God wants to tell you that you are Chosen for such a time as this!”Her husband Todd came over and I told him what I told her.  He began to cry.

“You are called, and chosen to be a leader.”

“Don’t lose heart and don’t fear man.”

“The news and nay-sayers and criticizers are going to be very hateful toward you… and in the days ahead they are going to turn up the heat…but do not fear.”

“You are a present day Esther.”   You are an Esther.  You are an Esther!

“Keep your eyes on GOD and know that He has chosen you to Reign!”

“Stay strong…be strong…don’t tire.  Don’t be weary in well-doing.  Be strong.”

I emphasized the fact that he was to guard her at this time…and know that “…she is GOD-CALLED and GOD-ANOINTED.”  “…this is a GOD-THING and your wife is a Present day Esther…she is for God to use at this time…She is an Esther…she is an Esther…she is an Esther.”At this moment, McCain came right to where I was finishing talking to Todd and I told Mr. McCain exactly what I told to Sarah and Todd Palin.

“You will be hated…but stand strong…GOD has called both of you to stand!”

“We are praying and I am praying for you…!”

“Mr. McCain …they are called of God and she is an Esther.”He shook my hand and with a deep look of understanding what I had just said, he said, “Thank you for your prayers and support…I really do mean that!”And he turned and shook more hands…and I watched them as they went through the crowd.

“Don’t lose hope and don’t lose heart.”

“We are praying for all of you!”

When I got to my car I sat there for quite a long time…knowing the GOD of the Universe had just used me to deliver a message confirming to Sarah and Todd to realize they are truly chosen vessels of God. 

I wept.  I have not stopped praying and crying.  My heart is full knowing they had to have all the staging and all the hype and all the crowd…but the GOD of Heaven and Earth…wanted to give them a Divine-God-Appointment! 

To God be all the GLORY and HONOR.

If anyone wants to know if I believe God can speak.  Yes…Absolutely, is my Answer!

Be praying for me…and let me know what you think about all of this.

Pastor Mark Arnold


  1. […] original post here: Pastor Mark Arnold talks with Todd & Sarah Palin Categories: Online ScamTags: december-2003, december-2004, december-2007, faithful, february-2006, […]

    Pingback by Pastor Mark Arnold talks with Todd & Sarah Palin | Conning Us — September 22, 2008 @ 8:07 pm | Reply

  2. […] Upon sharing with Sarah Palin the message that she is a “present day Esther” was a very humbling and moving ministry opportunity for me. Her receptivity of the Truth was very evident as she was moved to tears and that she shook her head …[Continue Reading] […]

    Pingback by Pastor Mark Arnold Talks with Todd & Sarah Palin — September 23, 2008 @ 1:18 pm | Reply


    Comment by MOLENE (GREEN) HARTZLER — September 23, 2008 @ 10:08 pm | Reply

  4. Pastor Arnold spoke this in Lebanon. That was not a coincidence. The word from Ezekial has prophesied about the eagle taking a branch from Lebanon, and planting a tree that will flourish and be a haven for his people. See these verses from Ezekiel 17.

    3And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; A great eagle with great wings, longwinged, full of feathers, which had divers colours, came unto Lebanon, and took the highest branch of the cedar:

    4He cropped off the top of his young twigs, and carried it into a land of traffick; he set it in a city of merchants. …
    22Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will also take of the highest branch of the high cedar, and will set it; I will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one, and will plant it upon an high mountain and eminent:

    23In the mountain of the height of Israel will I plant it: and it shall bring forth boughs, and bear fruit, and be a goodly cedar: and under it shall dwell all fowl of every wing; in the shadow of the branches thereof shall they dwell.

    24And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the LORD have spoken and have done it.

    Comment by Dispencer — September 24, 2008 @ 4:49 am | Reply

  5. I am wonderfully blessed to be able to attend Life Covenant Church and have Pastor Mark Arnold as my teacher. I have the utmost respect and love for him and his family. He is truly anointed by God. All you have to do is hear him speak and you know instantly that God is speaking through him. When I heard about God using him to deliver a divine message to McCain and Palin I was not surprised. I just thank God that he was obedient and did what the LORD told him to do. My prayer is that this will start a fire in the Church, a world wide revival,and we will all stand up for God! Pray, pray, and pray some more. This is what it is going to take to defeat the enemy. Do not fear for God is with you!

    Comment by Dawn Bowman — September 25, 2008 @ 9:06 am | Reply

  6. Thank you for sharing this information. I will certainly pray that the God of the Universe will move on the hearts of the people to vote these anointed vessels into office. Thank you for sharing your story. I know first hand that our heavenly Father is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. God Bless You. Dorothy Prine

    Comment by DorothyPrine — September 26, 2008 @ 9:32 pm | Reply

  7. In a day of dead dried up churches and media bashing against the christians its like a breath of fresh air to read this …i am glad someone chose to share it as email because i had not heard this on the news. They dont want to have Gods blessings they dwell in the low places. the negatives.
    All the election and the recent economy happenings tell me our time is getting near and we better pray and pray hard.
    Thank you.

    Comment by jane — September 27, 2008 @ 2:40 pm | Reply

  8. doesn’t work

    Mark: just a note to thank you for being faithful to the guidance of the Lord. I pray that the body of Christ responds with intercession and a mobilization of those that recognize a true and urgent message to the body.

    I feel so strongly…that it is almost as if God is saying to Abraham whether there are enough righteous that will hear and obey or he’ll allow the wolf in sheep’s clothing to burn the country.
    But it’s also not enough to just to elect John & Sarah we as a country need to make it a enough of a mandate that gives them power to lead with authority…..There is time to turn it into a landslide.
    I will get the word out in as many places as I can…
    Your word and the condition was all described and affirmed in my prayer time this am…
    It’s one thing to see the Esther, as many of have thought, and it’s quite another to know that it is the Lord and to make sure we GET IT and then do something.
    I applaud your discernment of the word, the interpretation and application …and I truly pray that by the God appointed circumstances that you followed so excitingly that our body will get the full impact of the call for us to support.

    Be blessssssed

    Alin James, San Diego

    Comment by Alin James — September 28, 2008 @ 8:59 pm | Reply

  9. We as God’s children cannot let the spirit of the day rock us to sleep. We must stand together and pray. God will make up the difference. Ask for angels to go before them to prepare the way before the debates.

    Comment by Debra Keeton — September 29, 2008 @ 4:23 am | Reply

  10. THANK YOU FOR YOUR OBEDIENCE! When Sarah Palin was introduced as the vice Presidental canidate my Spirit leapt within me (even as Elizabeth’s gift leapt when the mother of Jesus spoke to her). I too was told to pray for this ‘Esther’ … I began to weep and dance, though I had never heard her name before, my Spirit recognized her.


    Comment by sara ishee — September 29, 2008 @ 4:25 am | Reply

  11. I will pray for Sarah & John McCain as I do believe that God has sent them. Thank you for this incredible story. God is soooo good.

    He gives us messages and too often we ignore them. May we open our hearts to receive them and be obedient to His call.

    God Bless this precious pastor for his obedience. Thanks for sharing!

    Comment by Beth — September 29, 2008 @ 8:51 am | Reply

  12. I think we are trained by society that this kind of thing, God working in this way, is abnormal or even strange. The sad truth is, it is abnormal, and it should not be. We are too quick to judge, maybe because we have not experienced God working this way in our own lives. Maybe we just don’t believe God “works that way”. I believe in it simplest form this is a call to wake from our placidity and use the most powerful tool we possess, Prayer. If God has chosen this man to deliver a message, let us put our differences aside, find the fundamentals that we agree on and storm the throne with prayer for McCain and Palin.

    Comment by Josh Brown — September 29, 2008 @ 9:02 am | Reply

  13. Pastor, I too have been burdened to pray daily for Sarah Palin a0nd J McCain. That she would rub off on him and that God would protect Sarah and annoint her, I too believe she is a modern day Esther, the spirit told me this in my heart.
    Also just so you know I usually pray, but not as I do now, I think I lost my job so I could pray daily for such a time as this.

    I joined a Salt and Light Ministry thinking it was an evangelistic ministry to find it was a ministry that shares political issues that go against the bible…and I NEVER get involved in political things, because honestly I know nothing or little about it, but lately, I am more involved, due to this ministry, I didnt quit the ministry, because I thought maybe God had a reason for me to join…so I hung in there.

    Last sunday my message to the congregation was to register to vote. But the most important think God told me to tell them was to pray. So I prayed for his strength, to help us take action and vote to direct our government in the direction of righteousness and godly values.

    I will add you to my prayer list and let us all pray for our brothers and sisters to be committed to God and what his will is. To pray for Sarah’s safety and wisdom and courage.

    God Bless you!
    Mission Viejo CA

    Comment by Paula Kubinski — September 29, 2008 @ 10:30 am | Reply

  14. People! Just make sure you just don’t have itchy ears. IMHO, reading the signs of the times, there are many false prophets and you will know them by their fruits.. I watched the video over 28 minutes long and Mark Arnold’s story doesn’t check out……believe what you will……

    God Bless!

    Comment by Jim~N~ NorthCarolina — September 29, 2008 @ 1:45 pm | Reply

  15. Jim~N~,
    Which video did you watch for 28 minutes?
    Jeff McLeod

    Comment by Jeff McLeod — September 29, 2008 @ 5:31 pm | Reply


    Comment by johnny wireman,, — September 30, 2008 @ 6:45 am | Reply

  17. So, we are supposed to be careful what we believe–so why should we believe you, Johnny Wireman? I am curious about the 28 minute video. Where can I find that?

    Comment by Ashley — September 30, 2008 @ 11:04 am | Reply

  18. I just received a forwarded email today about your encounter with Sarah Palin and where God led you to speak to her. You have taken me from walking the fence, undecided. I truly believe that your message is divine from God, and will pray with you for our President and Vice President. Clearer words could not have been spoken. May our Lord continue to bless you Mark.

    Comment by Sandra Krista — September 30, 2008 @ 3:24 pm | Reply

  19. Interesting story. However, in our haste to believe we need to be careful. Paul wrote (in Galatians if memory serves) to test all claims against scripture. (I’ll find it for you if you need me to.) But anyone that professes to speak for God, or claims God spoke to them and instructed them to do something, should be closely scrutinized. Not because it is not possible, but because of the dangers that surround believing them. Maybe they have a motive, political or otherwise. Maybe they just want to look important or draw attention to themselves. Maybe they want to start a cult.

    In OT times, if you said “Thus sayeth the Lord” you were really putting yourself out there, representing yourself as a prophet of God. The single test of a prophet is 100% accuracy, 100% of the time. If your prophesy didn’t come true, you were stoned to death. So this guy had better hope McCain-Palin win the election, (“…and know that He has chosen you to Reign!” ) or else he may be a false prophet (unless he’s talking about the 2012 election!)

    Comment by steve g — September 30, 2008 @ 3:48 pm | Reply

  20. I will continue to pray for God’s will to be accomplished in this coming election, therefore believing that God has anointed S. Palin. I’m anxious
    to see just what will take place in the life of her and this nation.
    God Bless-
    Bob Wiggins -Germantown TN- Oct 1, 2008

    Comment by Robert Wiggins — October 1, 2008 @ 9:41 am | Reply

  21. So I sent an e-mail to “Pastor Arnold” and it was returned to be as an invalid address. Also – I researched “Covenant Christian Church” in Cincinnati and nothing came up.

    Nice try…maybe next time.

    Comment by Mathias Newman — October 1, 2008 @ 12:07 pm | Reply


    Comment by Clarice Armstrong — October 1, 2008 @ 12:11 pm | Reply

  23. Skeptical? Yes. Hostile? No. I have heard stories before which did not check out. Johhny Wireman says he was there and did not see anything that would verify the report by Pastor Arnold. Perhaps Mr. Wireman who was on the front row took some pictures that would show boy scouts and Pastor Arnold in the place he claims to have stood. I would be interested in Mr. Wireman adding an additional post and be willing to share the pictures he may have. Or he can email them to me:

    Comment by Pastor G. Reckart — October 1, 2008 @ 5:45 pm | Reply

  24. I don’t believe this story one bit. #1- who is the author of this blog? Where is the Author information? Why should I believe this person? #2- Here is a site that is supposedly “Pastor Arnold’s” There is no substantial content besides this story. The “Whois” information is hidden by a proxy company- what pastor with a website does that? He’s not staying anonymous- so why, unless HE’S A COMPLETE FAKE? For a pastor, it’s pretty odd that there is no information on what he believes or what denomination he is, or where exactly his church is and how to get there or when service is, the name of Jesus is mentioned only once on the whole site and there is no outreach effort at all. It looks fake as all get-out. (Also, note that picture, examine his body posture, and think about it. Those that listen to Texe Marrs will know what I’m talking about.) #3- Google searches of the church, the phone number, the email address all return NOTHING but references to this story, if anything. THIS WHOLE STORY IS COMPLETELY MADE UP, IT’S A CON-JOB!

    Comment by Choochoo — October 1, 2008 @ 6:30 pm | Reply

  25. I just called the phone number. Got a message machine, but it was a man saying “This is Mark Arnold”…. I will be driving by the address listed as his church too, but I think this might be real…

    Comment by Lisa — October 1, 2008 @ 8:16 pm | Reply

  26. The author of this blog said: “Pastor Arnold pastors Covenant Christian Church which is just north of Cincinnati, OH”. NO, HE DOESN’T. Their website is here: and it lists someone named Dennis Coll as the pastor. “Pastor Arnold”‘s website says he is pastor of Life Covenant Church in Monroe, Ohio. Which, of course, cannot seem to be found via the internet. I’d be interested to see where exactly “Lisa” is going to be driving by to go by this church. Care to share the address, so we can map it and zoom in and see if there’s actually anything there?

    Comment by Choochoo — October 1, 2008 @ 8:32 pm | Reply

  27. I just talked to Mark Arnold. He invited me to his church, he gave me the directions and he is definitley the real thing. So all of you nay-sayers are wrong. And I for one and am glad that you are because I am THRILLED to know that God has sent Sarah Palin “for such a time as this”………

    Comment by Lisa — October 1, 2008 @ 8:40 pm | Reply

  28. I attend Pastor Mark Arnold’s church. He is not fake at all and I can actually answer some of your questions. Our church is fairly new in Ohio, he was our pastor around 10 years ago at Franklin Church of God. He then moved to Virginia and only came back two years ago and established a new church that is not under the Church of God name. We are still a fairly small church and rent the building. The name of the building is Asbury Methodist Church so if you zoom into a image of the church that is the sign you might see. Pastor Mark Arnold’s email is NOT it is The website is BRAND NEW and my husband will soon be commenting and going into detail about this so-called fake website. As for the name mix-up of our church…we originally called it Covenant Christian Church but CHANGED it to Life Covenant Church because it “fit” better. We have a podcast site if you’d be interested in hearing pastor preach. My husband hasn’t updated it in a while but we have all of the recordings to post so don’t freak out about that! The site is and we are also on iTunes.

    I really wish people weren’t so negative and so quick to judge. Pastor Arnold is a GREAT man of God!

    I hope this helps!
    Franklin, Oh.

    Comment by Amber — October 1, 2008 @ 9:41 pm | Reply

  29. Reply to Comment # 24 by Choochoo:

    Issue: who is the author of this blog? Where is the Author information? Why should I believe this person?

    Response: The author of this blog is a man named Michael Wright from Gardner, Kansas. He is married to a woman named Shawna and they have three children. The blogger appears to have done this on his own – that is not to imply Michael has posted this story without his [Mark Arnold’s] permission.

    Issue: Here is a site that is supposedly “Pastor Arnold’s” There is no substantial content besides this story. The “Whois” information is hidden by a proxy company- what pastor with a website does that? He’s not staying anonymous- so why, unless HE’S A COMPLETE FAKE?

    Response: is indeed owned by Mark Arnold. The site is hosted through a hosting broker named Homestead ( which is a child company of Intuit ( The Homestead domain is hosted by Network Solutions, Inc. ( which, as you may or may not know, is a very large hosting company handling thousands of sites.

    Being unable to see Whois information for a site is not uncommon. I would imagine in this instance, since Homestead does not offer deep control over their hosting accounts, that the whois info is set to private by default and is probably not editable.

    When I do a whois on Rod Parsley’s sites I don’t get personal contact info. I can only assume that since I can’t readily get that info he must also be a fraud.

    Issue: For a pastor, it’s pretty odd that there is no information on what he believes or what denomination he is, or where exactly his church is and how to get there or when service is, the name of Jesus is mentioned only once on the whole site and there is no outreach effort at all. It looks fake as all get-out.

    Church name: Life Covenant Church
    Denomination: Pentecostal
    Service times: Sunday – 6 PM & Wednesday – 7 PM
    Website(s): (presently offline),,
    Location info: *see end of response*

    Issue: Google searches of the church, the phone number, the email address all return NOTHING but references to this story, if anything.

    Church phone: n/a – the building is rented and no phone service is available.
    E-mail: – if you cannot get through it’s because Pastor Mark’s inbox is full. You will know this by an error that may get returned. You may receive an e-mail with the following error info:

    —– Transcript of session follows —–
    … while talking to
    >>> RCPT To:
    <<< 552 mea31975 MAILBOX FULL
    554 5.0.0 Service unavailable
    Reporting-MTA: dns;
    Arrival-Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 22:53:01 -0400

    Issue: (Also, note that picture, examine his body posture, and think about it. Those that listen to Texe Marrs will know what I’m talking about.)

    Response: You are making a comparison based solely on a wedding photo? Any comparison with Mr. Marrs is insulting which I’m sure is how you intended it. Your statement is completely ridiculous.

    Reply to Comment # 26 by Choochoo:

    Issue: The author of this blog said: “Pastor Arnold pastors Covenant Christian Church which is just north of Cincinnati, OH”. NO, HE DOESN’T. Their website is here: and it lists someone named Dennis Coll as the pastor. “Pastor Arnold”’s website says he is pastor of Life Covenant Church in Monroe, Ohio. Which, of course, cannot seem to be found via the internet. I’d be interested to see where exactly “Lisa” is going to be driving by to go by this church. Care to share the address, so we can map it and zoom in and see if there’s actually anything there?

    Response: You are correct. He is not the pastor of that church. He is the pastor of Life Covenant Church which can be found here: The site is presently offline, so in the meantime please visit: or

    If you would like to see a google streetview image of the church, please visit:,+franklin,+ohio+45005&daddr=39.457867,+-84.419321&hl=en&geocode=%3BFUsUWgIdB933-g&mra=ls&sll=39.51596,-84.387703&sspn=0.12872,0.30899&ie=UTF8&ll=39.51596,-84.387703&spn=0.12872,0.30899&z=12.

    You may need to copy that address in sections as it is obviously very long.

    I don’t believe I left anything out.

    Comment by Steve — October 2, 2008 @ 12:25 am | Reply

  30. Yes, I will share the addres. Its is simply Rte 4 Monroe Ohio. He is new to this church, in fact the church he is in, is someone elses church. He does not have a building yet and another church is kind enough to let him use their building on Sunday evenings and wed evenings. I am going by this weekend to check it out. Every church does not have a website, especially when they are a new, small one. It is common practice that most churchs start out small in small, rented buildings or in this case, someone elses church. I am going to try to attend service Sunday evening, I’ll let you know, Choochoo how it goes and maybe you can visit too..

    Comment by Lisa — October 2, 2008 @ 4:44 am | Reply

  31. I too just talked with Mark Arnold. He is legit. Just like Lisa said, the Church meets in a Methodist Church on Route 4 in Monroe, OH just north of Rt. 63 and south of Rt. 73. I’ve been by there plenty of times, and it’s so small you wouldn’t believe it. No web site of course. He used to be part of the huge Princeton Pike Church of God, but goes and does as the Lord leads. Shouldn’t we all? Ju

    I was very skeptical reading the intial info, especially after no web site or church site. I simply called him and got right through. This is all about the Kingdom of God, and such a time as this. His email is getting absolutely slammed at an unbelievable amount an hour. This message is getting out — with good reason. It’s all true.

    Comment by Jeff — October 2, 2008 @ 7:44 am | Reply

  32. This message is actually for Mathias Newman. Nice try, but I believe you did not carefully read the System Administrator’s “undeliverable” message to know the reason why. If you had, you’d have noticed that it is a valid address and the mailbox happens to be, understandably, FULL.

    “ on 10/1/2008 5:07 PM
    The message could not be delivered because the recipient’s mailbox is full.”

    If your undeliverable message stated the mailbox was invalid, then you entered the address incorrectly. Just wanted you to be more careful about your assertions.

    Comment by Gail Moll — October 2, 2008 @ 8:17 am | Reply

  33. We hear continuously of the dishonest acts going on in this country that have contributed to the mess in our economy, we are at war and people are dying. Congress is filled with greedy people looking out for #1. Here we have a gentleman that claims what he has claimed. Is it true? At this point, I honestly don’t need to know. I was also at that rally and I did in fact see Sarah and Todd “out of the picture” for a very short time. Was she on her knees, I don’t know! Here’s the bottom line for me….. I believe God is guiding all of us, what we choose to do with that guidance is up to each individual. Let’s look at the candidates, who do you think is using the faith to guide them to victory? Who is genuine and standing behind God in every speech she shares? It’s Sarah Palin! I recently had God speak to me, so I know the power and intensity behind his messages. You nay-sayers can believe what you want, but I am choosing to believe because it makes me feel better about the state of things. Do I want someone like Sarah Palin in office? You better believe it! God Bless her and thank you Pastor Mark Arnold for giving me some hope in this cynical world.

    Comment by Christi Bruer — October 2, 2008 @ 8:17 am | Reply

  34. And when they lose the election what will you say.

    Comment by jack39 — October 2, 2008 @ 8:31 am | Reply

  35. I am now concerned that Johnny Wireman has not come back to verify his post. I am beginning to think it is a hoax posted by someone from the anti-Palin cult. Johnny can you clear this up?

    Comment by Pastor G. Reckart — October 2, 2008 @ 12:31 pm | Reply

  36. Sounds like someone’s off their meds…

    Comment by Patsy Kline — October 2, 2008 @ 2:05 pm | Reply

  37. I am one of the skeptics. I live in Anchorage, AK and want this story to be true. The local press are succeeding in tearing down this amazing woman and her accomplishments.She did not ask to be put in this national spotlight. It has been difficult NOT to fit Sarah’s rise to the parallels of Esther. I also have been challenged at not finding any google reference besides the “story”, including church location. Details presented in this comment area have been very helpful. If this story was an authentic God thing encounter, then I believe God would also “blind” as it were the Secret Service to allow the communication to take place.

    Finally, if the McCain/Palin team does not occur, was Mr. Arnold false OR did God simply allow the nation to get who WE chose and not who HE chose.

    Echo focus: PRAY and VOTE!!

    Comment by Dennis — October 2, 2008 @ 2:21 pm | Reply

  38. “The anti-Palin CULT”?!?!! You’ve got to be kidding me.

    Comment by Choochoo — October 2, 2008 @ 3:15 pm | Reply

  39. I have been thinking about what you are saying Dennis. I have heard more than one false prophecy in my time. But the word spoken said she will “reign”, but it didn’t say neccesarily in this election. Even if, God forbid, her and McCain don’t win, Sarah Palin is now in the national spotlight and I don’t think she’s going away anytime soon. She might be back in 4 years running at the top of the ticket for all we know! I am sure of one thing, God has some MAJOR plans for this fine lady and even if its not in this year, I think it will be soon.

    Comment by Lisa — October 2, 2008 @ 3:59 pm | Reply

  40. Esther did not reign anywhere. Woman do not reign or lead in the Bible…they helped, they were instruments, but they did not lead Nations. Men lead in God’s word not woman! Eve was the one deceived not Adam.

    I too have found very little on the internet about this man. He claims to be a prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ but did not even mention his name in the prophecy or speak it to Palin. God can be any deity today. There is only One God, and his name is Jesus. I am a skeptic not only of this prophecy but of the many, many new revelations given through prophecy today with the apostles and prophets movement.. To many people with itchy ears and following after signs and wonders. I bet when the false signs and wonders start it will be hard pressed to even hold back the supposed wheat!!!!!!!!!! Then we’ll see. This is all getting quite interesting.

    Comment by Edith — October 2, 2008 @ 6:59 pm | Reply

  41. I am so glad I found this! The word you got from the Lord re: Governor Palin was an absolute breath of fresh air. It instantly bore witness with my spirit. Thank you for being faithful in delivering that Word! Yea, God!

    Comment by Maddy — October 2, 2008 @ 9:12 pm | Reply

  42. Dennis and Lisa are both so right, as there are factors outside a given prophecy given that affect the outcome. If we don’t do our part, the Kingdom of God can’t advance. The link above is correct to Pastor Arnold’s web site, and no it isn’t really fancy. Perhaps the sign of a great church was given by John the Baptist: He must increase, I must decrease. Just because it’s big doesn’t always mean successful. Don’t criticize the web site, especially if you know the area this church is physically in. Web sites wouldn’t do much for the people located there, and I know because my Dad is in a nursing home one mile from this place and I pass it twice each time I go.

    But rest assured, it’s all quite real. His blog is just as mentioned above.

    God often uses the foolish things of this world to confuse the wise. I’m not saying that Pastor Arnold is foolish, but if you are looking for a big church and a big web site, look it the mirror for how you define success. I talked to him, and prayed with him. The power of God is on this man big time, and what happened is real. Our prayers, faith and obedience will impact what happens.

    Comment by Jeff — October 2, 2008 @ 9:43 pm | Reply

  43. Wow, thanks for posting the information, pretty incredible to read. It can be amazing to see how God uses different people in all different positions for His good and glory.

    Comment by Scott Fillmer — October 3, 2008 @ 6:40 am | Reply

  44. Simple sheep.

    Comment by Leaders of the free world??? — October 3, 2008 @ 6:57 am | Reply

  45. This is what the Sovereign LORD says: “I myself will take a shoot from the very top of a cedar and plant it; I will break off a tender sprig from its topmost shoots and plant it on a high and lofty mountain. On the mountain heights of Israel I will plant it; it will produce branches and bear fruit and become a splendid cedar. Birds of every kind will nest in it; they will find shelter in the shade of its branches. All the trees of the field will know that I the LORD bring down the tall tree and make the low tree grow tall. I dry up the green tree and make the dry tree flourish. I the LORD have spoken, and I will do it.”

    — Ezekiel 17:22-24

    Comment by Zephaniah 3 — October 3, 2008 @ 6:59 am | Reply

  46. Guys n Gals – seriously: What are you, retards?

    Comment by Sane — October 3, 2008 @ 7:05 am | Reply

  47. Wow, it is so awsome to know and hear the word of God at this present time. I will continue to pray for Sara and McClain. We know that “all things are possible throught Christ Jesus”. Thank you for Sharing.

    Comment by Gloria — October 3, 2008 @ 10:06 am | Reply

  48. Unfortunately, there have been many false prophecies given and there are always will be. People tend to “get in the flesh” and oftentimes, with good intent they are speaking their own words. I admit thats true, but there were plenty of prophecies in the bible that came truth and there still are today. I hope that Mark Arnold is correct. Even if he is not though I still believe in Sarah Palin and most importantly, I still believe in the Lord. He is still on the throne whatever the outcome of this election is and that is what comforts me.

    Comment by Lisa — October 3, 2008 @ 3:25 pm | Reply

  49. And Jeff, like you said, God does use the foolish things of this world—we can use that same example for Sarah Palin. She is just an everyday person like you and me. The elite media makes fun of her constantly because she’s from Alaska. They say she is stupid, “folksy”, etc. They make fun of her because she has fished and hunted and lived a normal, every day life like most of us. Again, Sarah Palin is not foolish but she is simple, modest and normal and I think that is just the kind of person God can, will and does use.

    Comment by Lisa — October 3, 2008 @ 3:45 pm | Reply

  50. Esther? Like Aunt Esther from “Sanford and Son”? How’s that a complement other than LuWanda Page kinda looked like a pit bull?

    Talk about God using the foolish things. You forgot to mention the donkey God caused to speak. If that’s what you mean, I agree she’s a talking ass.

    Comment by madmonq — October 3, 2008 @ 3:59 pm | Reply

  51. I really wish that there weren’t so many negative and ruthless people in this world and on this blog. I attend Pastor Arnold’s church and it is true that we are small, it is true that we rent someone else church building, and it is true that the website isn’t glamorous. But he recently started this website so it’s a work in progress. I really don’t understand why our religion is relevant to the accuracy of this story but if you’d like to know, we are non-denominational leaning toward Pentecostal. I also don’t know why it is relevant for him to tell Sarah his name! I don’t know if this will help at all but the creator of the Strang Report posted this on his website, take a look…


    Comment by Amber — October 3, 2008 @ 4:53 pm | Reply

  52. Ok, the picture I found shows a Boy Scout Leader in a Campaign hat right where the Pastor says the Scouts were standing. But no picture yet showing him present.

    Comment by Pastor G. Reckart — October 3, 2008 @ 7:25 pm | Reply

  53. Sorry, forgot the link to the picture:

    Comment by Pastor G. Reckart — October 3, 2008 @ 7:30 pm | Reply

  54. The church is called Asbury Church. Its a little brick church with a wagonwheel in front of it. I am going Sunday night. BTW, didn’t Sarah a bang up job last night??? She is so full of grace and confidence that I KNOW she is full of God!

    Comment by Lisa — October 3, 2008 @ 7:43 pm | Reply

  55. Interesting. What is the truth? Did this really happen? Who can we trst?

    Comment by Jerry — October 3, 2008 @ 10:25 pm | Reply

  56. My parents were sent this e-mail. Dad is a very wise 78 year old man who loves the Lord but is very sceptical of any such claims as this one. However the e-mail touched him. He called Mark Arnold directly. Pastor Arnold answered and in Dad’s words, “I couldn’t get off the phone!” They talked about Mark’s experience at length with Dad asking him every difficult question he could think of to verify what had happened. After the conversation Dad was totally convinced of the validity of this experience and that Mark had indeed been directed by God. If you knew my Dad, you would know why I do not question this accounting. As another poster mentioned, my heart also leapt when I first saw Sarah Palin. I absolutely believe that God has sent her for this country to guide it back towards Him. It is up to us to be the legs, voice, and voting hands to bring this about. Praise the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit who dwells within us!!!

    Comment by Connie R — October 3, 2008 @ 10:49 pm | Reply

  57. To Edith; and Sane, who are not in the same category. Edith, you stated: Esther did not reign anywhere. Woman do not reign or lead in the Bible…they helped, They were instruments.
    Edith, you sound like you have some manner of belief in God and His word. If I understand, Sane insinuates that we who believe are retards. I hope for that one to believe also.
    Note a couple of passages in the Scripture.
    1. Read the book of Esther. It’s very short. Esther was not called to lead, but to save the Persian Jews. Mordacai, her kinsman, was a leader, but Esther was placed in a position to influence the one who had life and death authority over God’s people. She was so willing to stand up for her people that she said, “If I die, I die.” She was called for such a time as that.
    I believe Pastor Arnold, that Gov. Sarah Palin is called for such a time as this. I think She and Sen. McCain would say what Esther said. They are both willing to give what it takes.
    Today the world situation is very similar to Esther’s time. Christians and Jews are being martyred every day. You don’t find it in the liberal media but it’s happening. Jesus prophesied that they would kill God’s people and think they were doing Him a favor (See St. John 16:2). Isn’t that what’s happening? America is traveling that direction and only God can stop it. Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are called I believe and the Lord could at any time He desires send them a prophesy.
    2. Israel had no king or president before Saul but was governed by Judges, One was Deborah (Judges 4). Deborah didn’t want to lead Israel into battle, but Barak was afraid so she went with him. Note that the enemy General was killed by Jael, a woman. Barak, the man, was displaced by two women.
    3. A modern example, Evangelist Betty Baxter. Read her story on the Internet. She has been a leader in the Gospel for many years. I met her twice and heard her amazing story firsthand.
    4. I worked for several women in my 31 year military career. They were good leaders and it was a pleasure.
    God uses women as well as men. He probably would prefer men to do the heavy work, but sometimes women are the willing ones and God uses them.
    I apologize for the length. Jim Knowles, Nogata, Japan

    Comment by Jim Knowles — October 4, 2008 @ 6:17 am | Reply

  58. Constitution of the United States Amendment I:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishemtn of religion, or prohiting the free exercise thereof. . .

    You and people like you are why this amendment was added to the document that established our government.

    Comment by healingmagichands — October 4, 2008 @ 9:27 am | Reply

  59. Jim, you are so right. God used alot of women and He still does. Mary Magdalene and Rahab are both very good examples also. He can and will use anyone He chooses and the Word says he is “no respector of persons” and it also says “there are no male and female” (I am paraphrasing these two scriptures, but that is the jist of what they say). Amber, I was glad to hear what you said about him. I am going to visit your church Sunday evening with a few of my friends. I am anxious to hear him preach.

    Comment by Lisa — October 4, 2008 @ 10:15 am | Reply

  60. Lisa, We will be very glad to see you and your friends 🙂

    Comment by Amber — October 4, 2008 @ 10:33 am | Reply

  61. I understand that there are those who seek their 15 minutes of fame. However, I see Pastor as a man who exemplifies humility and obedience to the calling God has placed upon his life.

    Sarah Palin is the real deal and the churches in Wasilla are backing her integrity & relationship with Christ. I don’t believe for a moment that Pastor Arnold would go to the extremes he did if this was not God’s doing.

    The Pastor did not ask for the assignment to speak to the Palin’s. He simply obeyed the Holy Spirit and went; doing it under extreme challenges to get to them.

    I recently released a book and I enjoy poetry and inspiring people to deepen their walk with Christ.

    Even before the “Prophecy for Sarah” was released on the internet, I was led to write the following poem for a friend. Then, the Lord led me to send it to Sarah Palin’s office in Alaska. I heard that still, loving, inner voice say, “This is My Word to her”. It was in my heart in a way like I have never felt anything before.

    I’m not a prophet and I’m not seeking fame or approval. Neither did Pastor Arnold.

    I’ve learned that I am a servant and God is God. So, in this I understand Pastor’s situation. We do what the Lord says to do and people are ministered to and blessed. If we don’t do it, God can find someone else.

    My point is this, obedience comes from relationship, relationship comes from fellowship. When we fellowship with the Lord we learn to hear His voice; then we learn obedience and discernment.

    In my own situation concerning this poem, I know Pastor Arnold heard from the Lord. I applaud his courage and thank him for having the passion to be an example to us all. Love is unconditional and knows no bounds. It is pure, humble and powerful!

    In his actions he (Pastor Arnold) demonstrated his love for America, his church, the Candidates and you and I.

    Thank you Pastor. You did the right thing…

    “The Plans I Have for You”
    Jeremiah 29:11

    I’ve seen the path you’ve taken,
    I’ve heard your every prayer,
    My child I am here with you,
    You are in my constant care,

    The path of life has many turns,
    But stay within my reach,
    For the plans I have for you,
    Are magnificent indeed,

    Your faith it is my joy,
    And your prayers like melodies,
    Of a song of love so sweet,
    As you humbly worship me,

    I love you and I speak these words,
    To keep your heart at rest,
    You are my precious child,
    And I’ll give you all my best,

    Don’t worry about tomorrow,
    It rests within my hands,
    So remember my dear child,
    I’m the master of life’s plan.

    Jeremiah 29:11
    “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
    “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
    Plans to give you hope and a future.”

    Comment by Jeff — October 4, 2008 @ 10:51 am | Reply

  62. I am actually “church shopping” anyway and when I talked to Pastor Arnold, he talked like your church is just a simple church that gets into worship and the Word which is what I’m looking for..

    Comment by Lisa — October 4, 2008 @ 11:44 am | Reply

  63. Amber what is his doctrine? Where does he stand on Rick Warren?

    Thank you,

    Comment by Edith — October 4, 2008 @ 3:30 pm | Reply

  64. Beautiful poem Jeff.

    Comment by Lisa — October 4, 2008 @ 7:37 pm | Reply

  65. Edith, my personal opinion is that he is a lot like Jentzen Franklin with his beliefs and doctrine. I can’t tell you how he compares to or stands on Rick Warren because I don’t know enough about Rick Warren to give you an accurate answer.

    Comment by Amber — October 4, 2008 @ 10:49 pm | Reply

  66. If you have anymore questions, feel free to direct them toward Pastor Arnold and his new e-mail address (since the original is filling up too quickly)

    ~Amber L.

    Comment by Amber — October 4, 2008 @ 10:51 pm | Reply

  67. I have just been reading some negative blogs about Sarah. They are disgusting. I am so tired of hearing her be called “stupid” and “too folksy” and “cartoonish”. This women is bright, articulate, intelligent, warm and funny. I don’t understand for the life of me how they can paint her as anything else. I guess all it comes down to is downright jealousy. We need to step up our prayer for her, she is really facing some serious critism going into the last weeks of this campaign.

    Comment by Lisa — October 5, 2008 @ 7:04 am | Reply

  68. She is not bright, articulate or intelligent enough to be vice president or president. You have to admit some of her criticisms have some merit, right?

    She is a about as smart as W Bush. Shg is a transvestite George W Bush.

    Comment by madmonq — October 5, 2008 @ 8:16 am | Reply

  69. I believe in God.

    And I am voting for Obama.

    Comment by ingernet — October 5, 2008 @ 4:39 pm | Reply

  70. A mature Christian understands respect and honor. I wonder if the negative bloggers know anything about honor? It is quite evident that God has a lot of work to do in some that blog without a conscience.

    I’m disappointed that there are comments on this page that disrespect others as well as the Lord and the candidates of this election. Our voice should be heard, but regardless of our political affiliation, there is a way to disagree with dignity. We still have a responsibilty to be good examples; disagree strongly if need be, but do it the right way.

    Galatians 5:15 says if we devour one another we are consumed in our bitterness and what good is a house divided? We must be witnesses of goodness and maturity.

    Personally, I think the media is bias and attempting to discredit and humiliate Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin. Again, I will put it this way. The pitfall of change is impatience.

    We have prayed for strong Christian leaders and we have two candidates that can work together in faith, purpose and conscience.

    God is still on the throne and knows the times and seasons, but we must do our part and honor Him and everything He stands for. We must pray fervently and cover this election with heart and a passion for the future of our country.

    Comment by Jeff — October 5, 2008 @ 8:32 pm | Reply

  71. You know Jeff, some people just don’t have it in them to be respectful so I am not even going to respond to them. I know who I am, who God is, what the Word says and thats all that matters to me.

    Comment by Lisa — October 5, 2008 @ 8:43 pm | Reply

  72. Simple example. Explain how a strong person of God lies in front of the entire nation when she said she refused the “Bridge to Nowhere” but kept all the money for Alaska, instead? If you had a conscience you’d amazed at the eye mote Palin was sporting rather than shocked at the fact of others being shocked at the fact of her lies.

    Comment by madmonq — October 5, 2008 @ 8:49 pm | Reply

  73. Lisa,

    We had a couple of visitors at our church tonight and I was just curious as to if it were you and your friend or not. The visitors were sitting in the pew directly behind me and I turned around to introduce myself but they were approached by Pastor Arnold and I never got a chance. I’m really sorry if it were you, I just didn’t want you to think I was rude or anything. Either way, I hope to see you soon!


    Comment by Amber — October 5, 2008 @ 11:26 pm | Reply

  74. Oh, and my brother had asked me to keep an eye on his son while he went to the restroom and he’s 2 years old so that was keeping me occupied as well. I really wish I’d have had to chance to meet you, or even the visitor if it wasn’t you.


    Comment by Amber — October 5, 2008 @ 11:29 pm | Reply

  75. yes, that was me Amber. So the little boy was in the pew with you, right? I was the brunette in the red top and my friend Jenny was the redhead. I think I might be back next Sunday night. I enjoyed the preaching and the worship so be looking for me again.

    Comment by Lisa — October 6, 2008 @ 8:50 am | Reply

  76. This is ridiculous. There is no way to confirm this prophecy with scripture because the bible says nothing about Sarah Palin. You are just saying whatever your political persuasion dictates. You’ve clothed it in religious rhetoric because you desperately believe that the Republican party is Christian. It is not! (neither is the democratic party) Get over yourself! Just because you think something doesn’t mean that God thinks it too!

    Comment by Marcus — October 6, 2008 @ 9:09 am | Reply

  77. This has been an interesting discussion. It appears that pastor mark’s experience is real/really happened. When I was meditating about Gov. Sarah Palin, I understood her to be like Deborah, a mother in Israel and a judge. Judges 4,5
    No matter what the Biblical analogy, she is a woman for this time. Keep on praying for our nation.

    Comment by Penny — October 6, 2008 @ 9:44 am | Reply

  78. I was so encouraged to find in my inbox today about Pastor Mark Arnold and his obedience to the Lord to deliver a message to Gov. Palin. What a mighty God we serve ! If you are willing then he will open the doors. It has so encouraged me about the McCain/Palin team that I have been praying for daily as others have been as well. Only with God …. all things are possible. It has entered my mind a few times … “why would God choose this modern day Esther? …. not to fail ….. but to be Victorious! ….. May God bless Senator McCain also and I enjoyed the moments and encouraging words of prayer that you had for him as well ….. He said he will not make it without prayer ….. let us also pray for his physical strength each and every day …. also pray for him in these upcoming debates for Victory! Don’t forget to pray for all the other Christian conservative Values candidates that are running for election across our country. God give them your favor as well. Pray for Proposition 8 in California, that it will pass. Then we can have Traditional family marriage, one-woman/one-man.. If it does not pass …. then the rest of the nation will follow suit. Thank-you for your faithfulness to pray and fast !!!

    Comment by Jandme — October 6, 2008 @ 10:33 am | Reply

  79. I read the report by Pastor Allen, and to my amazement, after I had finished reading his letter and all the comments, GOD spoke to me, for the first time in my life! Can you imagine that! He spoke to me! He told me that Allen and all of his people will destroy America by imposing their beliefs on others. He said that there is no such thing as a God and that believing in God is no better than believing in a tooth fairy, except that the tooth fairy occasionally leaves dimes under the pillow. No amount of praying to God will do that, he said, and those who believe in an omnipotent God are deluding themselves. I was, as you can imagine, aghast. How can God possibly be saying these things? But he talked to me, so it must all be true. Hallelujah!

    Comment by P. A. Vesilind — October 6, 2008 @ 12:43 pm | Reply


    Bob Jones Prayed for Herbert Hoover, not a coincidence is it?

    Comment by dummidumbwit — October 6, 2008 @ 2:26 pm | Reply

  81. I also knew in my spirit — some time ago and long before I got the email with this blog in it today — that Sarah Palin is an Esther. Also, the fact that the media is battling her so fiercely bears witness that she has been called by the Lord to do a work. She has definitely been raised up for such a time as this.
    Also — I’ve had enough of people tearing her down – calling her dumb — and disrespecting President Bush. It’s enough — the mouths of these toothless, roaring lions will be closed, in Jesus’ Name.

    Comment by Connie — October 6, 2008 @ 6:36 pm | Reply

  82. Lisa,

    Yep, he was in the pew with us until he went to the nursery. Boy, he can be a HANDFUL haha. I was sitting next to my brother and my parents. My mom is one of the singers and my dad plays guitar and sings. My husband got held up at work, he was on call, so he couldn’t make it. He also plays guitar for the praise team. He isn’t on call next week so he’ll be playing (I love hearing him play!) and hopefully we’ll get to formerly introduce ourselves! I look forward to seeing you again!

    ~Amber L.

    Comment by Amber — October 6, 2008 @ 7:02 pm | Reply


    How can you not be under siege when these people hide among the Evangelical Right, in a secular society this would be considered “Hate Speech” should Christians on the right end of the spectrum police these people so we (the supposed haters of religion) don’t have to do it?

    Comment by dummidumbwit — October 6, 2008 @ 7:32 pm | Reply

  84. Praise the Lord for the boldness of Pastor Aronold!
    Also, for his obedience to God.
    I, too, feel that we, as Christians, need to be on our
    knees praying for McCain and Palin in the weeks to come.


    Comment by Betty Finzer — October 6, 2008 @ 8:26 pm | Reply

  85. Praise God, that in the midst of increasingly hard times there is a light in the world that still speaks, believes and stands for the holiness of our Father God.

    You and I the church, are the salt and light of the earth and our commission is to go and tell the “Good News” to those around us.

    It’s too late to play politics in the Church because there are groups of activists that are seeking to silence our voice. The McCain-Palin ticket is a voice of hope and conscience.

    I’m grateful to Pastor Arnold for his courage to step out in faith as he delivered the encouragement the candidates needed.

    The bible says that in the end times perilous times would come; have you watched the news lately? However, with the increase of evil there will be a greater revival of God’s power and presence on the earth.

    The Prophet Joel declared that there would be a great outpouring of God’s power, presence and wisdom in the church during these difficult times. Where has Sarah Palin been all this time? Simple, being prepared for such a time as this. John McCain and Sarah Palin bring to each other a balance and in this God will do extraordinary things…I believe that.

    God Our Father has said if we would humble ourselves before Him and sincerely pray, turning from sin, He would hear our cry and bless the land. Have we prayed today; have we partaken of His Holy Word? Now is a time for cleansing within our hearts, our country and government. It is crucial to deepen our faith and our discernment.

    The Cross, the Blood, the Death and Resurrection of our Lord is to be proclaimed and defended by the stands we make for our Christian freedoms! Our salvation is in Christ and there is no other name by which man can be saved.

    It is true, no candidate can save us by themselves, but the principles they believe in and the faith they have to pursue it will bring God’s favor. Faith and praise are fuel to the fire of God’s presence.

    America is still wonderful, but what does she really mean to us; will we defend her? When we are challenged will we support her and pray for the right leaders and not for someone that looks and sounds good?

    I pray we hear the sounds of Praise and Worship coming from the White House. Hope it’s played loud. I’m a drummer and I like to groove!

    Hope you don’t mind some more poetry:

    This We Ask of Thee

    Dear Lord, I pray for clarity,
    And the gifts to be restored,
    To the people that are soldiers,
    In the Army of the Lord,

    A heart of flaming courage,
    That won’t bow a cowards knee,
    In the face of great injustice,
    That is taking aim at thee,

    Equip us with the armor,
    Of Your majesty and might,
    That advances into darkness,
    Piercing death with holy light,

    I ask You for Your Spirit,
    To baptize us with strength,
    Then carry Your great message,
    With conviction, filled with faith,

    The wisdom of the ages,
    Is just a prayer away,
    We’ll stand up with the brethren,
    In the power of Jesus name,

    Your righteousness forever,
    Will shine for all to see,
    That You are always faithful,
    To keep Your people free.

    Comment by Jeff — October 7, 2008 @ 10:59 am | Reply

  86. I see this upcoming election as a picture of David and Goliath. Millions of dollars are being poured into the democratic campaign by mega organizations such as the ACLU,, Tim Gill and his homosexual cohorts, NARAL and Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion organizations etc. (are there actually christians who vote for the same candidate endorsed by these cronies? …unbelievable!) Republicans get their contributions, for the most part, by grassroots people like you and me who can never compete with millionaires. But a lot can happen yet and no one will stand in God’s way if he wants McCain elected.

    But… if Obama wins… will it be the unfolding of the end times? Thank God, we have a God who is bigger than our circumstances!

    For anyone who is interested in knowing the real truth about Obama, I’ve found an excellent DVD called “Hype: The Obama Effect” and you can purchase it at Every American household should have a copy.

    Thanks for being obedient and available, Pastor Arnold. Too bad things like this don’t happen oftener and when they do, people become so skeptical. Imagine where we’d be if we were
    all this open and sensitive to the Holy Spirit!

    Comment by JD Stanley — October 7, 2008 @ 11:02 am | Reply

  87. All this to keep to fellow Christians out of the White House, just because the are named Barack Obama and Joe Biden? Nice poetry but really do you really fear the Democrats that much?

    Comment by dummidumbwit — October 7, 2008 @ 11:55 am | Reply

  88. I don’t fear the Democrats individually – it’s their politics I fear. The liberalism is getting more and more so as the years pass, and their ideals are scary. If you would sit back and actually listen to them talk and actually hear what they are saying – and quit listening to the media’s ideas of what they are saying and what they mean – it might possibly make a difference in how you think/see this world of politics as it stands today in the U.S.A. What we do not need is more government in our lives, taking care of our healthcare and all the other things they want to control. If you want to know what government does to things such as that, talk to a sick/ailing Canadian. *sigh*

    Comment by aniceprsn — October 7, 2008 @ 12:34 pm | Reply

  89. some years back I had the honor of being one that God chose to speak to, it has been a number of years of silence now, but i will never forget the depth of the understanding that came from those revelations.I cannot say if this account was factual or not,but i believe that the mccain /palin ticket is the most God Honorable choice for America, and i also praise God for His people who have the courage to stand up and face ridicule and speak what God has instructed them to say. May God bless His servants who have the courage to do his work

    Comment by Ron Wolfe — October 7, 2008 @ 12:44 pm | Reply

  90. JD,

    I never argue politics, but this blog entry I think is neccessary.

    The New York Post reported that during Obama’s trip to Iraq, he demanded of Foreign Minister Zebari that no negotiations be conducted until after January of 2009 and the Presidential handover. It looks like Obama is pretty sure of himself and if that is the case, pride is going to be an issue with him.

    The other issue is since we have an established and proven presence in the region, why does Obama want to destabilize the area by a quick withdrawl? Do I want or like war? Certainly not, but I don’t want the blood spilled and lives sacrificed already to be in vain; for our troops and the people of Iraq.

    Secondly, there was a documentary aired recently about partial birth abortions; I was sickened to hear the nurse say she held the baby until it’s precious life ended. Normally the unwanted child would be left to die, but this woman’s compassion could not let this child die alone.

    Labor is induced and no attention is given to save innocent life. There are alternatives to abortion. I know of a family that adopted two beautiful girls. Another gives foster care until homes can be found. Babies are not punishment. They are precious as is all of our lives.

    Thirdly, Penny Pritzker is associated with Obama. She was the National Finance Chairman for Obama. Half owner of the Superior Bank that collapsed in 2001 because of sub-prime loans that should have never been issued. A two billion dollar loss and subsequential bank failure later, fourteen hundred families lost it all. Pritzker has assisted in many of Obama’s strategies including loosening regulatory policies on developers and mutil family property owners.

    Pritzker organized the Barbra Streisand Fund Raiser in support of Obama.

    People have harrased John McCain and Sarah Palin, but it was Sarah who said something like this to a heckler this week, “Bless you sir, but my son is fighting in Iraq just so you have the right to protest”.

    No, I’m not afraid of Democrats, but I am aware of their liberal thinking and how it seems like God is making us all aware that this election is critical to the future of America.

    Sorry, no poetry in this blog just a heart for God to be honored and America to wake up.

    It takes courage and great faith to do what Mark Arnold did and it takes courage and great faith to do what Sarah Palin is doing.

    Her name is not Esther, but God knows how to impart the heart of Esther in a willing vessel…Sarah Palin.

    Comment by Jeff — October 7, 2008 @ 3:17 pm | Reply

  91. I am very thankful to know that there are such courageous Christians who are able to see the spirtual warfare at hand! Please everyone, Lets stay in prayer in all this, and hold onto the Hope we have in Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.

    Comment by Yvonne — October 7, 2008 @ 4:10 pm | Reply

  92. […] no address other than an email, but that’s really beside the point of this post. Others have tried to find this church and have been […]

    Pingback by Necessary Roughness » Blog Archive » The Burden of Proof for the Speaker of God — October 7, 2008 @ 5:39 pm | Reply

  93. God is so amazing how He confirms one to another. God also put in my spirit that Sarah was like Esther of the Bible.
    If you have not read the book please do and it will enlighten you.

    It tells us to test the spirit because the evil one is working very hard in these last days. I spoke with my husband and others about Sarah being as like Esther in the Bible.

    When a fellow church member sent this to me I stood amazed in the presence of God.

    I really pray for those who would mock God as one thief did on the cross, that they might see as the other theif did and spend eterity in Heaven.

    By the way God’s word tells us that everyone knee shall bow and every mouth shall confess that He is God. All who do not believe and worship him will one day have to admit that He is God, but it will be too late for etenal life in heaven, but rather in hell for eternal damnation.

    Those of us who do believe there is a one and only God, who is the father of Jesus, who died on the cross for your and my sins. His word tell us that the Good Shepherd knows His sheep and He hears them and answer them, just as He did with Pastor Mark.

    In second Chronicles 7:14 God’s Word tells us that “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and trun from their wicked ways, then I will hear ftom heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. And boy does our country need healing, a healing of the Spirit.

    My God Bless Our Country, and especially those who do not beleive in Him that they may see Him and believe.

    Comment by Freeda — October 7, 2008 @ 6:14 pm | Reply

  94. Jeff-are you a Pastor or just a gifted writer? Or both?

    Comment by Lisa — October 7, 2008 @ 6:38 pm | Reply

  95. I have been asking myself lately this question, if Jesus were here walking on this earth today, and able to vote in the upcoming Presidential election, who would Jesus vote for? Would Jesus vote for someone who supports a party who has lost all morals, and who believes in killing unborn children that God created? Ask yourself, what would Jesus do? Who would Jesus vote for. Search the very depth of your soul and be honest with yourself. God has given everyone of us free will God will not force himself upon us, and we can choose to either believe Pastor Arnold or not. In any event God wants His children to be obedient to Him in whatever He asks us to do. If, in fact, God did ask him to go and tell Sarah Palin God’s message, the Pastor will be rewarded for his obedience. Read the faith Chapter of the Holy Bible book of Hebrews and you will see all those faithful Saints were obedient to God’s calling on their lives. God is in control and nothing happens that God does not allow.

    Have a blessed day.

    Comment by Kathy — October 7, 2008 @ 7:36 pm | Reply

  96. Dear Jeff, I am enjoying your comments and am in your boat. Your comments are valid, relevant, and timely. God is doing something. I believe, He has found someone to ‘Stand in the Gap’ for America in the persons of Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin. We, as nation, have dealt with tyrannical regimes through our history and have protected those who couldn’t protect themselves. Can you imagine what would have happened to the world if Hitler or the Soviets, for example, had had a free hand. Americans are the ones who prevented this, and still are by fighting and defeating tyrants. I don’t know if they realize it but many small nations would still be in grave danger if it wasn’t for America. America is only great because of God’s favor. If we allow those who are incapable and/or unwilling to provide righteous leadership to control our nation by our failing to vote we will share the guilt for America’s demise as a great nation. I have prayed like Abraham did for Sodom, He interceded with the pre-incarnate Lord Jesus to spare Sodom even if he could only find five righteous persons there. I am praying, “God, there are millions of Americans at home and abroad who love you and are trying to do your bidding. Please consider our plea. Don’t let America be destroyed by the evil that is creeping across it. Hear the cry of the righteous. In Jesus name! Amen.” Please, you in the millions mentioned above, pray! God bless you, Jeff.
    From Japan.

    Comment by Jim Knowles — October 7, 2008 @ 7:51 pm | Reply

  97. God tells in His Word that:

    2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    We all, as Christians first, and then as Americans, need to pray and earnestly seek God’s will for the upcoming election. God can, and wants to, heal our land.

    Comment by Kathy — October 7, 2008 @ 8:29 pm | Reply

  98. Lisa, Jim and to Everyone Blogging,

    I am not a Pastor, but I certainly love the Lord and enjoy writing. The responsibilty I feel towards being a voice for the Lord is overwhelming.

    I am blessed with a musical talent (drums) and the ability to write with confidence. Even though I am not a journalist, I love to write in a style that motivates people. Then, place poetry in the mix to make the reader feel inspired and encouraged to look up to heaven and ask the Father to become real and personal.

    It is also personal when family is involved. Family is a blessing and my wife, children and grandchildren are precious to me. This is the reason I am writing with passion to all of you. Your families are important and special also. Our loved ones and our homes hang in the balance of this election.

    In Christ we can be a voice of restoration and change in America. Not a movement, but a lifestyle; a life in Christ and seeking after godly principles that bring healing to hearts, homes and communities.

    I believe these are the same principles Sarah Palin lives by and she will be a positive influence in Washington that will bring change in government and change the spiritual climate also. Yes, she is human, but she honors God and that speaks volumes!

    My wife went to Pensacola Florida today to hear Sarah Palin and she said the atmosphere was charged with excitement and the peaceful presence of God.

    We have a wonderful opportunity to usher in a time of revival and spiritual change. However, we must pray, believe and seek after righteousness and then God will do the rest.

    No I’m not a Pastor, but my heart of love for each of you is strong. I sincerely mean that.

    This is for all of you…

    This Is Why I Praise

    My Father, I will exalt Thee,
    I will bless the name of the Lord
    I’ll praise You for Your goodness,
    And then I’ll seek for more,

    My lips will sing and worship,
    With words that will proclaim,
    The depth of my heart’s passion,
    For Christ and His great name,

    The name that has all power,
    To restore the soul with peace,
    To heal the brokenhearted,
    And to bring forth liberty,

    Freedom has a price to pay,
    Which Jesus paid for us,
    He is our precious Savior,
    In Him we place our trust,

    Delivered from all evil,
    Our lives now washed in love,
    The stains of sin He covered,
    Then cleansed them by His blood,

    This is why I worship,
    And sing my songs of praise,
    The Lord of all the ages,
    Walks with me throughout the day.

    Comment by Jeff — October 7, 2008 @ 8:50 pm | Reply

  99. I just watched the debate and of course, they media is spouting how horrible McCain was, how he lost etc. It’s amazing to me how they can continually announce how unpopular and stupid he is, though the polls reflect otherwise. This is a tight race, but I am believing God on this one. Those numbers don’t mean anything to me, what matter to me is what “thus sayeth the Lord”.

    Comment by Lisa — October 7, 2008 @ 9:04 pm | Reply

  100. This Entry is For God and Country;

    America-My Home

    America, my homeland,
    A place where I am free,
    To live in peace and safety,
    The land of liberty,

    She’s blessed by God Almighty,
    So each of us can be,
    A light from God in heaven,
    And give hope to those in need,

    His hand of strength extended,
    Reaching out to fearful hearts,
    As He gives them reassurance,
    His joy He does impart,

    From city streets to hillsides,
    In the fields of golden grain,
    God Bless our sweet America,
    By the power of Jesus name.

    To everyone that seeks Him,
    He will bless them all with life,
    And they’ll see His flag of glory,
    In this land where grace abides.

    Comment by Jeff — October 7, 2008 @ 9:09 pm | Reply

  101. Your words are an inspiration, but I challenge the idea that God has chosen Sarah Palin and John McCain to lead this country. Nor do I think that Jesus, as someone indicated, would affiliate himself for or against any political party. I believe Jesus would be above and beyond politics. Jesus called us to love and assist our neighbors. I don’t see either party professing this love and assistance. Jesus preached that the wealthy have as much chance getting to heaven as a camel through the eye of a needle. Surely the party that is responsible for the greed of Wall Street and the oil companies who pray on the working man is the Republican Party.

    The ideals of America that we hold dear are freedom and hard work. I think Jesus would be for these principles, but Jesus would probably support a vastly different political and economic system than we have here in the United States.

    Comment by TG — October 8, 2008 @ 9:58 am | Reply

  102. Well Put T G,

    In a non perfect world however, we must make choices that many times people do not understand. We are limited in understanding compared to God’s infinite wisdom. Man sees the Church as radical, finatical and foolish, but the “Word” say, “I will take the foolish things and confound the wise”; paraphrased, but still in context.

    Unfortunately God has to deal with the flesh, sin and the fear that many have. That is, to step up-step out- be accountable and seek God on the issues. So, Republican or Democrat the problem is the same; we all deal with choices, sin and the flesh.

    You ask what does this have to do with the election; chess.

    Through the years, if the Church is praying and doing its part in the world, preparations are made spiritually for men and women of destiny. The chess game begins.

    In this election the fact is that Sarah Palin has spiritual wisdom proven by her relationship to the Pastors and churches in Wasilla Alaska. God moves again on the board of destiny and His will. He has raised up a Christian leader for this season of history.

    That is only part of the picture. The other pieces are falling in place as we see the Church start to unite in a wonderful way. Does God endorse a Republican or Democrat?

    God is not a respector of persons, but He is a respector of faith and our willingness to seek Him and pray as those that love righteousness and moral values.

    In this case it seems that a Republican V-P candidate has those credentials. Her impact on Washington can have so many positive influences. Plus, her political relationship with John McCain can give great discernment to decision making in matters of state.

    That is why I am glad that this has brought the Church together in a way that makes all of us reach deep inside and ask God what our part is in the plan for “Election 08”.

    Finally, God endorses His will and not man’s political agenda. God checkmates satan and sends revival, restoration and power back into the Church. His vision is discerned (spiritually) and He equips the saints to be, “The Victorious Body of Christ”

    I’m preaching…please forgive me T.G., but I really enjoy sharing my heart and this blog page has inspired me to a new level…thank you so much!

    I have some more poetry I’ll share in my next entry. I hope my spelling is good.

    I recently wrote a book, but the publisher did the spell check…ha!

    Comment by Jeff — October 8, 2008 @ 12:57 pm | Reply

  103. These poems come from life. I write them from many of my personal experiences and I find comfort in writing and sharing it with others.

    No matter what Church, listen up-Ok? Let’s be the light in a world that is growing dim from fear. The Church is not four walls and a sermon. The “Church” is a powerful manifestation of God through people that know Him and have a relationship with Him; relationship, that is the key.

    I have taken a lot of space on this blog page with several entries, but I pray that each of you can hear and feel my heart. We are family, I love you and our country.

    Perhaps this poem is a word for someone, I hope it blesses you. Thanks again for your patience and kind replies.

    What Am I Going To Do?

    I come to you with outstretched arms,

    The tears they sting my eyes,

    I never felt this way before,

    But now I realize,

    That in my strength I can not win,

    So I cry out to you Lord,

    I know that You will answer,

    As I knock on heaven’s door,

    Not like the man that evening,

    When travelers came that way,

    The man inside said “I’m in bed,

    Please won’t you go away?”

    I’ve always loved You Father,

    And I just want to say,

    You’ve always been there for me,

    And You held me as I prayed,

    Thank You Holy Spirit,

    You’ve filled my heart again,

    With the power and the presence,

    Of the Lord, My God, My friend,

    When others come and ask me,

    Is it really true?

    I’ll tell them that You answered,

    Now, I know what I will do!

    Comment by Jeff — October 8, 2008 @ 1:15 pm | Reply

  104. God, we cry out for MERCY. We confess the sins of our nation to you…..the sin of Idolotry, the sin of Covetousness, and it against You only that we have sinned oh God. Please turn our hearts back to you Lord Jesus and cause our trust and faith to be only in You. Please bless Todd and Sarah Palin Lord as they stand for You and humble themselves to trust you. Please protect them and keep them safe and may all of the praise, glory and honor be unto You…..In the name of Jesus…..amen.

    Comment by Warren — October 8, 2008 @ 7:13 pm | Reply

  105. So when these “God sent leaders” lose their precious election, what will you all be saying then? I’m not saying that any of this did or did not happen — I wasn’t there, I wouldn’t know. Although if there is video footage, I’d love to see it!

    Comment by jen — October 8, 2008 @ 11:11 pm | Reply

  106. In this broken sin-filled world Christ is our everlasting salvation. Thanks to our Lord God who has used you Pastor Mark to get His message to candidates McCain & Palin!!!!! My prayers continue daily for the salvation of our nation! God is good every day!!!!!!!!

    Comment by Janice Richardson — October 9, 2008 @ 4:41 pm | Reply

  107. I have been upset with how low the McCain/Palin ticket have gone. I’m sad that people who are suppose to be Christians have been on t.v. lieing and forming angry mobs of people to hurt a fellow American. I will pray to God that Palin comes back to Christ and exhibit Christ’s loving behavior so the whole world can see. And hopefully the people on t.v. don’t find out about her husband Todd belonging to Alaskan Independent Party that says they hate America and have no use for us. It’s helped funded by Iran our enemies, and enemies of God. Let’s pray that Sarah and Todd renounce the evil in their lives.

    Comment by Sarah — October 9, 2008 @ 7:56 pm | Reply

  108. Reading this whole thread makes me embarrassed that I’m an American.

    Sarah Palin is a pawn in the Republican political campaign. If she truly were as smart and independent and determined and “mavericky” as she thinks she is, she would have turned down the nomination for vice president knowing full well that she was playing right along with the same old political game.

    Comment by TD — October 9, 2008 @ 11:45 pm | Reply

  109. Be of GOOD COURAGE!…

    I listened to a friend, Reverend Wayne Perryman host the Michael
    Medved radio show. I was pleased to hear a fellow, black conservative
    echo the voice of so many of us. We are ignored by the media……As I
    was listening I saw (on FOX……

    Trackback by Jeff Morton — October 10, 2008 @ 7:36 am | Reply

  110. I have visited many blogs on issues in this election. The views that these people hold are expressed correctly. We may disagree with the views on Sarah and Todd expressed here, but they are expressed in moderation. I suggest leaving this group alone to discuss the issues among themselves and concentrate on finding other sites where similar views are expressed in ways that are not done here.These people’s opinions are expressed legitimately as far as I can see. I ask fellow democrats to leave this group alone, they have the right to like Todd and Sarah.

    Comment by dummidumbwit — October 10, 2008 @ 9:16 am | Reply

  111. Well said and “amen” to your last post dummidumbwit. Kinda reminds me of:

    When they heard this, they were furious and plotted to kill them. Then one of the council stood up, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law held in respect by all the people, and commanded them to put the apostles outside for a little while…..

    And he said to them: “Men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what you intend to do regarding these men……And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it–lest you even be found to fight against God”.
    Acts 5

    I read pastor Mark’s email account and to the radio interview and on both occasions was greatly encouraged in my faith, and strengthend in my understanding that God truely is in control of the affairs of man and loves His creation beyond what we can even begin to comprehend.

    Maranatha! Lord Jesus.

    Comment by Warren — October 10, 2008 @ 2:34 pm | Reply

  112. Thank you dummindumbwit…appreciate your gracious attitude.

    Comment by Lisa — October 10, 2008 @ 3:22 pm | Reply

  113. With Every Beat Of My Heart,
    One Drummer’s Devotional…
    “If My People Will Pray”

    As we read 2 Chronicles 7:14 we can see the promise, the answer and how laying down our pride and selfishness will reap great rewards.

    We must be repentant, prayerful and sincere. The transformation and restoration can then begin because God is at the center of our lives. Then grace and mercy can flow freely from His hand and His heart…Amen!

    I join the millions that are praying and fasting at this time for God to intervene and for true repentance to come from people everywhere. This united front of faith and obedience with a spirit of repentance can’t help but usher in the power of God and His sovereignty. “To God be the glory, He is still on the throne.”

    Another thing that is becoming apparent is that the “Church” is being called to greater service and unity. The revelation of God’s end-time plan is being heralded by the watchmen of God’s Kingdom. Intercessors are sounding the alarm and the “Church” is responding.

    Change comes from a sincere heart and from humility. I pray everyday that this continues in the “Body of Christ” and that the Lord will be seen as sovereign, loving and merciful.

    People who have a heart for righteousness and God’s wisdom can change a nation instead of the nation changing them. When leaders themselves find Christ and when He is honored in the White House, the Congress and the Senate, we will see how the heartbeat of change can restore a nation’s vision and restore prosperity once again.

    That’s why I support John McCain And Sarah Palin. I believe they understand more of the spiritual issues than their opponents. Do I despise Barack Obama or do I have any racial intolerance?; not in the least.

    If you look at this blog page carefully you can see the mixture of anger, bitterness, and division along with sincerety, love and a spirit of unity.

    So, I say to everyone, dig deep inside and pray from the soul and ask God for mercy, direction and restoration for America…now, not tomorrow, pray now and until we see the results. We are supposed to be the light, not a bonfire of protest. Let’s all get on the same page.

    I want the heart of God throughout our government and the wisdom of heaven to be the defining factor in every policy and decision in Washington. We have a lot to do saints; let’s get praying! Pray for America and what she was founded upon; “One nation, under God”

    The Cry for Change

    The cries for change are being heard,

    But is it the change God sees,

    That will change the face of a nation,

    And bring peace and prosperity?

    For this is man’s limitations,

    He is flesh and he is weak,

    And in the quest for leadership,

    He has anointed himself to be king!

    “Not by might, nor by man’s power,

    But by My Spirit”, says the Lord,

    “For My mercy holds back danger,

    And I’ll establish truth once more,”

    Whatever people want the most,

    This, they all shall seek,

    But in the final hours,

    They’ll still see they are weak,

    The cry for change is everywhere,

    But the only King man needs,

    Is the Son of God, the Precious One,

    In Him rests everything.

    Scripture Reference:NIV

    2 Chronicles 7:14
    1 Samuel 8
    Colossians 1:15-23

    Comment by Jeff — October 10, 2008 @ 3:47 pm | Reply

  114. While I am not overly fond of either candidate in this election, I do believe that I (and all Amercians) have the moral obligation to choose the BEST candidate for the job. To do this, I look closely at what I believe and know to be God’s truth. Then, I carefully evaluate each candidate and see which one most closely aligns with the Bible and what I believe.

    When this path is taken, it’s clearly easy to see which candidate is better suited.

    I don’t claim to be all knowing when it comes to politics, finances, foreign policy, etc., but I can see the character of each candidate. That’s enough to scare me into the polls next month.

    As for McCain, I had always been convinced that he is a Democrat wearing a Republican suit because he needed a ticket to run on. To me, he seemed and stodgy, but as time has gone on, my opinion has changed SOME.

    I do like Sarah Palin. I think she’s common and down to earth and so long as she doesn’t catch the political illness that so prevalent in Washington (as long as she stays true to her morals and beliefs), she’ll be fine. She has to be stronger than the political machine in Washington. Sadly, I haven’t seen too many in my short 31 years of life that have managed to overcome it.

    We will see.

    As for Obama — he really scares me. He’s very articulate and clean with his words. However, he seems empty and unable to back up his plan with substance. Also, after researching his background and character, etc, he seems to surround himself with radical left wing people. The whole “rock star Obama-mania” is really scary to me. I am also leery of his background – his former name was Barry, but after a “revelation” trip to the Middle East, he insisted on being called Barack from now on. Pre-cursor to the antichrist anyone? I can’t prove that…but something in my heart says that Obama is one to keep your eyes planted on…watch closely and pray hard.

    After much reading and researching, I think that most of his campaign money (BTW: possibly the largest campaign fund to date for a presidential candidate) is coming from foreign sources (namely the Middle East). That should make you shiver. Now, I have no idea why contributors from foreign countries are allowed to contribute to a campaign fund for a US President. There definitely needs to be rules against this. I surely do get WHY international people would want to contribute — in essence, they are buying this election to put a man in place that will further their agendas.

    If nothing I’ve mentioned above doesn’t scare you about Obama, then at least look at his moral decisions. He firmly supports gay marriages and partial birth abortions. Because I know and believe what the Bible says, I cannot cast my vote for Barack.

    If nothing else, this election is certainly becoming more and more interesting.

    My philosophy is simple at best: What is popular is not always right; what is right is not always popular.

    Now, I know that there will probably be others to bash what I say or attack me. That’s OK. I’ve had my say and you’re free to have yours.

    Thanks for reading.

    P.S. I know this is soooo long, but here is an email that I received about Barack. I’ve done some digging, but have not had the chance to fully research it. I have no reason yet to doubt it though. Would like to hear other’s comments!

    Here it is:

    A friend of mine sent me this. Haven’t had the chance to check all the sources and verify, but she lists the sources at the bottom. See what you think. I cannot and will not tell you how to vote. I do know what my vote is… But, as for you, just please keep an open mind to what you are seeing and hearing during this election and make wise and informed decisions. Research is important! Trust, but verify.

    As forwarded:

    To All My Friends, this is long, but very important, please take the time to read it. This election has me very worried. So many things to consider. About a year ago I would have voted for Obama. I have changed my mind three times since than. I watch all the news channels, jumping from one to another. I must say this drives my husband crazy. But, I feel if you view MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News, you might get some middle ground to work with. About six months ago, I started thinking ‘where did the money come from for Obama’? I have four daughters who went to College, and we were middle class, and money was tight. We (including my girls) worked hard and there were lots of student loans.

    I started looking into Obama’s life.

    Around 1979 Obama started college at Occidental in California . He is very open about his two years at Occidental, he tried all kinds of drugs and was wasting his time but, even though he had a brilliant mind, did not apply himself to his studies. ‘Barry’ (that was the name he used all his life) during this time had two roommates, Muhammad Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, both from Pakistan .

    During the summer of 1981, after his second year in college, he made a ’round the world’ trip. Stopping to see his mother in Indonesia, next Hyderabad in India, three weeks in Karachi, Pakistan where he stayed with his roommate’s family, then off to Africa to visit his father’s family. My question – Where did he get the money for this trip? Neither I, nor any one of my children would have had money for a trip like this when they where in college. When he came back he started school at Columbia University in New York. It is at this time he wanted everyone to call him Barack – not Barry. Do you know what the tuition is at Columbia ? It’s not cheap to say the least! Where did he get money for tuition? Student Loans? Maybe.

    After Columbia, he went to Chicago to work as a Community Organizer for $12,000. a year. Why Chicago? Why not New York? He was already living in New York. By ‘chance’ he met Antoin ‘Tony’ Rezko, born in Aleppo, Syria, and a real estate developer in Chicago . Rezko has been convicted of fraud and bribery this year. Rezko, was named ‘Entrepreneur of the Decade’ by the Arab-American Business and Professional Association’. About two years later, Obama entered Harvard Law School . Do you have any idea what tuition is for Harvard Law School? Where did he get the money for Law School? More student loans? After Law school, he went back to Chicago . Rezko offered him a job, which he turned down. But, he did take a job with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland. Guess what? They represented ‘Rezar’ which Rezko’s firm. Rezko was one of Obama’s first major financial contributors when he ran for office in Chicago . In 2003, Rezko threw an early fundraiser for Obama which Chicago Tribune reporter David Mendelland claims was instrumental in providing Obama with ‘seed money’ for his U.S. Senate race. In 2005, Obama purchased a new home in Kenwoood District of Chicago for $1.65 million (less than asking price). With ALL those Student Loans – Where did he get the money for the property? On the same day Rezko’s wife, Rita, purchased the adjoining empty lot for full price. The London Times reported that Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi-born Billionaire loaned Rezko $3.5 million three weeks before Obama’s new home was purchased. Obama met Nadhmi Auchi many times with Rezko.

    Now, we have Obama running for President!

    Valerie Jarrett, was Michele Obama’s boss. She is now Obama’s chief advisor and he does not make any major decisions without talking to her first. Where was Jarrett born? Ready for this? Shiraz, Iran! Do we see a pattern here? Or am I going crazy?

    On May 10, 2008, The Times reported, “Robert Malley advisor to Obama was ‘sacked’ after the press found out he was having regular contacts with ‘Hamas'”, which controls Gaza and is connected with Iran .. This past week, buried in the back part of the papers, Iraqi newspapers reported that during Obama’s visit to Iraq, he asked their leaders to do nothing about the war until after he is elected, and he will ‘Take care of things’.

    Oh, and by the way, remember the college roommates that were born in Pakistan? They are in charge of all those ‘small’ Internet campaign contribution for Obama. Where is that money coming from? The poor and middle class in this country? Or could it be from the Middle East?

    [See this email: Subject: New York Times Editorial
    Published: June 29, 2008
    Go to Columnist Page

    Certainly the most interesting and potentially devastating.


    Certainly the most interesting and potentially devastating phone call I have received during this election cycle came this week from one of the Obama’s campaign internet geeks. These are the staffers who devised Obama’s internet fund raising campaign which raised in the neighborhood of $200 million so far. That is more then twice the total funds raised by any candidate in history and this was all from the internet campaign.

    What I learned from this insider was shocking but I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that when it comes to fund raising there simply are no rules that can’t be broken and no ethics that prevail.

    Obama’s internet campaign started out innocently enough with basic e-mail networking , lists saved from previous party campaigns and from supporters who visited any of the Obama campaign web sites.

    Small contributions came in from these sources and the internet campaign staff were more than pleased by the results.

    Then, about two months into the campaign the daily contribution intake multiplied. Where was it coming from? One of the web site security monitors began to notice the bulk of the contributions were clearly coming in from overseas internet service providers and at the rate and frequency of transmission it was clear these donations were programmed by a very sophisticated user.

    While the security people were not able to track most of the sources due to firewalls and other blocking devices put on these contributions they were able to collate the number of contributions that were coming in seemingly from individuals but the funds were from only a few credit card accounts and bank electronic funds transfers. The internet service providers (ISP) they were able to trace were from Saudi Arabia , Iran , and other Middle Eastern countries. One of the banks used for fund transfers was also located in Saudi Arabia ..

    Another concentrated group of donations was traced to a Chinese ISP with a similar pattern of limited credit card charges.

    It became clear that these donations were very likely coming from sources other than American voters. This was discussed at length within the campaign and the decision was made that none of these donations violated campaign financing laws.

    It was also decided that it was not the responsibility of the campaign to audit these millions of contributions as to the actual source (specific credit card number or bank transfer account numbers) to insure that none of these internet contributors exceeded the legal maximum donation on a cumulative basis of many small donations. They also found the record keeping was not complete enough to do it anyway.

    This is a shocking revelation.

    We have been concerned about the legality of bundling contributions after the recent exposure of illegal bundlers but now it appears we may have an even greater problem.

    I guess we should have been somewhat suspicious when the numbers started to come out. We were told (no proof offered) that the Obama internet contributions were from $10.00 to $25.00 or so.

    If the $200,000,000 is right, and the average contribution was $15.00, that would mean over 13 million individuals made contributions? That would also be 13 million contributions would need to be processed. How did all that happen?

    I believe the Obama campaign’s internet fund raising needs a serious, in depth investigation and audit. It also appears the whole question of internet fund raising needs investigation by the legislature and perhaps new laws to insure it complies not only with the letter of these laws but the spirit as well.


    The fact that the NY Times allowed this to be printed is amazing in itself.]

    And the final bit of news. On September 7, 2008, The Washington Times posted a verbal slip that was made on ‘This Week’ with George Stephanapoulos. Obama on talking about his religion said, ‘My Muslim faith’. When questioned, ‘he make a mistake’. Some mistake!

    All of the above information I got on line. If you would like to check it – Wikipedia, encyclopedia, Barack Obama; Tony Rezko; Valerie Jarrett: Daily Times – Obama visited Pakistan in 1981; The Washington Times – September 7, 2008; The Times May 10, 2008.

    Now the BIG question – If I found out all this information on my own, Why haven’t all of our ‘intelligent’ members of the press been reporting this?

    A phrase that keeps ringing in my ear – ‘Beware of the enemy from within’!!!

    Comment by Sheila Dawn — October 10, 2008 @ 4:22 pm | Reply


    Hey everyone did you hear? Sarah Palin is now confirmed to be a complete and total hypocrite. As well as a terrorist sympathizer.

    Comment by madmonq — October 10, 2008 @ 4:33 pm | Reply

  116. I would like to thank John McCain & Sarah Palin, for standing up for us and trying their very hardest to get the true word out, about Borack Hussien Obama.

    God is on your side no matter what they say about you John & Sarah, be strong! We are praying for you. Thank you also for opening my eyes and bringing me back to the light. God be with you.

    Comment by Tammy — October 10, 2008 @ 8:22 pm | Reply

  117. The Lord is speaking thru my VP Sarah Palin.
    Don’t listen to That One, listen to Sarah.
    And vote for me.

    Comment by John McCain — October 11, 2008 @ 3:18 am | Reply

  118. I would hardly say that she’s a “total hypocrite”. She was protecting her family and the citizens of Alaska by having this man fired. Do you think an officer of the law should be allowed to use a taser on children and give death threats? Once again, Sarah Palin is not “allowed” to have family and personal problems. Incidentally, they did not recommend any charges be brought against her. Madmonq, why don’t you take the high road like dummindumbwit did and leave the people on this blog alone. We like and believe in Sarah Palin and if protecting her family is the worse thing she does, I’m okay with that.

    Comment by Lisa — October 11, 2008 @ 6:11 am | Reply

  119. Look like a “smear campaing” and nothing else.

    One thing I do wonder about in this Divine appointment that Pastor Mark Arnold had, and I am not disputing it’s validity at all. Did Pastor Mark obey the Lord when he allowed this encounter to be put out on the internet?

    Comment by Warren — October 11, 2008 @ 6:46 am | Reply

  120. Of course its a smear campaign. And I’m not even saying there was absolutely no wrong-doing on her part, people often do things they wouldn’t normally do to protect their family. Its human nature and again, one reason that we love Sarah is that she is flawed and she is human,just like the rest of us. But as I said earlier, a man in the position of State Trooper should not be using weapons on children, drinking on the job and threatening the family of his ex-wife. Isn’t this a no-brainer??

    Interesting question you posed abour Mark Arnold, Warren…I don’t know the answer to it though…….

    Comment by Lisa — October 11, 2008 @ 7:49 am | Reply

  121. I used to think the Republican party was the party of the elite.

    Now I see that it has become the party of the ignorant. How can people with any reasonable amount of intelligence believe this stuff? The man is either deluded, mentally ill, or completely self-serving. This has traveled around the Internet like a socially-engineered virus.

    How can people not see that the Republican power base is cynically using the ignorant people in this country to further their agenda?

    Consider please that God is not a ‘personal God’, that God is not a benevolent old man in a white beard sitting up high on a bed of clouds. Consider that God is not an entity that is separate from you or the rest of creation. God is a concept that you have made. God has been made in the image of men. Consider that religion is a man-made construct, superstitions that have been passed down from generations like a game of telephone. It is based in fear and rooted in backwards thinking from thousands of years ago. This slavish adherence and belief in religious structures is being used as a tool for controlling people. You can in fact wake up to this, if you are willing to critically look at it. I was brought up indoctrinated in this foolishness, and fortunately had the willingness to see it for what it is.

    Comment by James — October 11, 2008 @ 10:25 am | Reply

  122. II Chron. 7:14 ” IF MY PEOPLE who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

    The Word of God (Bible) says it all. Our nation needs healing.

    Comment by Lonnie Haven — October 11, 2008 @ 12:48 pm | Reply

  123. I have read some very disturbing things on here. My daughter sent me this message because she thought it would be of interest to me. For those of you that don’t believe God uses women, well you better be talking to God yourself, for when he called me to preach it took me 2 years to finally give in, but even if I told you, you would not have believed what I went through. I am the Pastor and servant for the Lord of a small Non-Denominational Church. Does God speak to me? You bet, and if he doesn’t speak to you then you haven’t let him within your heart to take up existence, so he can speak to you. As for the election I do not preach against one or the other. But I can tell you, if Obama gets elected, yes the end times will be very near. When he refuses to say that he would go to Israel’s defense, he made a very bad mistake. I am neither Rep. or Dem. so I stand for neither of them. But, I do think that you are all missing one particular point that Pastor Arnold is saying. Pray, Pray, Pray. You had better be praying for this country and the turmoil we are in. God does send people with messages, as he sent me with one this very week. The person told me there is no way you could have known this. I didn’t. God told me. Am I saying I am a Prophet? No, I am just God’s vessel and most happy to be one. Bless you all and I am sorry to find yet another site where Christians continue to argue. Set back and watch the power of of Lord. Pastor Liz

    Comment by Pastor Liz — October 11, 2008 @ 2:48 pm | Reply

  124. What sadness that we have people like James #118 that thinks Christians and Republicans are ignorant people.
    I thank God every day for all my Blessings and the privilege to live in this wonderful USA that was founded in Gods word. This man probably beleives that we all came from monkeys and as we all know we can’t reason with monkeys.
    It has been proven that God and Jesus exist, and those that do not believe are lost souls. It always amazes me that these unbelievers still will date their correspondence with either AD or BC. Dear Paster please continue in your great work for God, Country, Senator McCain and Governer Palin. I to believe they will be the only salvation for our country
    and only with prayer to our Great God will we survive.
    Thank you,
    Anita Hathaway

    Comment by ANITA HATHAWAY — October 11, 2008 @ 6:16 pm | Reply

  125. In reading the many things about Gov. Sarah Palin, I came upon the following comments by Congressman Christopher Shays (R-CT) in regards to rumors, innuendo and accusations levied against then Gov. Rowland of CT. Gov. Rowland was allegedly involved in and investigated in similar fashion as is Gov Palin.

    “On Monday, fourth district Representative Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) called for the governor to resign, citing improper behavior and character flaws as the sources of Rowland’s political problems. “We all make mistakes,” Shays said. “We all have a right to ask for forgiveness. I was prepared to forgive John [Rowland] and give him more time, but I am not prepared to stand by a governor, even a friend, who has done wrong, lied about it, and then refused to account for his actions.” Shays emphasized the loss of public trust “and the lack of desire on behalf of this governor to win back the public’s trust” rather than illegal conduct as the main reason Rowland should step down.”

    Is it time for good Christians to admit that Sarah Palin simply is not possessed of the appropriate character values to receive the blessings of clergy from across the multiple denominations? Sarah Palin is, in the most generous definition, a serious sinner. A sinner who seeks no forgiveness or redemption by confessing. Can a sinner who actively refuses the blessings thru confession be the beneficiary of what I read above?? Are the people of my chosen faith more interested in politics than they are in following the Word of God?? Can this be??

    Comment by Sauerkraut aka Pity Party Palin — October 11, 2008 @ 8:59 pm | Reply

  126. Lisa, the smear campaign I was referring to was the “salon” thingy that madmonq posted. Sorry about not clarifying that.

    James, anyone that does not believe in God is the ignorant one. In fact, demons believe in God and tremble. In fact the Bible informs us that if someone doesn’t believe in God that person is a Fool.


    Pastor Liz, the word “all” is a very inclusive word and when you say…. “I do think that you are all missing one particular point that pastor Arnold is saying. Pray, Pray, Pray.” I didn’t miss the point. Please refer to my very first post on here, Post #102. I am still praying by the way. Also I am in disagreement with you about…. “I am sorry to find yet another site where Christians continue to argue.” From what I read the christians that are posting seem to be in unity but the ones that are in sharp disagreement and posting rather ignorantly are the ones that need to know the love of Jesus Christ IMHO (In My Humble Opinion).

    If anyone know’s pastor Arnold, please ask him if God told him to allow this divine encounter to be posted on the internet.

    Be Blessed and as pastor Arnold and pastor Liz pointed out…..pray!

    Comment by Warren — October 11, 2008 @ 10:29 pm | Reply

  127. Sheila, the big question you ask at the end of the post…..the answer is blantantly obvious. Most of the TV media is controled by people that are in the tank to get Obama elected, and doing everything in thier power they think they can get away with to make it happen.
    Most of them have lost their objectivity and their reason and have become bitter and rabid at the thought of a McCain/Palin ticket might actually get elected.
    For political news and reporting, I had to quit watching the mainstream media because of this and pretty much watch only FoxNews, and things from the internet that are not blatantly biased for Obama. He doesn’t scare me but I see him as a puppet on a string and the strings that control him are many and varried and run deep and powerful. But God is in control. I firmly believe that.

    Comment by Warren — October 11, 2008 @ 10:44 pm | Reply

  128. Wow, this is all certainly fascinating. I don’t know all that much about Sarah Palin, but when I first heard of her I did have a strong feeling that she is a wonderful woman of God. I like many things about her, and I appreciate her candidness along with her godly confidence. I will be following this election closely. It is a mystery to me how we can be in the Last Days and yet we may soon have a very strong Christian in a place of leadership. I know God has great plans for his people. I am just amazed to be watching all of this unfold….

    Comment by andrealudwig — October 11, 2008 @ 11:11 pm | Reply

  129. I respect you for your position, and have no doubt that you are a man of God. With that said, let me just say, that I too am a Christian, and I don’t believe the God of Heaven and Earth, the Alpha and the Omega, is a Republican or a Democrat. It is a bit arrogant to pretend to know God’s mind, and it belittles your Democratic brothers and sisters to assert that God has chosen a side. It belittles God to inject him into a political process that is dirty and beneath him. My God is the God of the New testament, and that God cares about the poor, more than judging homosexuality, My God cares more about forgiveness and turning the other cheek, more than punishing women who have been raped or have had incest committed against them, by making them carry an infant to term.

    We as a congregation, have forgotten all but the scriptures that defend our political points and the party we have chosen. The Republican party holds no special favor in God’s eye. It is an institution of man, wrought with the same impurities as man. With McCain/Palin being so negative this election, I’m surprised that anyone could equate their actions with that of the pure, just, and almighty God. Of course Obama/Biden are not much better, but if we are going to have an election of men, let’s keep this debate grounded in policy and not inject God into something that is so clearly beneath him.

    God doesn’t care if your children win their football game, he doesn’t care if you get out of the speeding ticket which you most likely deserve, he doesn’t care if your favorite T.V. show comes back for another season, and he most assuredly does not care about which God fearing man is elected, because be assured, they are both men of God, and it would be wise of us to remember that.

    God Bless,
    Jerame Clough
    -Next Gen Politics

    Comment by nextgen08 — October 11, 2008 @ 11:29 pm | Reply

  130. I do not deny that God exists. But the God that *you think* exists, exists as a concept that is born out of the religious structures that MAN has created. Man has created a the concept of a God that exists in man’s image — an entity that is separate from man, and that exists in form that can be understood by the human mind. If you stop and think about this, you can clearly see that this is the truth. People believe what they believe not because of direct knowledge but because they were told this.

    Consider the other possibility that God is not separate from all of creation — not separate from you, me, the rocks in the ground and the stars above. Why do you think that God exists as a separate entity with a human-like volition? Without the human thought that God is separate, would God be separate? You can clearly see that it is our conceptual mind that has created this separation, and that has created the believe and religious structures around these concepts. And primarily that is born out of fear.

    As Mr. Clough says above … God does not care about the trivialities of our small lives, including the political process. Can you not see that it is our own selfishness that petitions God to select a particular politician, to fix our dissatisfaction or personal problems? We are not righteous, we are self-centered.

    Comment by James — October 12, 2008 @ 7:04 am | Reply

  131. James…..your are correct…..”We are not righteous, we are self-centered.”

    Hence our desperate need of God doing thru Jesus His Son what we could not nor never could do for ourselves. We are only saved thru Jesus. Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except thru me.

    But your a fool and ignorant in that you think I have created God. I am an eternal spirit, have a soul and live in a body and thus am a created being. Everything was created by and for God.

    Comment by Warren — October 12, 2008 @ 1:18 pm | Reply

  132. You’re right — you have not created God. Man has created the *concept* of God. This is a simple fact that cannot be disputed. What we think about God, what we talk about to others, the image of God that we have in our thoughts and imagination, is a product of human cognition. Conceptualization cannot encompass the whole, as it is only an aspect of the whole. Don’t mistake the thought-about-the-thing for the thing itself.

    What is God if you remove the thoughts and concepts that we have about God? What is God when you remove the doctrines of religions that serve more to divide people than to join people? This is not an easy thing to look at directly, and the simple minded refuse to do so. That is why they are so easily manipulated by the religious leadership — whether Christian, Muslim, or otherwise.

    Comment by James — October 12, 2008 @ 2:14 pm | Reply

  133. I would request that all would read 1 Thes. 4:13-18. Make sure all your family is ready. By all means pray that you make the right choice when you vote.
    He said occupy until I return. Look up and rejoice, our redemption draweth near.

    Comment by Beverly — October 12, 2008 @ 4:16 pm | Reply

  134. James, we have not created the concept of God, as you claim. God has revealed himself to us through the Bible. It is not that hard to get to know him and his character, but you do need to open up your Bible and your mind and ask him to reveal himself to you. You cannot understand biblical truths without his help/revelation. Understanding such things takes spritual insight and discernment which we do not automatically have. We have to humble ourselves and ask for it.

    One thing that originally helped me to begin to believe in God and understand his truths was prophecy. Many times throughout the Bible, God has told us hundreds of years in advance what he was going to do or what was going to happen, AND IT DID.

    Asserting the false claims that you do shows that you have fallen for Satan’s lies. The opinion you have stated is a common one. It is Satan who wants you to believe God is a figment of people’s imaginations.

    These comments you and I have posted do not have much to do with Sarah Palin. I can discuss spiritual issues further on my blog if you would like. It’s what I do. =)

    My blog is Everyone is invited to come join in the discussion!

    Comment by andrealudwig — October 12, 2008 @ 5:03 pm | Reply

  135. Please excuse the typo. That should read “spiritual discernment,” not “spritual.” =) Still imperfect, aren’t I? But forgiven! And on my way to perfection! {Not there yet!}

    Comment by andrealudwig — October 12, 2008 @ 5:05 pm | Reply

  136. I like a lot of others on here do not live by doctrines of mankind. I live by the doctrines of the Holy Word. Our church does not have manmade traditions and we are not about numbers nor money. We believe the poor and elderly should be tended to and we do all we can as a church and we do it lovingly and willingly. God is not a figment of my imagination, he is very real and his son did die for everyones sins. Now, whether someone wants to except this is their choice. They should be sure that they make the proper choice. Warren, I apologize, I read so many post, I am not saying that everyone is arguing, I misworded myself. I would like to see all churhes and people in prayer. And it does matter to some who becomes President, so we must watch closely. I am like someone else said, I only watch Fox News. I find that they try to be fair to everyone that is running. At this time with our country in turmoil, I pray for a strong leadership and one that does take guidance from God, for without him, we all will make messes of our lives. After all we are only flesh. Bless all of you and let us continue in prayer. Pastor Liz

    Comment by Pastor Liz — October 12, 2008 @ 6:03 pm | Reply

  137. There is a difference in saying ‘God is a figment of your imagination’ (which is not what I am saying) and saying that we as humans conceptualize about what God is. The latter is undeniable. It can be seen directly, through simple observation of one’s own thought process. Anyone can do this, if they are willing to see the truth.

    When we talk about God or write about God as you have done, we are talking via our conceptual mind. I would invite anyone to really, honestly consider, what is God once you have stripped away your ideas of what God is?

    I was brought up in the Lutheran church. When I was 15 I had a moment, while in confirmation classes, where I saw clearly the truth that the pastor who was teaching was nothing more than a man talking about ideas and structures that he learned from his parents and his church. When he talked about God being omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, it hit me that if that is in fact true, then God is beyond what the human mind creates. God is not the idea that the pastor was teaching. He was a man doing a job, with his own personal interests, ambitions and agendas. I realized that God is not something that is separate from humanity or the rest of creation. It is WE who have created the thought that God is separate.

    All doctrines are created by mankind. As much as people wish to think otherwise, it is only wishful thinking. All we have are stories that have been passed down from successive generations. And if you don’t believe this, you can see it first hand in the Mormon church which is new enough to have a written history that can be studied.

    I would challenge anyone to consider also where you get your information upon which you base your choices and form your worldview. Whether it is Fox or MSNBC or something else, they all have a particular agenda. That agenda is NOT the truth. It is ratings and viewership. If you seek information that only reinforce your world view, then you are not interested in the truth.

    Comment by James — October 12, 2008 @ 7:29 pm | Reply

  138. James #127….my “concept” of God is based on what He tells me about Himself in His Word, the bible. The more I read and study it, the clearer my concept of Him becomes. God, please open the eyes of James’s heart and let your Kingdom come in his life.

    Beverly #128….I read that very passage today. Actually all of 1Thess4. I also think like you do, that it’s very close. Comfort one another with these words. In fact I heard a great sermon tape by Jay Vernon Magee today on the very subject. On the tape he refers to taking a ride in a DC10 jet airplane when they first came out, so you know that had to be the early 70’s. My finance’s 88 year old mother loaned me her tape set by Jay Vernon Magee about 2 weeks ago and his teaching is timeless because it’s based on God’s Word.

    Pastor Liz #129….Apology accepted. I was the one on here that mentioned about getting to the point of only watching Foxnews (see post #123). I also love UNITY. My favorite Psalm is Psalm 133…..
    “How good and pleasant it is when bretheren dwell together in UNITY….it is like precious oil poured out on the head, running down upon the beard, down upon Aron’s beard, down upon the colar of his robes. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mt. Zion….for there the Lord bestow’s His blessing…..even LIFE Forevermore”.

    Comment by Warren — October 12, 2008 @ 7:46 pm | Reply

  139. James #130….please see my previous post #131. Also, I agree with you that all doctrines are man made. God is real, He has and does communicate to us in various ways, but primarily the His word with I believe to be the bible and only the bible. The bible tells us that even the earth and the heavens declare there IS a God of creation. I would challenge you to ask God to reveal Himself to you “if He is real” and start to read the bible with an unbiased open mind and see what happens.

    Comment by Warren — October 12, 2008 @ 7:55 pm | Reply

  140. This might be a little off road for you folks, but there is a website that has a lot of interesting info on Palin, Obama, McCain, The Economy, especially the chip as the beast, all from an astrological perspective:

    Comment by rpm1122 — October 13, 2008 @ 12:57 am | Reply

  141. All those un-American people who slander us Republicans are communist retards.
    I am against abortion an Pro Life because we need more soldiers for our country. There will be more wars and we have to be prepared for that. Next is Iran, Syria and Korea. And between us, folks: I haven’t forgotten our old Chinese and Russian enemies …
    Don’t forget to vote for me November 4th!

    Comment by John McCain — October 13, 2008 @ 2:23 am | Reply

  142. andrealudwig….post #129…..amen!

    When I reference the post numbers, I thought I was correct in them but reading andrealudwig #129 I see I have given the wrong post reference numbers in some of my posts. How is that possible??? Does someone moderate this somehow and have the ability to change the numerical order? Somehow it looks like I was (1) one number off. I am confused. I know there is somewhat of a time delay whilst one is writing but I thought I was being very careful in putting the post number. Can anyone explain this???

    Be Blessed!!!

    Comment by Warren — October 13, 2008 @ 4:31 am | Reply

  143. God is already in my heart … and your heart … and everyone’s, because it doesn’t require an act of volition. But I do appreciate your sentiment. It’s our thought system that has made God into a separate entity. It’s not that there is a God OF creation. It’s that God IS creation. The metaphorical “fall” was when human cognition made God into a separate entity. The failure of those interpreting the Bible is not to recognize the metaphorical and allegorical aspect.

    So to say that one candidate or another is anointed, is more godly, will make a nation more pleasing to God, or that God will guide you in making a choice is: a. a demonstration of man’s hubris, b. actually self-centered and not God-centered.

    Comment by James — October 13, 2008 @ 5:54 am | Reply

  144. uhm…Do you think anyone really thinks you are the real John McCain? Come on, give us a break…..

    Comment by Lisa — October 13, 2008 @ 6:32 am | Reply

  145. LOL…..amen Lisa!

    Comment by Warren — October 13, 2008 @ 8:15 am | Reply

  146. Great and resourseful site Andrea….thanks.

    Comment by Warren — October 13, 2008 @ 1:12 pm | Reply

  147. I don’t believe that 137 is really John McCain. Do you all believe that?

    Comment by Beverly — October 13, 2008 @ 7:12 pm | Reply

  148. No, Beverly, I’m sure thats not our John McCain.

    Comment by Lisa — October 13, 2008 @ 8:07 pm | Reply

  149. You’re all completely insane. God doesn’t play politics, and God doesn’t favor America above everything else in the (*@!&$% universe. The day Sarah Palin is endorsed by God is the day I’m moving to Canada.

    Comment by Austin — October 14, 2008 @ 12:57 am | Reply

  150. I just finished reading the story of Pastor Mark Arnold. I was moved, that God can still use us Today. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer.
    I cannot say if this is true….although I can say I believe anything is possible with God. I know because of prayer I can rest assured that He will do all
    that is possible that His name be glorified in the coming election. I leave the election in his hand…all I can do is vote , do my part and leave the rest to God.!!!
    I pray that all you who read this story…believe that Through God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. TO GOD LET US GLORIFY~!!!!!

    Comment by Kathy — October 14, 2008 @ 6:36 am | Reply

  151. Why would someone want to play at being someone they are not? Do they not know that it is wrong and that if the real John McCain read the words, that he might take offence and take someone to task for saying such words? So sad that someone wants to be someone so bad, they would pretend to be a Senator. Pastor Liz

    Comment by Pastor Liz — October 14, 2008 @ 9:59 am | Reply

  152. I am so happy to hear that God is still using people and people are not scared to tell about it.

    Comment by Kim — October 14, 2008 @ 11:43 am | Reply

  153. Consider This,

    Could it be that this time of distress will wake the hearts of Americans to seek what mercy can do? As revival and restoration occur, an empowered “Church” can take the “Gospel” to a crumbling society. Then, God can turn the desert into a rich spiritual oasis. Sometimes a restoration project starts with tearing down the structure so it can be built back better and stronger. America what do you see?

    As we read 2 Chronicles 7:14 we can see the promise, the answer and how laying down our pride and selfishness will reap great rewards. We must be repentant, prayerful and sincere. Then the transformation and restoration can begin because God is at the center of our lives. Then grace and mercy can flow freely from His hand and His heart to us.

    I join the millions that are praying and fasting at this time for God to intervene and for true repentance to come from people everywhere. This united front of faith and obedience with a spirit of repentance can’t help but usher in the power of God and His sovereignty. “To God be the glory, He is still on the throne”.

    Another thing that is becoming apparent is that the “Church” is being called to greater service and unity. The revelation of God’s end-time plan is being heralded by the watchmen of God’s Kingdom. Change comes from a sincere heart and from humility.

    I pray everyday that this happens in the “Body of Christ” and that the Lord will be seen as sovereign, loving and merciful.

    People who have a heart for righteousness and God’s wisdom can change a nation instead of the nation changing them. When leaders themselves find Christ and when He is honored in the White House, the Congress and the Senate, we will see how the heartbeat of change can restore a nation’s vision and prosperity once again.

    I want to see the heart of God throughout our government and the wisdom of heaven to be the defining factor in policies and decision making in Washington. We have a lot to do saints; let’s get praying!

    I hope we all realize that if the wrong politicians get in office, blogs like this might one day be illegal; then what? Do we become members of the “First Church of the Hidden & Fearful?” God forbid, I’m voting for people who understand that change starts within each of us through Christ.

    Mercy is a power force and the Lord has offered it to us. What will become of us if we ignore this great gift and the priveledge of living in America?

    The Cry for Change

    The cries for change are being heard,
    But is it the change God sees,
    That will change the face of a nation,
    And bring peace and prosperity?

    For this is man’s limitations,
    He is flesh and he is weak,
    And in the quest for leadership,
    He has anointed himself to be king!

    “Not by might, nor by man’s power,
    But by My Spirit”, says the Lord,
    “For My mercy holds back danger,
    And I’ll establish truth once more,”

    Whatever people want the most,
    This, they all shall seek,
    But in the final hours,
    They’ll still see they are weak,

    The cry for change is everywhere,
    But the only King man needs,
    Is the Son of God, the Precious One,
    In Him rests everything.

    Scripture Reference:NIV

    2 Chronicles 7:14

    Proverbs 28:13

    1 Samuel 8
    (The Results of The Wrong King)

    Colossians 1:15-23
    (Christ the Center of All Things)

    Comment by Jeff — October 14, 2008 @ 1:40 pm | Reply

  154. Jeff….amen. Well said. God have mercy on us!!!

    Comment by Warren — October 15, 2008 @ 5:10 am | Reply


    I think you will find this interesting!

    Written by a Christian Holocaust survivor!

    The lady writing is a REAL PERSON WHO WENT THRU THE HOLOCAUST and all the horrors of GERMANY and she feels so led to write to US today and warn us….

    Hymn to Hitler

    Lori Kalner

    In Germany, when Hitler came to power, it was a time of terrible financial depression. Money was worth nothing. In Germany people lost homes and jobs, just like in the American Depression in the 1930s, which we have read about in Thoene’s Shiloh books.

    In those days, in my homeland, Adolph Hitler was elected to power by promising “Change.”

    He blamed the “Zionists” around the world for all our problems. He told everyone it was greedy Zionist Bankers who had caused every problem we had. He promised when he was leader, the greedy Zionist bankers would be punished. The Zionists, he promised, would be wiped off the face of the earth.

    So Hitler was elected to power by only 1/3 the popular vote. A coalition of other political parties in parliament made him supreme leader. Then, when he was leader, he disgraced and expelled everyone in parliament who did not go along with him.

    Yes. Change came to my homeland as the new leader promised it would.

    The teachers in German schools began to teach the children to sing songs in praise of Hitler. This was the beginning of the Hitler Youth movement. It began with praise of the Fuhrer’s programs on the lips of innocent children. Hymns in praise of Hitler and his programs were being sung in the schoolrooms and in the playyard. Little girls and boys joined hands and sang these songs as they walked home from school.

    My brother came home and told Papa what was happening at school. The political hymns of children proclaimed Change was coming to our homeland and the Fuhrer was a leader we could trust.

    I will never forget my father’s face. Grief and fear. He knew that the best propaganda of the Nazis was song on the lips of little children.

    That evening before he said grace at the dinner table, he placed his hands upon the heads of my brothers and me and prayed the Living Word upon us from Jeremiah 1:4-5…

    ‘Now the Word of the Lord came to me, saying,

    “Before I formed you in the

    womb I knew you,

    and before you were born I

    consecrated you;

    I appointed you a prophet to

    The nations.”

    Soon the children’s songs praising the Fuhrer were heard everywhere on the streets and over the radio. “With our Fuhrer to lead us, we can do it! We can change the world!”

    Soon after that Papa, a pastor, was turned away from visiting elderly parishioners in hospitals. The people he had come to bring comfort of God’s Word, were “no longer there.”

    Where had they vanished to while under nationalized health care? It became an open secret. The elderly and sick began to disappear from hospitals feet first as “mercy killing” became the policy. Children with disabilities and those who had Down syndrome were euthanized.

    People whispered, “Maybe it is better for them now. Put them out of misery. They are no longer suffering…And, of course, their death is better for the treasury of our nation. Our taxes no longer must be spent to care for such a burden.”

    And so murder was called mercy.

    The government took over private business. Industry and health care were “nationalized.” (NA-ZI means National Socialist Party) The businesses of all Jews were seized. (Perhaps you remember our story in Berlin on Krystalnacht in the book Munich Signature)

    The world and God’s word were turned upside down. Hitler promised the people economic change.

    Not change. It was, rather, Lucifer’s very ancient Delusion leading to Destruction.

    What began with the propaganda of children singing a catchy tune ended in the deaths of millions of children. The reality of what came upon us is so horrible that you in this present generation cannot imagine it.

    Our suffering is too great to ever tell in a book or show in a black and white newsreel.

    When I spoke to Bodie about some of these things, she wept and said she could not bear to write them. Perhaps one day she will, but I asked her, “who could bear to read our suffering?”

    Yet with my last breaths I warn every Christian and Jew now in the name of the Lord,

    Unless your course of the church in America is spiritually changed now, returning to the Lord, there are new horrors yet to come.

    I trembled last night when I heard the voices of American children raised in song, praising the name of (a presidential candidate), the charismatic fellow who claims he is the American Messiah.

    Yet I have heard what this man (a presidential candidate) says about abortion and the “mercy killing” of tiny babies who are not wanted.

    There are so few of us left to warn you.

    I have heard that there are 69 million Catholics in America and 70 million Evangelical Christians.

    Where are your voices? Where is your outrage? Where is passion and your vote?

    Do you vote based on an abortionist’s empty promises and economics? Or do you vote according to the Bible?

    Thus says the Lord about every living child still in the womb…

    “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,

    and before you were born I consecrated you…”

    I have experienced the signs of the politics of Death in my youth.

    I see them again now.

    Christians! Unless you stand up now, you will lose your freedom of religion.

    In America priests and preachers have already lost their freedom to speak openly from their pulpits of moral danger in political candidates. They cannot legally instruct you of which candidate holds fast to the precepts of scripture! American law forbids this freedom of speech to conservative pastors or they will lose their “tax exempt” status.

    And yet I have heard the words of (a presidential candidate) pastor Damning America! I have heard the words of (a presidential candidate) damning and mocking all of you in small towns because you “Cling to your religion…”

    But I am a woman whose name is unknown. My life is recorded as a work of fiction. I have no fear of reprisal when I speak truth to you from the pages of a book. (Though the Zion Covenant books are mocked and condemned by the Left in America.)

    I am an old woman and will soon go to be with my Lord. I have no fear for myself, but for all of you and for your children, I tremble.

    I tremble at the hymns to a political leaders which your children will sing at school. (Though even now a hymn or a prayer to God and our Lord Jesus is against the law in public school!)

    Your vote must put a stop to what will come upon America if (a certain presidential candidate) is elected.

    I pray you will personally heed this warning for the sake of your children and your grandchildren. Do not be deceived.

    The Lord in Jeremiah 1:7-8 commands every believer to speak up!

    “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth,’ for to all whom I send you, yo u shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them for I am with you, declares the Lord!”

    I am in Prayer for you, and for the Church!

    Spoken to you in the authority of Jesus the Christ,

    the Name Above All Names,

    Lori Kalner

    Now click on this link and watch the children sing to Obama, then wait and watch them sing to Hitler.

    Comment by Beverly — October 15, 2008 @ 1:28 pm | Reply

  156. I have felt from the first time I saw Sarah and heard her background that she was raised up ‘for such a time as this.’ Pastor Mark’s testimony is confirmation. May the Lord have mercy on our nation.

    Comment by Mary T — October 15, 2008 @ 1:49 pm | Reply

  157. Please read all of this. It is so prevalent at this time.
    You can copy and paste the website to hear the children sing, and also the children in Hitlers time.


    I think you will find this interesting!

    Written by a Christian Holocaust survivor!

    The lady writing is a REAL PERSON WHO WENT THRU THE HOLOCAUST and all the horrors of GERMANY and she feels so led to write to US today and warn us….

    Hymn to Hitler

    Lori Kalner

    In Germany, when Hitler came to power, it was a time of terrible financial depression. Money was worth nothing. In Germany people lost homes and jobs, just like in the American Depression in the 1930s, which we have read about in Thoene’s Shiloh books.

    In those days, in my homeland, Adolph Hitler was elected to power by promising “Change.”

    He blamed the “Zionists” around the world for all our problems. He told everyone it was greedy Zionist Bankers who had caused every problem we had. He promised when he was leader, the greedy Zionist bankers would be punished. The Zionists, he promised, would be wiped off the face of the earth.

    So Hitler was elected to power by only 1/3 the popular vote. A coalition of other political parties in parliament made him supreme leader. Then, when he was leader, he disgraced and expelled everyone in parliament who did not go along with him.

    Yes. Change came to my homeland as the new leader promised it would.

    The teachers in German schools began to teach the children to sing songs in praise of Hitler. This was the beginning of the Hitler Youth movement. It began with praise of the Fuhrer’s programs on the lips of innocent children. Hymns in praise of Hitler and his programs were being sung in the schoolrooms and in the playyard. Little girls and boys joined hands and sang these songs as they walked home from school.

    My brother came home and told Papa what was happening at school. The political hymns of children proclaimed Change was coming to our homeland and the Fuhrer was a leader we could trust.

    I will never forget my father’s face. Grief and fear. He knew that the best propaganda of the Nazis was song on the lips of little children.

    That evening before he said grace at the dinner table, he placed his hands upon the heads of my brothers and me and prayed the Living Word upon us from Jeremiah 1:4-5…

    ‘Now the Word of the Lord came to me, saying,

    “Before I formed you in the

    womb I knew you,

    and before you were born I

    consecrated you;

    I appointed you a prophet to

    The nations.”

    Soon the children’s songs praising the Fuhrer were heard everywhere on the streets and over the radio. “With our Fuhrer to lead us, we can do it! We can change the world!”

    Soon after that Papa, a pastor, was turned away from visiting elderly parishioners in hospitals. The people he had come to bring comfort of God’s Word, were “no longer there.”

    Where had they vanished to while under nationalized health care? It became an open secret. The elderly and sick began to disappear from hospitals feet first as “mercy killing” became the policy. Children with disabilities and those who had Down syndrome were euthanized.

    People whispered, “Maybe it is better for them now. Put them out of misery. They are no longer suffering…And, of course, their death is better for the treasury of our nation. Our taxes no longer must be spent to care for such a burden.”

    And so murder was called mercy.

    The government took over private business. Industry and health care were “nationalized.” (NA-ZI means National Socialist Party) The businesses of all Jews were seized. (Perhaps you remember our story in Berlin on Krystalnacht in the book Munich Signature)

    The world and God’s word were turned upside down. Hitler promised the people economic change.

    Not change. It was, rather, Lucifer’s very ancient Delusion leading to Destruction.

    What began with the propaganda of children singing a catchy tune ended in the deaths of millions of children. The reality of what came upon us is so horrible that you in this present generation cannot imagine it.

    Our suffering is too great to ever tell in a book or show in a black and white newsreel.

    When I spoke to Bodie about some of these things, she wept and said she could not bear to write them. Perhaps one day she will, but I asked her, “who could bear to read our suffering?”

    Yet with my last breaths I warn every Christian and Jew now in the name of the Lord,

    Unless your course of the church in America is spiritually changed now, returning to the Lord, there are new horrors yet to come.

    I trembled last night when I heard the voices of American children raised in song, praising the name of (a presidential candidate), the charismatic fellow who claims he is the American Messiah.

    Yet I have heard what this man (a presidential candidate) says about abortion and the “mercy killing” of tiny babies who are not wanted.

    There are so few of us left to warn you.

    I have heard that there are 69 million Catholics in America and 70 million Evangelical Christians.

    Where are your voices? Where is your outrage? Where is passion and your vote?

    Do you vote based on an abortionist’s empty promises and economics? Or do you vote according to the Bible?

    Thus says the Lord about every living child still in the womb…

    “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,

    and before you were born I consecrated you…”

    I have experienced the signs of the politics of Death in my youth.

    I see them again now.

    Christians! Unless you stand up now, you will lose your freedom of religion.

    In America priests and preachers have already lost their freedom to speak openly from their pulpits of moral danger in political candidates. They cannot legally instruct you of which candidate holds fast to the precepts of scripture! American law forbids this freedom of speech to conservative pastors or they will lose their “tax exempt” status.

    And yet I have heard the words of (a presidential candidate) pastor Damning America! I have heard the words of (a presidential candidate) damning and mocking all of you in small towns because you “Cling to your religion…”

    But I am a woman whose name is unknown. My life is recorded as a work of fiction. I have no fear of reprisal when I speak truth to you from the pages of a book. (Though the Zion Covenant books are mocked and condemned by the Left in America.)

    I am an old woman and will soon go to be with my Lord. I have no fear for myself, but for all of you and for your children, I tremble.

    I tremble at the hymns to a political leaders which your children will sing at school. (Though even now a hymn or a prayer to God and our Lord Jesus is against the law in public school!)

    Your vote must put a stop to what will come upon America if (a certain presidential candidate) is elected.

    I pray you will personally heed this warning for the sake of your children and your grandchildren. Do not be deceived.

    The Lord in Jeremiah 1:7-8 commands every believer to speak up!

    “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth,’ for to all whom I send you, yo u shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them for I am with you, declares the Lord!”

    I am in Prayer for you, and for the Church!

    Spoken to you in the authority of Jesus the Christ,

    the Name Above All Names,

    Lori Kalner

    Now click on this link and watch the children sing to Obama, then wait and watch them sing to Hitler.

    Please feel free to pass this on!

    Comment by Beverly — October 15, 2008 @ 9:12 pm | Reply

  158. Dear Beverly,

    Your courage is amazing and your knowledge is profound. Thank you for the detailed blog and for giving us all a comparison of the two leaders.

    You suffered greatly for your faith. I pray you have great joy in your life with the peace of Christ’s presence giving you comfort until you see Him face to face.

    I pray America heeds your warning!

    The Anti Christ is alive in the world today and coming to power. Consider the Name of the Democratic Candidate;

    6 6 6
    Barack Hussein Obama…


    “The Day the Earth Stood Still”

    It was three a.m. when I woke up from a deep sleep. All I could think about was this resounding phrase going through my mind:

    “The Day The Earth Stood Still”.

    I started to ask the Lord what this meant; it seemed critical that I write it down, make it plain and send it forth in urgency!

    What in the world was going on? It was then I realized the Lord was giving me a picture of the shift in the heavenlies and how crucial it was for the “Church” to pull it together and be a unified body, strong, confident, but most importantly, equipped! Yes, equipped to advance into a season of offensive maneuvers against the forces of darkness that are raging across our nation and the world.

    I heard the sounds of armies assembling and a great multitude of heaven’s warriors receiving their orders from the Lord. As they gathered to form the lines of assault, the orders came from the Throne.

    “The time is now and I must move on the earth, but My people are still not ready to march with us! Stand at the ready until I can go to my watchman and tell them to shout with a loud voice that I am calling the “Church” to arms in this conflict”.

    I have chosen the “Church” to be a mighty army. By my Spirit, “She” will be my arm of deliverance, My voice to herald the “Good News”, and my power within “Her” will tear down the strongholds of hell that are inflicting great harm in the world”.

    The Lord instructed me to write this down! I am not a prophet, I am a simple man, but I love God and understand the value of obedience. So, I write. You be the judge through the gift of knowledge God has given you; I write for God’s glory and I write with humility.

    There is a surge of political rhetoric and the corruption of evil in high places, but in this period, this season, the “Church” has the opportunity to make the greatest difference in the outcome of world affairs. The cry has come forth, the land is in chaos; judgment or healing is being weighed in the balance!

    I could then hear another great voice through the deafening silence in the heavens as our Heavenly Father cried out to His people.

    “Now is the season of great change. Arise and be what I have called you to be! If you pray, if you unite as I have told you to do, you can change the face of the world. Change comes from inside the heart of man, but even then it must manifest by my Spirit. I have said I would pour out My Spirit, but the vessels must be able to hold the glory and power I am sending.”

    “Corruption has filled the earth, but in my love for you, I will be merciful and fulfill my promise to protect you, provide for you and fill you with the power to do mighty things. The world is waiting in fear for change, but I am waiting in confidence in you, that you will arise to the occasion and be the force of change I have called you to be!”

    “There is coming a day, very soon, a day when it matters if you stand up for righteousness or if you fall asleep. I am calling out with an urgency that has never been heard before. Government can not change the world; only I can change it for the good. True change comes in the heart of the individual. When I change a person, the good that spreads to others is genuine and seeks My will. Then and only then can true change happen! This is why My Word says, “If My people pray, repent and seek My ways, I will heal, I will restore and empower them”.

    As I finished writing I wondered about the context of this word. I believe the world is waiting for people, leaders and especially the “Church” to bring forth a hope that will usher in blessing. I never received a date for when things will stand still, but in my heart I knew November 4, 2008 was probably that day.

    It is now a battle for spiritual life and death as well as the life or death of our nation. Heaven will hold its breath to see our response. As we intercede, and ask for mercy, our nation also waits for the answer to our obedience or disobedience.

    God’s mighty warriors are standing by; the orders are still sealed. What will our response be? I pray as this day comes closer all of us will be humble enough to bow before the Father and say, “Here I am, use me and fill me with Your passion to change America and the world”.

    The Day the Earth Stood Still

    The cry is great throughout the land,
    Starving souls are every where,
    Seeking help in desperate times,
    Waiting for compassion’s care,

    If we humble ourselves before the Lord,
    Get on our knees and pray,
    Then it will come, the victory,
    Because of love’s heart each day,

    Each day as we walk in obedience,
    Each day as we walk in love,
    Then mercy and grace will be certain,
    As God’s glory rains down from above,

    Until then man seeks for an answer,
    Some still will not know the Lord’s will,
    But I pray we see great changes,
    On the day the earth stands still.

    Scripture Reference: NIV

    2 Chronicles 7:14

    Comment by jeff — October 16, 2008 @ 12:28 am | Reply

  159. I believe God is calling His People now, I am afraid if we stay asleep we might not get a chance and the like 3 servents the last who buried the money until the owner returned and found that he had not invested, he paid with his life for that mistake that is a clear warning to me that if we dont awaken, it will not be pretty. I just hav this hunch that history repeat as is written in Esscl. I will write again got to get some rest, Pray 4 your nation.

    Comment by Jennifer Pfeifer — October 16, 2008 @ 1:43 am | Reply

  160. Have Mercy on us Father God.
    Please bring this nation back to You by Your Grace and Bless us with your loving kindness.
    Grant us repentance Lord Jesus.
    Lead us by Your Holy Spirit.
    Have Mercy. Let our only cry be Mercy!

    Comment by Warren — October 16, 2008 @ 4:52 am | Reply

  161. I need to correct the names I mentioned in my previous blog.

    Beverly thank you for your contribution to the blog. My full attention was on the letter from Lori Kalner and I used the names incorrectly.

    It still shows the urgency in the nation and especially the elections. I am not saying the Anti Christ is Obama. His policies and his unprecidented popularity along with his obvious charisma certainly fit the criteria for this figure of change appearing so strongly on the political scene; his demeanor and character is appealing, but deceptive.

    Time is running out and if we are to keep our voice alive we need to step up and step out in faith, prayer and with a vision.

    “Be the Church of Change”. If we are truly the “Body of Christ”, then we need to defend the Holy Scripture, our freedom of speech and the right to live in a free society…”One Nation Under God”.

    We need to stand up for the innocent unborn children and we need to speak up for these things that we hold dear. Activists who speak against us do it and now we need to excercise our faith and our priviledge to vote people into office who will defend life and God’s truth.

    Again, thank you Beverly. I pray this gets to Lori Kalner somehow, but if it does not, the message she has given will have been heard!

    God Bless America.

    Lori Kalner has a valid argument. Already there are groups that are seeking to silence the voice of Christians and little by little take freedom of religion away from all of us.

    Lori, you may never read this, but Beverly you will. Remember, if Government is big enough to give us everything we need, it is big enough to take it all away. Thank you Beverly-you are courageous as well.

    God is going to have the final say regardless, but we also are called to have a part in all of this if we don’t fall asleep and allow our freedoms to be stolen. Special activist groups and now politicians are cleverly bringing us into a socialized form of government.

    People like Lori have been there. Have you read the book, “A Prisoner and Yet, by Corrie ten Boom?” She is another great woman from the holocaust survivors.

    Comment by jeff — October 16, 2008 @ 6:39 am | Reply

  162. The version I saw of Pastor Mark’s comments does not state that she is going to be the VP specifically. It says she is called for a time such as this – a present day Esther – a leader. What a lovely thing – a person who has a God given calling. Esther was willing to do what was best for others. Perhaps only on the campaign trail will she have the opportunity to do that or perhaps in the White House. She has already proven to be a leader. Does it matter who wins the election? I will vote; but God is in control and knows what is to come and we are to have respect for the person in the position regardless of who wins. Be strong; don’t tire; don’t be weary in well-doing – words of encouragement – something that the Bible specifically instructs us to do as Christians -lift up and encourage others. Oh that we all would be so obedient.

    Comment by Kesler8507 — October 16, 2008 @ 7:55 am | Reply

  163. God bless you pastor for being faithful and obedient to you Lord. You are a light in our troubled heart and times.
    I join you in praying for America,and will not
    cease. May we return to the America where God
    was a part of our personal lives, and intergity
    and honesty were valued.The greed that has
    destroyed our country in politics and private
    corporations is a terrible thank you to our
    troops who fight and die for Americans.

    Comment by mecilla keene — October 16, 2008 @ 8:53 am | Reply

  164. There’s something that inherently scares me about the idea of a lawmaker or a government somehow ordained by God. Why?

    Like Jeff says, if the government is big enough to give you everything you need, it’s big enough to take it away. And if it thinks it has divine powers or the authority of God to do what it will, why would they have us vote or decide what services we want them to provide? The hallmark of theocracy is that God is responsible for picking the government and not the people because his judgment is above that of mortals. This means we can’t question the government or resist its orders no matter how wrong or unjust. We would be questioning God’s word.

    Picking a government by personal moral principles is one thing. Picking a government based on who you believe God has anointed is something wholly other. Who says it won’t go to the lawmaker’s head and turn him or her into a raving megalomaniac? And pastors trying to attach themselves to politicians so they can declare them anointed are opening a door they may have a lot of trouble closing.

    As for the “suspicious” Obama fundraising, I can tell you this much.

    In 2000, the Bush campaign made calls to hundreds of thousands of households, playing a recording that told primary voters that McCain had an illegitimate black love child. Without this vicious, underhanded smearing, McCain could’ve already been president. Those who didn’t do the research and went by the ill rumors spread to the press, the nascent blogs and over the phone didn’t know that the “illegitimate black love child” was actually an Indian girl named Brigid who was adopted by the McCains. (McCain, in a move that unpleasantly stunned me, hired the people who engineered these attacks against him — definitely not something a maverick would do in my humble opinion.)

    If the RNC can do this to McCain, just imagine what they can do to Obama. I wouldn’t trust anything they say about anyone, especially through vague rumors, recorded calls and push polling. As someone somewhat involved with the media, I can tell you that the biggest reason why this stuff doesn’t get printed is because they immediately think of McCain’s defamation back in 2000 and they don’t trust these rumors because there’s no solid evidence for them. They’re reported by partisan sources, fringes, random blogs pretending to be big shots and PAC groups which have questionable histories and memberships. If the DNC accused McCain of taking money from the KKK, you bet there would be just as much skepticism from reporters and editors worth their salt.

    Comment by gfish — October 16, 2008 @ 11:49 pm | Reply

  165. Jeff I must say this #154 is well written and sounds like it comes from the heart. You know as I read the story of Lori, I thought of what a terrible ordeal for a person to go through. But is it coming to our country also? Will they walk in our church and have the right to tell me what to preach or even if I can? I must say I have been praying so hard about this whole situation with our country. I would like to say things will be fine, but I can’t. My mother-in-law is 97 years old and has told us tales of the great depression. How they survived I do not know. Will it be worse if something like this comes upon us? I think it will because we have become so comfortable with our conveniences. We need to seek out our Lord and let him give us answers. We need to stay in constant prayer. Bless all on here and may God have mercy upon us. Pastor Liz

    Comment by Pastor Liz — October 17, 2008 @ 11:48 am | Reply

  166. “Then we shall know, if we follow on to know Jehovah. His going out is prepared as the morning; and He shall come to us as the rain, as the latter and former rain to the earth.
    O Ephraim, what shall I do to you? O Judah, what shall I do to you? For your goodness is like a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goes away”. Hos 6:3,4

    Dear precious friends in the Lord’s Vineyard,

    Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

    I am happy to connect the God given burden and deep concern with you through this letter. Over the last 3 years the Lord of the harvest is constructing my heart about the growing influence of strongholds that fill and influence the people of America day after day, year after year. The devil who as a roaring lion has already has the sway of this world in his hand is systematically mobilizing his forces to make America a pagan nation. There is a powerful drifting away from God’s righteousness in many ways happening in America. The devil is very sure to turn America to his side progressively.

    There are influence of many other strongholds are working and influencing people, leadership in the senate and in the government to bring this happen in a target time. American believing Christians and Christian leaders cannot be silent spectators on what is happening around them at this very serious juncture. Christians in America should become spiritualy reactive and mobilize serious and continuous prayers.

    Intensive intercessory prayer for such critical concerns of the nation (“Eph 6:18- praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching to this very thing with all perseverance and supplication for all saints”.) demands the investment of large amount of our precious time and human energy until our Lord powerfully answers in His sovereign time.

    Moses, Elijah, Nehemiah, Esther, John Wesley, John Knox, John Hyde and many others who followed the model life of prayer of Jesus Christ, apostles and the first century Christians prayed intensively. God’s time for America has come. America is at the threshold of receiving the latter rain soon (Hos 6:3 “Then we shall know, if we follow on to know Jehovah. His going out is prepared as the morning; and He shall come to us as the rain, as the latter and former rain to the earth”). We cannot be passive, non desperate, being work oriented but become Christ passion and pain oriented. Jesus is saying to American Church even today that “My heart is exceedingly sorrowful even unto death for the sins and increasing sinfulness of America, The urgent call of Jesus Christ to the Christians in America is “Come and Stay with me and WATCH with me. In my heart I feel this agony and pain so much that I cry unto God often saying Lord, please save the people of America or take me, it is not that I do not have such prayers for India. Over the above the huge agonizing burden for India I already have the Lord overburdens me at this time to pray for America”.

    In the light of the present increasing grievous sins of America, America is in the brink of God’s severe judgment. The present continuous occurrences of natural calamities such as forest fires, earthquakes, tornado, etc prompts the forthcoming danger of God’s judgment (Eze 22:30 “And I sought for a man among them who should wall up a wall for the land, and stand in the break before me, that I should not destroy it. But I did not find one”).

    The people of America have been tremendous blessings to nations and to the church worldwide. As Indian Christians we are grateful to American Christians, Missionaries, Preachers and Evangelists who brought immeasurable spiritual blessings and social transformation to our nation. Many strategies for church growth, Intercessory prayer, worship and Christian leadership & stewardship, Evangelism and Missions etc., taught by American Christian leaders equipped the churches and missions in India very much. Movements like Every Home Crusade, Campus Crusade, YWAM and many other Evangelists, Prophets, Teachers, Apostles and Pastors have saturated India with the gospel and the spiritual knowledge of the Bible.

    The urgent need of the hour is to mobilize day and night prayer and fasting prayer in all the cities and states of America as per 1 Peter 4:7 (“But the end of all things has drawn near. Therefore be of sound mind, and be sensible to prayers”).

    Already many numbers of prayer movements and prayer initiatives are happening through National Day of Prayer movement, National Prayer Committee, IHOP Kansas city, New Mexico Prayer Council, HHOP-Council Bluffs, Jericho Walls Prayer Center, Dutch Sheets, Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Piers and many others including many churches and denominations. Large amount of books on prayer and intercession, worship and disciplines of spiritual life are produced in America and supplied to all the parts of the world. All these things reveal the falling of the former rain from Heaven upon all the believing Christians in America. The latter rain is soon going to fall abundantly to transform this nation.

    We need to quickly unite the body of Christ in each of the cities and states of America. All kinds of prayers and supplications and praying always in the spirit with intensive watchfulness to this end with all perseverance has to be arranged for the revival of the churches and for pulling down of the strongholds to bring the kingdom of God to come into all the hearts households of this nation. In every city and every state day and night prayer as per Luke 18:1-8 and persevering prayer (Luke11:5-8) with fasting (Mathew 17:21) has to be kindled and raised soon.

    United prayers in each church and denomination and corporate prayers in all cities, towns and states need urgently to be networked. United Prayer increases the spirit of prayer and increases unity and love in relationships and increases the faith among the praying believers and brings the power of prayer to demolish and pull down all the strongholds in America.

    This should be followed by evangelism and missions through all expressions of Christian ministries to transform America. American Church will become a powerful Christian Church to transform all the nations of the World. Our Sovereign God will soon make this happen.


    Elections are very crucial for deciding the destiny of any nation. Top leaders in the government with high level of integrity and consecration for the well being of the nation will bring all the needed prosperity, justice, equality, freedom and peace to the people of the nation. We have to seriously pray to God who raises the kings and removes the king. God is sovereign with all power and authority. He only gives power and authority to the people to rule the world according to His will and pleasure. (Daniel 4:32b “The Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He will”. Dan 4:34 “And at the end of days, I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up my eyes to Heaven, and my understanding returned to me, and I blessed the Most High, and I praised and honored Him who lives forever, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His rule is from generation to generation”.
    Dan 4:35 “He does according to His will in the army of heaven, and among the people of the earth. And none can strike His hand, or say to Him, What are You doing”?. Job 34:24 “He shall break in pieces mighty men without number, and set others in their place”).

    To make Nebuchadnezzar the king of the great Babylonian kingdom to realize and accept this truth, God sends the king Nebuchadnezzar to the jungle as a beast for 7 years until he realizes this truth. The moment he realizes this truth, God restores him to his kingdom, (Daniel 4:32 & 34) and he expresses the very sovereignty of God.

    We have to pray that God’s will be done as it is in heaven into all the hearts of the voters in each of the congressional districts of America. The devil can easily sneak into any human heart and turn them to fulfill his will. This happens in he hearts of the voters of the electorates if we fail to pray and prevail through continuous intercessory prayers for the elections in America.

    In India in the year 2004, we had our national elections. There was a desperate need for prayers because forces which were high against democratic freedom to minorities were working intensively to capture the government. The electoral pre-poll predictions were largely in favor of them. There was a great danger to the Christian minorities in the nation for the practicing and propagating their faith. So the Christians in India started praying with the spirit of desperation, cried to God about their helplessness. The Lord answered the prayers of the Christians and brought a government which stood for the democratic rights and religious rights of the Christian minorities in India. After the elections all the press and the media expressed the one major remark saying “the people who won the elections did not know how they won the elections, the people who lost the elections did not know how they lost the elections, and a mysterious power had been working behind the scene and behind the people who voted”. But we know that Sovereign God has given the authority to rule our nation to the men or women of His choice.

    We Indian Christians love your nation America and bless your nation through our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ. Thousands of Christian believers in India are committed to pray with you for the Presidential election 2008, Vice-President and for the congressional district elections of your nation. In answer of our prayers God will prevail upon this election with His sovereign will and will bring the person of His choice to the office of President, Vice-President and in the congressional district leadership. Following the success of the elections the American churches will have the prayer base with millions of intercessory praying people to pray for the total transformation of America.

    We have developed a comprehensive and detailed prayer guide for the nation of USA containing information of each state with information of critical emerging and growing strongholds. We have also developed a special prayer guide to pray for the elections based on Indian model. You can have these prayer guides by contacting us.

    With best wishes and sincere prayers,

    M. Patrick Joshua
    National Prayer Network

    Comment by Mike — October 17, 2008 @ 1:08 pm | Reply

  167. Go into YouTube and type in “A letter to the Editor”..there is an interesting video that compares Obama to Fidel Castro. Scary stuff..

    Comment by Lisa — October 18, 2008 @ 2:51 pm | Reply

  168. As a christian I strongly feel it is very important to pray. This is a spiritual warfare.

    McCain-Palin ticket is of God. Obama-Biden ticket is of the devil. The whole world lies under the wicked one who is a liar and murderer from the begining. That’s why the UN, countries outside USA all seem to prefer Obama.

    Sarah is a true christian. When I hear and read about her, I immediately remember Esther and Deborah too.

    Obama cannot be a true christian. He mocked the bible. He supports abortion, can never forgive Hillary Clinton(according to Pelosi on video).

    Obama who believes “global warming is man-made” so obviously he does not believe Jesus is Lord of the universe. Belief in GW is idolatry according to Romans 1:25.

    America needs to repent with confession of sins and bring in God’s blessings again.

    Even during the great tribulations, there is a wilderness where the “woman” in Rev 12 can flee to. USA seems to be the only place on earth that still cares for God’s people (Jews and Christians).

    Comment by Reuel — October 19, 2008 @ 12:33 am | Reply

  169. Patrick #162…..thank for praying for us in America. We certainly know that this is a very critical election. Please continue.
    Blessings to India and you.

    Comment by Warren — October 19, 2008 @ 7:34 pm | Reply

  170. […] you’re crazy enough to think Sarah Palin is “…GOD-CALLED and GOD-ANOINTED… she is for God to use at this time…” and that Barack Obama is “a Pre-cursor to the antichrist” or, possibly, Hitler then […]

    Pingback by Crazy about Fox News: mentally unstable speak out « irresponsibility — October 20, 2008 @ 8:50 am | Reply

  171. superb. y’all have really made my day. be strong brethren. may the force be with you

    Comment by zooeyibz — October 20, 2008 @ 9:00 am | Reply

  172. I heard about this story through Swing State Voices; an Internet ste dedicated to the 2008 election. My prayers are certainly with John McCain and Sarah Palin throughout this election and beyond. What a wonderful story this was and I am so happy to know that it is circulating throughout the world. God works in mysterious ways!

    Bonney, Howell, MI

    Comment by Bonney Furman — October 20, 2008 @ 11:45 am | Reply

  173. Reuel
    Since when are Muslim’s not God’s people? Jews, Christians and Muslims all believe in the same God, just different prophets. The countries outside the USA prefer Obama because we think Bush is an idiot who has screwed up internationally and we don’t want more of the same from McCain. The extent to which Global Warming is man made is a scientific debate and nothing to do with religion. You seem to be full of hate, that’s not a very christian trait is it…?

    Comment by hughden — October 20, 2008 @ 8:43 pm | Reply

  174. Looks like Mark got to talk to Palin again and has put a picture up of both events.

    Comment by Dave — October 21, 2008 @ 6:14 am | Reply

  175. It was a humbling confirmation to read about Mark Arnold hearing that Sarah Palin was an
    Ester and how the Lord orchestrated his meeting her and her husband.

    Months ago, my husband heard, “Sarah is a, ‘David'”! The things that stood out
    to me about David was that when he was just an unassuming shepherd he dismissed
    human opinion and did NOT take up the “weapon” that made the most sense to
    others, but against all odds, he defeated the ‘giant’ of the day with a sling
    stone! He trusted and absolutely KNEW his Heavenly Father would be with him.
    David was obedient, faithful, strong and merciful. He had his rough moments ,as
    we all know, but the spirit of the Lord came upon him and that’s all she wrote!
    ; -)

    We don’t know what the outcome will be of ‘this’ election, but God knows. Even
    if ‘McPalin’ doesn’t win this election, it doesn’t mean its over. Who knows
    what all the Lord has in store for her. Sometimes the outcome of events, etc.
    make no sense at all to us at the moment (based on what we ‘think’ He means by the revelations He gives
    us), but HE has a plan that WILL continue to be carried out!

    We all need to continue to draw nigh unto the Father.

    Comment by Diana — October 22, 2008 @ 11:54 am | Reply

  176. All prophecy is contained within God’s Word. This pastor is false as there are no personal words from God during this churchage!
    The canon is sealed. As far as the Holy Spirit is concerned, yes it prods, convicts as we grow in Jesus.

    People get all hyped up on “experiences” rather than hold things up against scripture.
    The Holy Spirit: (1) Exalts the true Christ, (2) Opposes Satan’s interests, (3) Points people to the Scriptures, (4) Elevates truth, and (5) Results in love for God and others.

    Just because a man is kind and humble, it does not make him a prophet today. There is no such thing. Go to God’s Word.

    Comment by DG — October 22, 2008 @ 2:24 pm | Reply

  177. M. Patrick Joshua, I agree with you, and I am in hopes that many are in agreement with you. We should be fasting daily for our nation to repent…so God can heal our country. Christian and folks that are not christian must be able to see the signs of the times? Lawlessness, Famine, Pestilence, Earthquakes, rise in homosexuality (God hates the sin not the person), abortions and humans hearts growing cold and greedy. I dont think we can argue with what we live in?

    I am not in dispair, so forgive me if I sound so depressed, I am sure there are many like your ministry that pray, I know the Open Door Ministry in Anaheim has invited everyone this week to come in and fast with them daily for our nation, they have chicken broth there too…I am going to fast too. For the truth to be seen, that the Lord’s will be done in our government,to fix our financial crisis for the salvation of the lost.

    Thank you for praying for us, and for sharing what happened in India’s elections…yes our God is a mysterious and all powerful God…if we obey he will hear the prayers of a righteous man.

    God Bless you!

    Comment by Paula — October 22, 2008 @ 3:42 pm | Reply

  178. For what it is worth, in one of the past posts, someone said Eve was deceived, NOT Adam. Ummm, hello? While that is true, Adam is a worse offender as he knew the truth and choose willingly and knowingly that he wasn’t to eat of the forbidden fruit. He just kinda shrugged his shoulders and went “oh, well.”

    Eve was deceived, she honestly didn’t know. She was fooled by the Satan’s lies. Adam, well, he just went along for the ride KNOWING he was going against God’s rules!

    AND, Sarah Palin isn’t leading the church and the bible says nothing about a woman not leading in government.

    I don’t know about this story. I don’t have the time or inclination to call anybody to confirm or deny. I have looked it up on the internet and of course have seen both the believers and non-believers of this story. I would like to believe it is true…. but even if it isn’t – who is it hurting or helping?

    As for my house we will serve the Lord. Period, and regardless of who wins or loses this election. Sure, I hope it is the Mccain/Palin ticket – but if it isn’t, nothing changes for me. I am under God’s rules and His protection.

    I do agree though – if you are going to call yourself a Christian, a believer, a person of faith – why would you so blatantly be disrespectful of others just because they have opposing views….

    What would Jesus do?

    Just a thought.

    Comment by Ruth — October 22, 2008 @ 6:08 pm | Reply

  179. I am not here to say I agree or disagree with Pastor Arnold. I will say my heart was encouraged by what he shared. What I am here to do is ask Steve about his post “by steve g — September 30, 2008 @ 3:48 pm”. In your post you mentioned that the Prophets were stoned if their predictions were not 100% accurate. Although many of the Old Testament Prophets made predictions about the future and end times as well, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and particularly Daniel made predictions about “end times”. There was no way that Jews of their day would have been able to prove their prophecies, as well as the prophecies of the other Prophets. Steve, do you suppose that they were stoned to death as being false prophets? If we are going to “preach the Word”. we need to study the Word.

    Comment by Don Weckman Sr. — October 22, 2008 @ 6:19 pm | Reply

  180. Some thoughts to ponder…..

    All things are possible to him who believes – Mark 9:23

    My lips will not speak wickedness, and my tongue will not utter deceit…. I will not deny integrity. I will maintain my righteousness;… my conscience will not reproach me. – Job 27:4-6

    Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to whose who hear. – Esphesians 4:29

    I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. – Philippians 4:11

    Let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. For the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. – James 1:19 & 20

    We also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perserverance; and perserverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; – and hope, does not disappoint. – Romans 5:3

    “Your success as family our success as society, depends not on what happens in the White House, but on what happens at YOUR house…” Barbara Bush

    Comment by Ruth — October 22, 2008 @ 6:34 pm | Reply

  181. Post 126:

    I respect you for your position, and have no doubt that you are a man of God. With that said, let me just say, that I too am a Christian, and I don’t believe the God of Heaven and Earth, the Alpha and the Omega, is a Republican or a Democrat. It is a bit arrogant to pretend to know God’s mind, and it belittles your Democratic brothers and sisters to assert that God has chosen a side. It belittles God to inject him into a political process that is dirty and beneath him. My God is the God of the New testament, and that God cares about the poor, more than judging homosexuality, My God cares more about forgiveness and turning the other cheek, more than punishing women who have been raped or have had incest committed against them, by making them carry an infant to term.

    We as a congregation, have forgotten all but the scriptures that defend our political points and the party we have chosen. The Republican party holds no special favor in God’s eye. It is an institution of man, wrought with the same impurities as man. With McCain/Palin being so negative this election, I’m surprised that anyone could equate their actions with that of the pure, just, and almighty God. Of course Obama/Biden are not much better, but if we are going to have an election of men, let’s keep this debate grounded in policy and not inject God into something that is so clearly beneath him.

    God doesn’t care if your children win their football game, he doesn’t care if you get out of the speeding ticket which you most likely deserve, he doesn’t care if your favorite T.V. show comes back for another season, and he most assuredly does not care about which God fearing man is elected, because be assured, they are both men of God, and it would be wise of us to remember that.

    ARE YOU SERIOUS? YOU CLAIM… to know God but I promise you it is not the same God that we believe in – the one true God. The Bible makes it abundantly clear – HE DOES CARE. Nothing is too big nor too small for him. He wants us to pray about everything – ALL the time. You say you are a believer in the New Testament but have you READ it? Pray without ceasing. YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD. I do care about my children and what they do and nothing they do is trivial to me.

    Matthew 6:25-34 “Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: and yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall He not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” So – if He cares so much for the birds – why wouldn’t we believe He cares about all the things that matter to us?

    As far as a women being punished for bring raped, God says in Psalms 127 “Behold, children are a GIFT from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a REWARD.” A punishment – I don’t think so. It is a GIFT. Obviously not the rape, but what Satan meant for evil God turned into GOOD. “And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many peope alive.”

    As far as God not caring about who is elected, He says in Romans 13:1 “Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.”

    “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29

    “Do you not know that those who run a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may WIN.” 1 Corinthians 9:24

    DUDE – ALL I AM SAYING IS THIS: If you are going to state that you are a believer of the New Testament -and then you rattle off a bunch of muck that goes against what you say you believe, well, shouldn’t you KNOW the bible in which you say you believe? You rattled a bunch of nonsense. I am sorry – but it is the truth. You don’t know what you are talking about or the Lord in which you say that you believe.


    Comment by Ruth — October 22, 2008 @ 7:07 pm | Reply

  182. I have been praying for this country and reading God’s word, on Sunday morning Oct. 19, 2008 God spoke to me and ask me to tell everyone, “To pray for this country like we have never prayed before.” I received an email about Pastor Arnold’s mission for God. In trying to verify if were true or not, I found this web site. Today I received a very disturbing website to visit, and my question is why have we not heard anything about this. Please view, it is very important.

    Comment by Janice — October 22, 2008 @ 7:18 pm | Reply

  183. Absolutely NOT. God will confirm, and she shall not be in office. In fact, the reason I warned those on the website was because of the deaths of all who worked against my work assigned, thus God. That’s the reason I got busy with what I was supposed to do. After a major news story of one who tried. A very famous citizen known throughout the world. So, Prov 1:7 became important to me. It was regarding my book about it. Copyright in the 90’s, this story animated by Broadway actors primarily for the youth is 100% true. Well not my actual pics as a child, student; father. Yet, Testimony on site is one among MANY confirmations that reputable US citizens the likes of Colin Powell can affirm with documents. Paralysis… represents too many to list. New website due soon. Yet VOTE. We are told “Faith without works is dead.”

    See about 2 min true story:

    Comment by nq5511 — October 22, 2008 @ 7:58 pm | Reply

  184. Forgot to say that it was animated by Broadway actor to help save the youth like
    me at one time. No human alive will be able to prove it’s not true. Again:
    See about 2 min true story:

    Comment by nq5511 — October 22, 2008 @ 8:02 pm | Reply

  185. God’s Eternal Platform

    Taxes, the economy, health care, national security and don’t forget “Joe the Plumber”, are the issues of Election 2008. We’ve seen the candidates and know what they stand for. First, they are human, but God will intervene on behalf of a heart that seeks boldly after His will. God’s platform seeks humility and faith, not political gain and pride.

    When politicians place their trust in policy they can lose the endorsement of heaven. However, the hand of God and His wisdom can bring a country to His good and chosen destiny. Having a heart for God’s will heals and restores the hearts of nations.

    People have a great margin of error. When you factor in the human element you see the need for righteous guidance and a sincere pursuit of God. He will always be sovereign and in the larger view of life, He will achieve His purposes. In this election the clear choice is the “Godly Choice”. Who will stand for “One Nation Under God” and not, “One Nation Under Man?”

    I pray that the candidates realize that God has implemented government and is aware of the state of the union. He will use those in authority and He will use His faithful (The Church) to bring a message of hope to a sinful and suffering world. His wisdom and His judgement is based upon a clear understanding of yesterday-today-forever. The beginning from the end is in His line of vision and He desires to give us all a life of goodness and stability.

    With this in mind we need to see that the Bible will always have the answers. The knowledge within its pages is the power and truth for life. As we pray about the issues of society, the clear choice for joy and comfort, wisdom and holiness is in a loving Father and a passionate Savior. In the wisdom we possess through God’s Spirit we must vote for the future of our great country!

    We must remember that this includes Supreme Court appointments that are sure to come during this next administration. Liberal leaders appoint judges who could easily bring rulings that could negatively effect the future of our country. Our freedom of speech and Christian values would be even more at risk under the liberal agenda.

    Who will support the “Word of God” and holiness? Is the change some Americans want really worth taking great risks on a monopoly board of uncertainty? Going bankrupt spiritually has caused many of the huge issues society faces.

    As Christians we have the greatest responsibility in our voting that has ever been seen. Our next administration must be strong leaders both in government and in spiritual discernment; keeping in mind they are subject and accountable to God.

    “The Word of God” will always be as it has always been, unchangeable and the final word on all things pertaining to life, the spirit and our relationship with the Lord. However, it needs to be taught, spread and used as the authority on holiness and righteousness, not dissected into man’s own ideology!

    Activist groups already have the right to confront Christians, ministers and the things we hold dear. America, it is time to stand for God in a bold way; with our votes and our hearts, not just with our lips.

    God’s platform stands on the authority of heaven, the work of Jesus Christ and the foundation that was laid by the Apostles in the early Church. I can not imagine for a moment wasting the life blood of Christ, the love and courage of our brethren of old and the tears and long-suffering of the present day “Body of Believers”. It’s time to stand-up and be the “Church”.

    So in the final vote the decision for every man and woman is to submit their will and hearts to Jesus Christ. God has instituted government to rule on the earth, but He can give us the knowledge and insight in who to vote for. We do not play the card of idolatry, but we elect those that seek to exalt the Lord and not themselves.

    In Christ are all of the answers; if only we could be as humble as He was when He said in the garden, “Not my will, but Yours”.

    He knew God’s platform was one of life, compassion and boldness to carry out the will of His Father. This platform was secured in love, obedience and standing for righteousness. Today’s leaders need to adopt this platform as well. To do this they must be humble enough to be led by God and bold enough to stand for liberty, justice and a foundation built on His Word.

    Election “08” is a crucial point in this window of history. Where is the heart of America? God is waiting for our choice and He will honor our decision. No wonder the cry throughout the land is, “If my people pray and repent, I will hear, I will heal and I will restore, says the Lord”.

    He is Still the Lord

    The Word of God is still the truth,
    A comfort and a joy so true,
    It tells the story of grace and care,
    God longs to give, He longs to share,

    The prayer of faith a present hope,
    That shields the heart from fear,
    Then surges forth in confidence,
    With victory oh-so dear,

    The Holy Spirit the oil and light,
    He fills our hearts with fire,
    Cutting through the walls of doubt,
    Our destiny does transpire,

    With every step in Him we take,
    Our lives are filled with love,
    No matter what the circumstance,
    His grace shines from above,

    There’s room for everyone to come,
    To the cross of Calvary,
    He still rules the universe,
    And He governs righteously,

    I pray for all the leaders,
    To understand the days and times,
    Are in the hands of heaven,
    For Christ said “All power is mine!”

    Comment by jeff — October 22, 2008 @ 9:12 pm | Reply

  186. Re: God is waiting for our choice

    Dear people, before any of us were even born, God knew this day. He knows what’s up ahead, and will fight our battles out of love and “His” agenda. Please try to learn more about God even though Isaiah 55:8,9 is forever true. I had to learn Him the hard way, yet He is so VERY worthy. And His Word is TRUTH. Praise His Name!

    Comment by nq5511 — October 23, 2008 @ 9:30 am | Reply

  187. You people who claim to be “true” believers, need to rethink where your faith is. You probably don’t read scripture anymore and just assume the word of some people are cannon. McCain/Palin election has been foretold but, if you people read in Daniel 11:6 and compare with the death threat which can be found in Wiki- Palin will die, she will die by the person who made the threat, while making the trip to negotiate with Iran or Russia. McCain (Son of Cain)- Is prepared to give this country up to the REAL Liar. All Freemasons (and others in Secret Societies)are watching this event because they are facilitating this charade! You need to pray all right, but for your spirit to be found in righteousness. Anybody but McCain/Palin is win. No more Secret Society plots! Google- Project Bluebeam, read this and Read Mark 13:20-27, you will know that our taking up is when they almost destroy this planet. Please, do thorough research before buying into lies of the adversary. The one these people worship can be found in The Book of Enoch. It will explain what the “G” stands for.

    Comment by TruthSeeker — October 23, 2008 @ 2:23 pm | Reply

  188. Sorry, but I have to add that Palin’s father, her office members (attendants) and Husband will die with her. And if that wasn’t enough, the one who killed them will also! Read Daniel 11:6 carefully. English Standard Version would help.

    Comment by TruthSeeker — October 23, 2008 @ 2:27 pm | Reply

  189. I wonder what the word of the Lord is to Sen. Obama. The problem with this word (unless of course the Lord is in it) is that you have purported Christians lying, stirring up hatred and forging racist slander toward their competition. As a Spirit filled Christian, it is offensive that some of my brothers and sisters are blinded by the political light vs the light of Christ and the need for truth. The gifts and calling are irrovacable, but c’mon family. Seek the Lord for truth, not tradition at any cost.

    Comment by Robert — October 23, 2008 @ 6:04 pm | Reply

  190. I have written what I am putting here to be sent to my friends after the election is over. I don’t think it was said from God that she would be elected, just that she was a modern day Esther. She represents Christian people. I am writing this on October 23,2008. I have been in prayer and partial fasting since mid September. I have prayed for our nation. I have prayed when I voted…. and it was for McCain/Palin, because it was the right thing to do. But I know that Obama is going to be the next president of the United States and there will be change. People are voting for him out of emotion, and it is the spirit of anti-christ ( anti-christian) that they are voting against. I am emailing this to myself, and will mail it to you after the election. God is still in control. These things must come to pass. And tho you may not see God’s hand in this, HE is there. And Sarah Palin is still a modern day Esther. She has stood up for Christianity and upheld what God wanted her to speak. The choice is now in the hands of the people to choose. I choose life, through Jesus Christ. It is like when the Hebrew boys were thrown in the fire, they said “even if” God did not deliver them, they would not bow and they would not bend. Had they died from the furnance fire, they still would have died in their faith to the almighty God Jehovah. ESTHER 4:16 says (NKJV) Go, gather all the Jews who are present at Sushan, and fast for me, neither eat or drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the King, which is against the law, and if I perish, I perish.

    Esther stood up with the Jewish people, admitting that she was one of them. And God honored her by allowing her to stand before the King and plead for her people. God has allowed Sarah Palin to stand before our nation and the world and proclaim Christ the King. But like Esther, who said, if I perish, I perish……I think Sarah Palin has been on her knees long enough to know that as what some have called a modern day “Esther” that whether winning the election or losing the election, that God is in control. These things must come to pass before the coming of the Lord.

    God’s perfect love cast out all fear. I have a peace like I have never had in my life. I know my redeemer lives. I know my God is in control.

    Comment by Ginny — October 23, 2008 @ 7:01 pm | Reply

  191. Jeff, I must say you do very well with words. You are right, that people need to pray about this election and let God lead them to the right person for President. We as humans make so many mistakes, but God does not. So we need to all lean on God and let him show us. But we have to pray that God leads our Government into the realm that we all need to be in, which is a christian world. You know a few weeks ago I had a lot of fear about this election. But I turned it over to the Lord and I pray about it every day and now I have peace about it. I hope everyone can reach that same peace, no matter what the outcome. Once again Jeff, your words are a great inspiration to everyone that reads them. Bless you for being a good christian. Pastor Liz

    Comment by Pastor Liz — October 23, 2008 @ 7:39 pm | Reply

  192. I can say that I do not know any of these people personally, only by name. However, I DO KNOW THIS IS THE WAY GOD SPEAKS TO PEOPLE, THRU HIS PEOPLE. This is not the only way God speaks; but, I can surely give witness to the things written about the pastor being moved to deliver a living inspired Word from God in the manner described.

    God speed to God’s anointed and called to His great purposes.

    San Jose, CA

    Comment by L. A. Greer — October 23, 2008 @ 11:11 pm | Reply

  193. … Moreover, I will not say that Sarah Palin will, in fact, be America’s Vice President. The word of God delivered by the pastor did not even mention that, but that she is an “Esther” (a female leader/queen), and certainly she is that. She is an anointed one. Whether male or female, I cannot refute that, nor would I dare dispute the matter with God who anointed her. Though human and imperfect, even weak and silly to some, she is called and chosen to do a work honoring God. He honors those who honor Him and uses those who seem weak in the sight of men to confound the wise. This IS the way God works. He sets His jewels in the earth (His people), His light, where He wants them. Promotion is from the LORD. It’s wonderful to see and hear, is it not?

    Blessings to all who honor the LORD anytime, anywhere, especially in times like these in the courts of leaders. God calls those “wicked” who’s minds have no thoughts toward Him; in fact He is angry with the wicked every day. He gives peace to those who’s minds are stayed on Him. We need minds and hearts full of intents to know His heart for this hour, every hour and season. I’m grateful to see a believer, as Sarah Palin is evidently, among our nation’s leaders. She is set before kings of the earth, and their kingdoms are made to become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ(the anointed).

    Certainly, this is a God thing, His doing. I honor Him and I’m glad Sarah Palin honors God also, boldly and without shame. God calls and says this of his anointed, “They are mine!”, also, “Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm.”. The world doesn’t know this and it wonders, it scoffs. Signs and wonders are happening in our day! Can we not see them? His light is in the world, and the world knows it not. They shall know, however, they shall know in fact that He is real, with real and present evidences enduring forever! This is true history in the making, as ordered from the beginning though willingly fulfilled through men and women’s hearts melded together with their Creator’s.

    There is One True God, one Lord, one faith, one baptism. Are we still a “One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All”? I pray so…

    Very truly yours,

    Comment by L. A. Greer — October 24, 2008 @ 12:10 am | Reply

  194. May God Bless Pastor Arnold for being obedient to His plan and purpose! God Bless Sen. Mcain and Gov Palin for their roll in His plan, and may God Bless America!

    Comment by Butch38464 — October 24, 2008 @ 3:46 am | Reply

  195. Pastor Liz,

    One of the greatest lessons I have learned in life is that we should stand up for Christ boldly, but then also be humble of heart knowing where true life and security come from. Thank you for your kind words it means a great deal to me to be a blessing; God is the source of all that my life stands for.

    My greatest concern is that we (myself included) do not get into a bitter dialogue with others on this blog or in our daily lives. Yet, I feel strongly that our rights as believers are being challenged and sadly, being systematically taken away. This will be yet another issue for the next administration.

    I still believe in John McCain and Sarah Palin. Have you noticed that the liberal press has endorsed Obama especially with his ability to generate $150,000,000 in September alone? A strategy that shows the confidence people place in money to influence others instead of allowing God to elevate the person.

    That is why he did not accept the funding the way McCain did, because his campaign knows that “Money” talks and whoever saturates the media with the doe is the person the people want to know.

    Obama’s policies, his over confidence and his appeal is of great concern. I’m not frightened, but it makes me aware of the condition of the world and politics.

    I believe Sarah Palin is the real deal and her influence on John McCain will be a godly one. I support that and not what Barack Obama said, “I am the one”. The “Spirit of Antichrist” is all over that statement and the Democratic policies will enhance that mode of thinking. That is a bold statement, but true.

    People that have no depth in the spirit can not see this. So, change to them will come from politics, not from God’s standpoint.

    In the heart of our country there are still people that fly the flag, say the pledge of allegiance and are living in poverty. The following story is true; I saw it right before my eyes.

    God is still and always will be soverign and the times and seasons of the world are in His hands. The Lord has always had a people and that stands true at this hour as well.

    In our zeal for Him our character and our example must be one of “Christ-likeness”, but yet bold and active. The responsibilty of standing for the Lord and praying for our leaders is paramount. That is a part of being Christ-like also.

    Sarah Palin is a courageous woman and I see why John McCain asked her to be his running mate. I believe her relationship with the Lord is proven and I also believe she has a heart for the people, not for an agenda.

    How much do we love our country; how much do we fly “Old Glory” with pride?

    Read the following story I wrote and you will see an image of respect and honor even in hard times. I know I’m being emotional, but my Lord, my family, my country and people like you are the reason I write, I live and want the world to experience Jesus Christ.

    I Saw the Stars and Stripes

    I saw the red, the white and the blue, “Old Glory” waving in the wind. Somewhat tattered, but a reminder of the freedoms we have in The United States. What seemed like an ordinary start to my day turned out to be a heart searching experience; so, my story begins.

    At first I saw a frail figure of a man moving about. The flag he had was being placed on a makeshift flagpole. It was being attached to a tree overlooking the water. It seemed as if he were raising it in ceremonial fashion. It was then I realized, he might be homeless, yet he still proudly displayed the colors of his country though he only had a tree, some grass and a cool breeze at that moment in time.

    As I stood there looking out the window upon a peaceful waterfront scene, I saw the stars and stripes in a different light. I witnessed something profound; an act of respect and honor from what some would consider an unlikely source.

    A “700 billion dollar bale out”, a candidate who raised over 150 million dollars in campaign contributions in the month of September and Wall Street Investors complaining about losing money, what is going on America? Then there’s Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac involved in bad loans, bad decisions and greed.

    I doubt if this man under the tree understands it all, but yet he cared enough to display the flag of the country he loved. Perhaps in his heart remains the simplicity of life that reverently seeks the Lord for peace. It is from the spirit of humility that God can exalt a man. Then, prosperity means so much more. I’m not going to argue about why these people got into a predicament like poverty. All I know is that it exists!

    Sometimes we need to see the struggles of others so we can better appreciate the grace and favor in our own lives. As we count our blessings, spreading joy to others becomes an act of love that we desire to do. In our thankfulness we become missionaries of hope.

    Where is the line drawn between being appropriate and being idolatrous with our endorsements of man (especially politicians) and those who aggressively accumulate wealth? We speak of change, but yet we see the homeless living on lakefronts, in alleys and in cardboard boxes. How much longer will it be before we see the answer rests in all of us? We are empowered by the Lord to do His bidding. True, He is the final authority and all powerful, but He called us to Himself and wants us to be His ambassadors of goodwill.

    Politicians, business owners and each of us can make a difference; we can contribute to and participate in acts of kindness. Jesus said we would always have the poor and those less fortunate in the world.

    If we are Christians then we should be Christ-like; spreading kindness, the message of hope and being God’s hands extended on the earth. Yes, we must be wise to the wiles of man and of the world, but also keen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

    I watched the man by the waterfront slowly walk away. As he walked out of sight I felt the tears sting my eyes. I said to myself, “Dear God help this man, protect and provide for him”. Tomorrow he may be gone, perhaps to the local “Rescue Mission”. All I know is God used him to grab my heart and to plead the case for the impoverished.

    As he vanished out of sight, the flag he placed upon the tree was waving a reminder of freedom. It also spoke of Christ hanging on the tree for our sins. What a parallel, what a huge thought to ponder!

    Martin Luther King said, “We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools”.

    America has come a long way, but we have a long journey ahead of us. To those of us who have much, much is required of us. I pray that we realize our blessings and the source of peace and hope. Nothing that is ours now will enter into heaven except the record in our hearts. Then when the time for accountability comes, what will we say? For then there is no shadow of turning, only a reminder of the things we could have done, but didn’t do, or the reward of a job well done!

    To keep America great we must be great Americans! Ralph Waldo Emerson put it this way, “You can not do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late”.

    Sometimes we are quick to judge others for there condition, but except for the grace of God where would any of us be?

    God bless America and may our hearts and hands be open to acts of giving and compassion. There is never so great a feeling as that of helping others.

    I Saw the Flag of Hope

    I saw her waving in the breeze,
    The flag I love so very much,
    She still stands for freedom,
    For each and everyone of us,

    So many past and present,
    Have sacrificed their lives,
    So each of us could live in peace,
    And enjoy a fruitful life,

    Sometimes there will be those of us,
    That need a gentle touch,
    A blanket of loves tenderness
    That sees some days are tough,

    But the beauty of America,
    Is her spirit of great hope,
    And a God whose great compassion,
    Reaches out when needed most,

    God has blessed this country,
    And He’s blessed both me and you,
    So let’s reach out, help the needy,
    With a heart for all we do,

    The flag of all our Fathers,
    Still waves strong and still stands true,
    As the stars and stripes are waving,
    The red, the white and blue.

    Scripture References: NIV

    1 John 3:17-19
    Psalms 82:3-4
    Mark 12:28-31
    Proverbs 14:31
    Luke 14: 12-14
    James 2:1-9

    Comment by jeff — October 24, 2008 @ 4:20 am | Reply

  196. Pastor Arnold has confirmed what many of us felt in our spirits all along-that Sarah Palin is an Esther for our time and called of God for leadership. We are indeed praying for her, for Todd and for John McCain.

    I feel very sorry for the person above who mocked God and said that believing in God is like believing in the tooth fairy. Actually, it is mockers such as this who are deluding themselves, hoping so desperately that they are right, that God does not exist and there is no Hell. There is. And they are headed there. I will pray for this person.

    Comment by LouiseCA — October 24, 2008 @ 12:30 pm | Reply

  197. Jeff, I really do enjoy your words of knowledge and encourgement. You know at Wed. night Bible Study, I brought up the fact that we must not let the wildness of the world turn our heads, for if we stand in the shadow of God we can stay within the path. The flag is very dear to me, I have a disabled Vet that is my husband. In our 41 years of marriage we have had some tough times, because what Viet Nam brought about in him. He is Post Commander for the Disabled American Vets, which I participate in completely. So, that grand old flag should continue to fly, but if we do not listen to God’s word, it may be stopped forever. You are also right about poverty right here in our own country. I live close to New Orleans and I have seen many homeless living in cardboard boxes under the overpass. Are there any Vets? For sure they are. People do not know why, because well, they should have the VA to help them or their getting a check. People need to realize that these people lost homes and families because of going to fight for freedom. Freedom is not free. Someone has to bear the burden as Christ bore the burden of our sins. I too, believe that God has a great plan for Sarah Palin. I am watching for the outcome. We are blessed and we do need to pass it on to others. At Thanksgiving and Christmas we give out dinners to those who would not other wise have any. This is done through our church and it is a blessing to me to see someone be so thrilled to have a special dinner like we take for granted. The rich worry about their money and they are so afraid that someone is going to take it from them. What a thing to worry about. It is like complaining how bad your legs hurt and then you see someone with no legs. It should hit home. This is not a time for people of this country to be fighting one another we need to come together to build a strong Christian nation and to realize that through God is the only way to live our life, for without him, we are truly nothing. I am just a common servant of the Lord and very glad that he called me to do so. Blessing are abundant, even with Wall Steet and all the money problems we have here now. There are other blessing to be looking at. Our families and friends, churches that preach the word of God and right now the freedom to be free and for me and you to speak as we do right now. Bless You Bro. Pastor Liz

    Comment by Pastor Liz — October 24, 2008 @ 1:39 pm | Reply

  198. Incredible story! God works in mysterious ways- who are we to put God in a box?
    I listened to the entire interview of Pastor Arnold with Dr. Roth and I do believe
    he’s telling the truth- what does he have to gain in this? He refused funds and he could
    use those funds right now with his small church of Asbury (Life Covenant)…may God bless him
    for sharing his wonderful story….

    Comment by Jorene — October 24, 2008 @ 2:51 pm | Reply

  199. Thank God President Obama will bring about the end of the 8 years of shame and disgrace.
    Let us all give thanks to God for our deliverance from these criminal right wing extremist.
    As I watch our great nation come together to take back our nation from the right wing extremist criminals that have done so much harm and brought so much dishonor on our nation I am reminded of the brave English people that rescued all of those solders from the NAZI on slot at Dunkirk. May God bless President Obama and bless America.

    Comment by Ron Stow — October 24, 2008 @ 4:26 pm | Reply

  200. Democrat: Obama’s grandma confirms Kenyan birth
    ‘This has been a real sham he’s pulled off for the last 20 months’

    Comment by kelly — October 25, 2008 @ 1:02 am | Reply

  201. We should not have the inelegible Barack Hussen Obama to run as a President because Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Please see this. Thanks.
    Democrat: Obama’s grandma confirms Kenyan birth
    ‘This has been a real sham he’s pulled off for the last 20 months’

    Comment by kelly — October 25, 2008 @ 1:05 am | Reply

  202. The Fear of the Lord

    As the elections draw closer, we must take a serious look at our hearts and motivation for voting. What seems to be the theme and party for implementing this change (Democratic Platform) still strikes me as a liberal platform.

    When it comes to real change and policy, I think the “Prophet Isaiah” said it best when he said, “The Lord is exalted, He dwells on high; He will fill Zion with justice and righteousness. He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure. Isaiah 33:5-6: NIV.

    America needs change, yes I agree, but where is the fear of the Lord among the broad base of leaders, law makers and many activist groups. A large number of these see man as the authority on issues that should concern a relationship with Jesus Christ and allowing Him to be their source for answers.

    The fear of the Lord is not as prevalent today as in years past. Regardless of party or political persuasion, we must stand on issues that effect the whole of our lives.

    Where is the respect for life, the sanctity of marriage and the compassion for family and the quality of ambition?

    If we look at the fear of the Lord we will see it is not a thing to draw back from, but actually adhere to.

    Here ia a play on words, but effective in making my point:

    First: Faithfully seek His will

    Second: Exalt Him above all things

    Third: Aspire to be honorable and Christlike

    Fourth: Respect and reverence His omnipotence

    These are the components of godly-constructive fear.

    We must pray for this kind of administration and take the time to pray for it to manifest according to how God has ordained it. Notice scripture says, “If My people pray”; we will get what we get, good or bad through a humble act of prayer or the arrogance of man’s personal ambition.

    We are God’s people and we are living in troubled, but exciting times. Psalms 63:1-2 says, “My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You…to see Your power and Your glory.

    The Lord has certainly sent America a message in the last few weeks. He loves His people in and outside of our borders, but in this country we have the resources, the man-power and the ability to spread God’s message of hope like no other nation.

    If we lose the window of opportunity to spread the wealth of God’s treasury of blessing, then have our hearts truly been touched by His love and grace? The challenge is great, but the reward is eternal!

    We have faith as a shield and if we use it, it will produce mighty things.

    I believe change is here, right now today; I believe God is about to open heaven’s floodgates. God is calling us to deeper service and with it will come a deepened relationship with Him.

    I still believe the McCain-Palin team is best for America and God has strategically placed Sarah Palin in this race at this time. If we are patient and allow God to move, He will bring the change and appoint the representatives of it. I believe this with my whole heart.

    We are servants of the Most High. We don’t have to gamble with our lives. We have promises set forth in “Gods Word” and great lessons to learn from Jesus, the great example of doing things God’s way. To increase our faith, we must decrease.

    Yes, we need earthly knowledge, but we need to learn the value of being spiritually discerning and able to recognize conflict and resolve on two fronts; the natural and spiritual are both a part of our existence.

    Man tries to work out problems in many ways, but in the process finds he must work through the elements of fear, ignorance of God and the years of challenges and conflict he has been forced to live through. So, how do we take a seed and make a harvest?

    We must become bond-servants to the Lord which means we accept His Lordship and we adhere to the way He does things; we have surrendered our heart and soul to Him. Specifically a bond slave is one who chooses to be in the servant hood by choice.

    In other words, we are totally surrendered and sold out to God with no control left to us. Lord, then means the total giving of one’s self to the Lord and following Him unconditionally. We willfully give up our lives to Him and then our faith is increased because we have decreased.

    In this we become servants of the Lord and each other in good works and kindness. To be the greatest we actually become less; thus, the saying, “Less is more”.

    Faith is expected. When we learn this we see a great thing; the miracles of interaction and intervention as Jesus saw through obedience to His Father. He walked in humility daily, continuously seeking God’s direction for the day.

    Our trust is placed in something other than the strength of the flesh. Then our faith is increased and we witness the miracles of God.

    Faith becomes real when we see the greater purpose of it through God’s eyes. In this we know faith doesn’t work because of the quantity of it, but because of the quality of it. If we truly live, move and have our being in Christ we see the purpose of surrendering our entire life, inside and out to Him.

    Jesus said, “I have set an example before you that you should do as I have done to you. No servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed when you do them”.

    He said these things as he washed the disciple’s feet. He removed his robes and humbled Himself in order to show His servant-hood and to reveal His will for us. Great faith comes from the willingness to serve and believe God for the answers and strength for every issue and circumstance of life.

    Fear dissolves, provision comes forth and stress diminishes. As we recognize God’s authority over our own power and thinking, we release God to be Himself and we can not take the glory. A true servant has reverence, respect and the knowledge of the source of all power and might.

    Everyday becomes a lifestyle of hope; faith is then the cornerstone that holds our earthen temple together, mind, body and spirit.

    As we say, “Lord, increase our faith”, He will say, “Trust me, be still and know that I am God”.

    I Bring You a Mustard Seed

    I bring a tiny seed to You,
    It’s all I have to give,
    But in my heart I truly know,
    Its worth is that of gold,

    I know it’s not the quantity,
    The quality means more,
    For then You give me confidence,
    As I open my hearts door,

    Please dear God, my Father,
    Teach me of Your wondrous ways,
    And how to see great miracles,
    As we walk through life each day,

    I pray that I may decrease,
    And the seed of faith be seen,
    It’s planted deep within me,
    This means more than anything,

    I pray my faith has substance,
    The evidence yet unseen,
    But knowing bounteous harvests,
    Will come forth from faith’s small seed.

    Scripture References: NIV

    Luke 17:5
    John 13:1-17
    Hebrews Chapter 11

    Comment by jeff — October 25, 2008 @ 4:36 am | Reply

  203. All I can say is that there are many of you out there who never have experienced mental illness in their family, as I have, or you would question this claim by this pastor. People who have mental illnesses are very convincing. For example, David Koresh, Jim Jones…So, please, when you pray, pray with an open mind that you are not being mislead.

    At one time, I too, supported all Republican views. But after many years of listening to radio and talk shows which cater to a certain segment of the Republican party voters, I came to the conclusion that most encourage skeptical, untrusting views in people who should be researching sources themselves instead of taking everything told to them as the truth! I have received numerous emails that distort the truth by taking words and thoughts of another out of context.

    Just as there are good christian people who support the republican agenda, there are good christian people who support the democrat agenda.

    Also, I feel that many people have forgotten why our forefathers carefully adopted our constitution, bill of rights, etc. Our ancestors came to America to escape religious persecution?

    Comment by Patrinka Baccus — October 25, 2008 @ 11:57 am | Reply

  204. I am moved to tears by the words you have shared. I was born and raised near Toledo, Ohio; have lived in Austin, Texas since 1982. My heart is constantly praying for this election according to II Chronicles 7:14. We need to continued to pray for Sarah (this generation’s Esther) Palin and Senator John McCain and for a moral victory for this Nation and its children. Jan Galbraith.

    Comment by Jan Galbraith — October 25, 2008 @ 7:59 pm | Reply

  205. Sorry about the typo in the explanation of “Godly Fear”

    It should have read:

    Here is a play on words, but effective in making my point.



    Comment by jeff — October 25, 2008 @ 9:07 pm | Reply

  206. Thanks Guys and I really like the Old Jewish lady that was in Germany, SO TRUE
    That was a better read than Mark’s

    Comment by Bro. Jeff — October 25, 2008 @ 9:22 pm | Reply

  207. I am amazed at how the Lord speaks to all of us. What I am also amazed at is when we can share our experience and realize that He has told us the same thing. Such confirmation is amazing. Almost a week before I received the email about Pastor Arnold’s encounter, the Lord spoke to my heart as well and told me that Sarah Palin was a modern day Esther. I have believed from the time she was announced as the VP nominee that the Lord had His hand upon her. I pray that His perfect will will be done.

    Comment by Janet — October 26, 2008 @ 7:45 pm | Reply

  208. This is an effort to help Jeff explain his #198 apology by putting it together with his #197 typo:
    Sorry about the typo in the explanation of “Godly Fear.
    “Here ‘ia’ a play on words, but effective in making my point:” should have read:
    “Here ‘is’ a play on words, but effective in making my point.”
    Comment by jeff — October 25, 2008 @ 9:07 pm.”
    A 59yrVeteran CopyEditorProofReader @85, just “being helpful.”
    Comment by Roberta — October 27, 2008 6:45 pm

    Comment by Roberta T — October 27, 2008 @ 7:51 pm | Reply

  209. I am a Christian and love God with all of my heart. He has brought me through some terrible times, and I am certain that He will bring me through many more. His ability to forgive is limitless and his goodness too great to be described in words.

    I am also a Republican and will vote for McCain and Palin!

    However, I really don’t know whether or not this story is true (I find myself leaning away from it for reasons listed below). Mark Arnold could be telling the truth, but he could also be lying. There is a discrepancy I saw in his story vs. the story that the 2nd cell-phone picture tells. In his very detailed account, he claims that when he helped Palin up off her knees, he found himself face-to-face with her, and immediately began telling her God’s “message.” He stated that she began to cry after he told her the first sentence: That she was a “present day Esther.” He then went on to tell her the rest of the lengthy “message.”
    The next part of Mark’s story states that her husband Todd “came over” and Mark repeated everything he had told Palin and that Todd also began to cry. Here’s my problem with the story: The cell-phone pic of “Mark helping Palin up” shows Todd RIGHT NEXT TO HER. (Scroll to the bottom.) If Mark Arnold began to give her God’s “message” immediately (as he states) as he helped her up, then Todd would have heard the whole thing (especially if she was weeping), and would not have needed to “come over” or to have Mark repeat everything again. Again, this is because Todd was RIGHT THERE, within a foot of Palin. Anyone have an explanation for that one?

    Also, I really don’t like the “Agree in Prayer” website and its requests for the “Tuesday Team” whereby a person commits to send Mark $4 a month. That obviously doesn’t seem like a lot of money, but if you have thousands of people sending it…Well, you can do the math. Even if his story is really true, what makes him think he is entitled to money from the public? Because God spoke to him and gave him a message? God speaks to me quite often (although it is indirectly, through some incident or feeling – Not His actual words in my head). There isn’t even anything evangelical on the website!

    As I said, I don’t know whether to believe the story or not, but the cell pic of Todd standing right next to Palin (vs. what Mark states in his story) is pretty damaging evidence.

    Thoughts on this please??

    Thank you, and blessings!

    Comment by Angela — October 27, 2008 @ 9:07 pm | Reply

  210. This is a message not only for Christians, but for Jews too, like me and Senator Joe Lieberman and the many Jews who will be supporting McCain & Palin.
    I add my prayers to yours.

    Comment by Jewish woman in Ohio — October 28, 2008 @ 12:22 am | Reply

  211. I also wanted to ask if anyone here has actually listened to the 28-minute audio with Laurie Roth. I just listened to it and have to say that my doubts have grown substantially after hearing what Pastor Mark had to say. IMHO, the story he told on the radio show does not match up with some very key incidents in the written version. He also seemed to embellish quite a bit when he was on the radio; I lost count of the number of times that he listed long parts of conversations with Palin and McCain that were not ever mentioned in his written story.

    I certainly may be wrong, and if I am, I truly ask for God’s forgiveness, but in my mind, a true Prophet of God does not embellish or omit; his story is the same at all times. This does not seem to be the case with Pastor Mark.

    I encourage you to listen to the audio before posting in his defense. It may change your mind, or it may not. This is just my own humble opinion.

    That said, I will continue to pray that McCain and Palin will win this election and, with God’s help, begin to lead the country back in the right direction.

    Comment by Angela — October 28, 2008 @ 5:55 am | Reply




    Comment by Bonnie Seibert — October 28, 2008 @ 7:44 am | Reply

  213. Comment #114: Sheila Dawn
    Barack is Obama’s real name – he went by the nickname of Barry when he was younger. He did not change his name to reflect some awakening after the Middle East. People spouting things like this that aren’t true continue to cause division.
    I am still an undecided voter, but I don’t appreciate accusations designed to smear someone.

    Comment by LP — October 28, 2008 @ 8:52 am | Reply

  214. Alright, I have to state my final opinion: I do not believe this man at all. The same day (this morning) that I posted the message about Mark Arnold’s interview on the Laurie Roth radio show and the discrepancy between what he wrote and what he said, the radio link was removed from the front page of his website! The link to the audio interview is now nowhere to be found on

    This is a shame. Stories like Mark Arnold’s do nothing but make both Christians and non-believers alike become cynical and doubt true Godly intercession and the real miracles that He DOES perform.

    Here is the link to the radio show (though I’m guessing it may be removed shortly):

    Comment by Angela — October 28, 2008 @ 7:13 pm | Reply

  215. My response to Pastor Arnold:

    Pastor Arnold

    My in-laws sent me your compelling and interesting e-mail. It certainly sounds like you believe you had a powerful mystical experience.
    I think having a strong faith is a wonderful thing, and I’m happy that I have had similar revelations in my lifetime. They are indeed
    profound and life changing.

    However, if you want to understand why those who disagree with your politics work so strongly against you, please read your own words.
    You call those who disagree with you “God Haters”. With all due respect, I do indeed love God, and I believe God loves me in return.
    Further, I believe it is a very unChristian act to slander those who disagree with your political views. I don’t believe this is our Lord’s sentiment,but it is your own. From my perspective, this is the worst sort of divisive act- voiced hate of those who practice their faith differently from you, cloaked in a rigid righteousness.

    For me, I do not want to see politics mixed with religion, regardless of whether our president privately practices religion. When religion
    is mixed with public policy, people suffer. Our founding fathers knew this, and worked to assure there would never be a state-sponsored
    religion, as was pressed upon the English. If your chosen candidate should win the election, I hope he has the wisdom to realize that he leads all Americans – Jews, Catholics, Agnostics, Atheists, Muslims, Taoists … all of us. I also hope that his running mate realizes the same thing, because from where many of us sit, we see someone whose religious beliefs may well prejudice her ability to lead a diverse nation. I choose my candidate based on the policies that I believe will best serve all Americans, the poor, the disenfranchised, the elderly, and yes .. even the ungodly. I hope all Americans will do the same.


    Comment by B. Freselli — October 29, 2008 @ 1:30 am | Reply

  216. This is a response to number 40: God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit ..Only one God but he is the trinity not just Jesus. Also you need to reread the account in Genesis “…..and Eve turned and gave the apple to Adam who was WITH her…..” She may have been the one being spoken to, but he was right there with her so even if she was the one deceived Adam chose for her sake to not intervene which was outright disobedience to God. Which means they both chose to sin against God in the same moment.

    Comment by tmiller — October 29, 2008 @ 6:30 am | Reply

  217. As a wife of a deceased pastor, I can really appreciate your experience. I praise you for following what God put on your heart. Many people are afraid to follow God’s word. I KNOW God speaks to people. I’ve experienced this myself on a couple occasions. It truly humbles you. I thank you for giving John McCain and Sarah Palin the message you were told to deliver. I pray for you and for the Republican party. This election is so important and it scares me more than any other in my lifetime. I’ll continue to pray that God puts his hand on this election and the right outcome happens. God bless you and your work. Blessings!

    Comment by Noreen — October 31, 2008 @ 9:16 am | Reply

  218. How big is our God? WOW… Until we all get it that He uses all of us in ways and puts exactly where He wants us. WOW
    I thank God for this humbling servant, and brother in Christ.
    We also need to pray for each other, this pastor, and his family. In Jesus name…
    We all have such a huge part in this …..hallelujah …..please vote….every person counts
    Debra W
    Spring, Texas
    Thank you for sharing this. What a blessing

    Comment by Debra — October 31, 2008 @ 5:39 pm | Reply

  219. To my friends,

    In reading the comments on this page, I can see the diversity of spiritual belief, political persuasion and also an element of fear.

    Tuesday, America will start a new chapter in her life; will it be for better or for worse? We talk about change, black-white, Republican and Democrat, but in God’s eyes he sees non of this. It doesn’t mean a thing to Him.

    The heart of prayer, faith and hearts that seek after Him are the things that capture His attention.

    I believe that certain platforms if left unchecked, will usher in an Anti-Christ influence and I say this without hesitation. However, no matter what happens Tuesday, life will go on and God’s true people will still pray and intercede for protection over America and the government.

    We must still respect and pray for our leaders no matter how strongly we support or oppose them.

    Prayer is powerful and it is essential to understand this. How many of us pray, really pray? Strong prayer has no limits or restrictions; it is fervent, deliberate and aggressive. The Lord says in His Word, “If my people pray, repent and believe, I will heal the land”.

    Can you hear the out-cry from our cities? Look around and see the turmoil and devastating condition of mankind and you will see as I have that, “We must pray with power and urgency”.

    I have included portions of an article I recently wrote that speaks of Martin Luther as he prayed for his life. Following his example would be a remarkable start to change America.

    In Pastor Arnold’s situation, I still believe he did what he was directed to do by the Holy Spirit. I can not imagine something as serious as this being done without careful consideration and sincere prayer.

    Family, we are the “Church” and now is the time to stand up, pray and make our voice heard. It starts with prayer. Pray for wisdom, pray for the protection of our nation and pray that the government is saturated with God’s covering and intervention.

    If we want reform then read about a man that knew how to live his faith and pray for help and change…

    “Martin Luther, a Man of Prayer”

    Martin Luther the 16th Century Reformer, was a perfect example of how fervent prayer breaks through and brings clarity and revelation to the affairs of life. On April 17,1521, Martin Luther went before the Arch Bishop of Treves.

    The meeting took place in Worms Germany where Luther was asked many questions about books he had written. The issues facing Martin Luther were of vital urgency (remembering that John Huss was burnt at the stake).

    Before his next meeting, April 18, 1521, he prayed with the urgency of a passion filled servant of the Lord. No masks, no eloquent context, just a sincere heart of love, expectancy and transparency.

    Excerpts from Luther’s prayer are as follows: “God, my God, stand by me”… “You must do it”…”The matter is not mine”… “Oh my God come to me, come”.

    Martin Luther received strength and the wisdom he asked for. He was looking for the truth and purpose of God. He put aside his very life and bared his soul.

    While laying himself prostrate before God, he found strength, wisdom and confidence. In his dependence on the Lord, he was telling us today that prayer is life and it is the heartbeat of our existence. In return, the pure will of God is always revealed.

    On April 18, 1521 the challenge of the council became stronger and Martin Luther replied with the wisdom of the spirit. “Here I stand, I can do no more”. He put the matter in God’s hands.

    As we pray and seek the Lord for our life’s direction, we must follow our heart as the Holy Spirit gives us direction. Martin Luther did just that. He was among the reformers that stood out and brought to life the meaning of honest, fervent prayer and a consistent communion with the Lord.

    Far to many people view prayer as a religious act. Prayer, truly is a lifestyle that brings comfort, strength, discernment and revelation. Luther emphasized the priesthood of the believer. As a priest we have direct access to God and to the knowledge of His will.

    We receive hope because of the peace and unity we feel with God. We receive power to do the work of ministry and we see the results of transparency. All this is the result of PRAYER.

    The attitude of seeking God (Seek First The Kingdom).

    We must pray consistently. This is our intimate communication with God.

    Use the authority of the word as an offensive weapon. The armor of God protects as we advance into spiritual warfare. The angels will watch our back.

    A longing to pray for others. The ability to pray through and see results.

    We have the confident assurance that our prayers will be answered.

    Comes as a result of a humble heart and the willingness to obey God’s leading.

    Prayer is the life of our experience with the Lord. Without communication there is no fellowship and if we do not have fellowship there is no relationship. Then, the domino effect starts and then we fall along the wayside; our families, communities and our Nation suffers.

    I do not want to be held accountable for not being a person of prayer…do you?

    Comment by jeff — November 2, 2008 @ 12:40 am | Reply

  220. I was so blessed to read this email about Pastor Arnold meeting with McCain and Palin. We as the church had better wake up and become prayer warriors that will defeat the powers of darkness that are trying to destroy America. I too had a strange experience when I first saw Palin on tv as she was being introduced to the country..My heart welled up with hope and gratitude to the Lord. I feel He has appointed her for this time. God is in control, He has a plan for His people. He is coming back to judge the living and the dead. We need to be ready, working and waiting for His return.

    Comment by terry — November 2, 2008 @ 4:49 pm | Reply

  221. Post 181….Ruth, you referred to post 126. Were you mistaken. Reading my post 126 I can’t begin to fathom your judgmental and condenming post….. Be Blessed!!!

    Comment by Warren — November 2, 2008 @ 7:44 pm | Reply

  222. Pastor Liz post 191……amen.

    Comment by Warren — November 2, 2008 @ 7:54 pm | Reply

  223. Well, it’s Sunday night 9:07pm….48 hours before the election votes on the East Coast are final, and after reading all of the latest posts all I can say is God is in control and nothing is impossible with Him.
    Maranatha! Lord Jesus!!!

    Comment by Warren — November 2, 2008 @ 8:10 pm | Reply

  224. Time magazine has several pictures from the Lebanon, Ohio rally on their website (Sarah Palin Hits the Campaign Trail photo essay). One picture is of the same part of the stage as the picture on Arnold’s website and is taken at about the same time from a different angle. It’s included in the 9/22/08 issue (pages 32 and 33) and is online at:,29307,1840331_1763300,00.html

    I agree with Angela (post 214) for the following reasons:
    – There are no boy scouts in any of the Time photos taken near the stage

    – In Arnold’s picture, Arnold’s right hand is holding Gov. Palin’s hand;
    there is a man directly behind him holding a green cloth.

    In the Time photo, the man holding the green cloth is directly behind a
    man in a beige jacket. The man in the beige jacket is holding a banner
    in his left hand while extending his right hand towards Gov. Palin. He
    is not holding a cell phone or a camera and could not have taken the
    picture posted on Arnold’s website.

    Comment by Bobby — November 3, 2008 @ 5:23 pm | Reply

  225. God Bless America!

    The voice of America has been heard. whether we agree or disagree with the results, we as Americans-Christian Americans, must stand up and pray for President Obama and cover him with our prayers and intercession.

    With a heart of sincerity and love for our country, we must put aside the axes and pray that God will give us the heart to unite and move forward.

    Sarah Palin is still a precious woman of faith and I believe she will be a voice in the future. For the participants on this page, keep on praying and believing that God is in control.

    Be watchful, be prayerful and be heard if the issues we will now face need to be addressed. Love each other and remember that united we will stand, but if we allow the wedges of evil to separate and divide the church, we will have lost the vision of hope, restoration and being the “Body of Christ”.

    Defend the “Church”, be the “Church” and show the world that we can be family. Pray for America and that our freedoms are protected.

    Now is the time to be strong in character and be an example of our Lord. God is sovereign and He is still in control. Nothing caught Him by surprise and if we continue to truly be Christlike, President Obama will be covered with our prayers for wisdom, protection and the ability to lead America through these turbulant times.

    I would suggest that in our prayers each of us would continue to pray for our national security. In the event that in the near future there comes the forewarned test of this new administration by our enemies, we will be praying for protection.

    We must now be pillars of strength for the restoration that our country and government needs. White-Black-Hispanic and the various nationalities that are represented in America, will wake up November 5th and look at each other in a new way.

    History has been made and now we must keep it moving in a positive way filled with determination to always be, “America, the land of freedom”.

    I pray this short, but sincere prayer.

    Heavenly Father,

    Thank You for this great country. As we move into a new chapter of history. Give us the heart of compassion that will build our nation and communities.

    Protect our new President and his family. In the policies we disagree with bring resolve. Then may good, godly and workable policies bring the solutions of lasting change.

    Protect our nation from those who are waiting in the shadows to harm us and our government.

    Open our eyes to the truth that if we stand, pray and follow hard after You Lord, You will be with our nation,Your people and the new governing body.

    May we show unity, forgiveness and spiritual maturity as we start our new journey.

    In Jesus name,


    Comment by jeff — November 4, 2008 @ 11:05 pm | Reply

  226. Fail.

    Comment by TNO — November 5, 2008 @ 8:20 am | Reply

  227. I received this e-mail today, thought it was very interesting but scary.

    This is a thought provoking email. Read it and see whether the Holy Spirit confirms this in your heart.

    Subject: God Removes His Hand from the United States id=3502
    Published: Nov 5, 2008
    Author: Bill Keller


    (1 Samuel 8:1-21)

    But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the LORD. And the LORD told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will do.” 1 Samuel 8:6-9

    The LORD answered, “Listen to them and give them a king.” 1 Samuel 8:21

    God removes His hand from the United States, it is now time to act! With the election of Barack Hussein Obama as the next President of the United States, yesterday marked a watershed day spiritually for this nation. For decades now, this country has been operating in rebellion to God and His Truth. We legally slaughter 4,000 babies every day. We have made a mockery of God’s Holy Institution of Marriage. God’s plan for the family has been decimated. We have totally given ourselves over to the lusts of the flesh and the pleasures of this temporal world. We have bowed down to and worshipped every false god and idol created in rebellion to the God of the Bible.

    Out of our rebellion to God, the people have now elected a man to lead this nation who is a staunch supporter of legalized infanticide. Speaking to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund on July 17, 2007, Senator Obama said, “The first thing I’d do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That’s the first thing that I’d do.” President Obama will repay the support of those in the baby killing industry by insuring abortion on demand at any stage of the pregnancy, and through executive orders, he will wipe out any progress individual states have made in trying to ban abortions in their state. As President, he will elect judges to the US Supreme Court who will insure Roe vs. Wade is never overturned, as well as activist judges to the Federal Courts who will rule on the side of death in any abortion cases.

    President Obama is also a great friend to the homosexual community and will be a champion of their radical agenda. President Obama will make it easy for gay couples to adopt children. I remember years ago warning people in my Daily Devotional that the homosexual community was targeting your children. People said I was over reacting. Today, an entire generation of children has grown up being brainwashed that being gay is normal and acceptable. They are being indoctrinated as young as kindergarten that there is nothing wrong with this choice of deviant sex. Again, through executive orders he will wipe out any gains made by various states to insure gay marriage will quickly spread across the nation, and the judges he appoints will help the radical gay agenda to move forward.

    Today, the people of Israel should be very concerned. Over these past 60 years, they could always count on the full and total support from the United States government. No longer. It is bad enough we have had numerous Presidents now trying to make peace by giving away part of the land God gave to the children of Israel to those who want to see the Jewish people wiped off the face of the globe. Under President Obama, Israel will no longer have a friend in Washington that they can count on. Sadly for this nation, Genesis 12:3 that promises God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel is still in effect.

    The truly sick fact is this will all be done by a man who will professes to be a Christian. Despite supporting the killing of innocent babies, the agenda and special rights of those who choose to commit acts of homosexuality, and believing the universalistic lie that everyone will get to Heaven regardless what they believe, President Obama proclaims to be a Christian. I have told you for the past few years that the biggest problem in Christianity, is the ever growing group of people who make up the Christian left. These are people who call themselves Christians, yet don’t hold the Bible to represent Absolute Truth.

    This liberal group that President Obama is part of, focuses on a social Gospel, things like world hunger, AIDs in Africa, and climate issues to name a few. These are noble causes Christians need to be involved in, but you can’t just ignore issues like abortion and marriage like they don’t exist. Most in the Christian left are a byproduct of this seeker/purpose driven/emerging church/liberal mainline denomination generation that lays down the absolutes of the Bible to attract warm bodies. It has flourished due to the gutless pastors who refuse to lead and preach a watered down, feel good, ear tickling message void of hard Truth so nobody is offended.

    The nation has had Presidents before who were no friend of God and we didn’t crumble spiritually. That is because there was still a vibrant remnant of true followers of Christ. Today, we have the better percentage of two full generations who have never been to church. So many churches today do little or no evangelism. Over the past 40 years, that remnant of true followers has dwindled down considerably as older saints have gone to be with the Lord and haven’t been replaced.

    The effect of Obama’s election is that it will empower those who oppose the work of God. Those who serve satan will be bolder and more aggressive than ever. They will be targeting like never before, true followers of Christ. Spiritual crack dealers like Oprah who peddle New Age garbage are ok. Those who promote cults like Mormonism, the JWs, Scientology, Kaballah, and others are ok. The false religions like Islam, Buddhists, and others are ok. Those in the Christian left with their social agenda are ok.

    Their target will be zeroed in on those who believe, preach, and teach the Bible is God’s inspired, inerrant Word, representing Absolute Truth and our final authority in all matters. They will be out to destroy true followers of Jesus Christ. This will come in many forms, such as laws to call the Bible hate speech as other countries have already done. For the first time, real and tangible persecution is going to be felt by those who refuse to compromise the Truth of the Bible and preach the Gospel.

    The end result is that people are no longer going to be able to stand in the middle. The election of President Barack Hussein Obama is going to finally force people to take a stand. You are either a follower of Christ, which means you are also a follower of His Word, or you are not. Jesus said you can’t serve two masters. Elijah told the people on Mt. Carmel to CHOOSE who you will serve. My friend, it is now time to choose. If you going to follow Jesus, it is time to act!

    I love you and care about you so much. I realize that very few can “hear” what I am saying today. They woke up in their bed this morning and it seems like just another day. I can empathize with the frustration of the Old Testament prophets as they warned the people of God’s coming wrath and most of the people simply ignored them or wrote them off as kooks. Yesterday, God’s hand came off this nation. True followers of Jesus Christ no longer have the luxury of sitting back and doing nothing. Silence is not an option any more. We must take our stand now, or we will no longer have that opportunity. We have the only true answer for this nation and for the souls of men. It is time to boldly and without shame or compromise declare that answer!

    As I was praying over all of this the other night, before going to sleep I was flipping through the stations and I stopped at TBN. On the eve of the election, with the spiritual course of our nation hanging in the balance, I expected to see true men of God preaching great messages of repentance and a turning back to God. Sadly, these people are as lost as the sons of Eli or Samuel. What were they doing? Having a telethon, raising money by promising people if they sent them money all of their financial problems would be solved. It was like watching the fiddler play while Rome burned !


    “”You may be quite sure that in the last days there are going to be some difficult times. People will be self-centered and grasping; boastful, arrogant and rude; disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, irreligious; heartless and unappeasable; they will be slanderers, profligates, savages and enemies of everything that is good; they will be treacherous and reckless and demented by pride, preferring their own pleasure to God.” “They will keep up the outward appearance of religion but will have rejected the inner power of it.”

    “Have nothing to do with people like that. You must keep to what you have been taught and know to be true; remember who your teachers were, and how, ever since you were a child, you have known the holy scriptures — from these you can learn the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” (2 Tim.3:1-15). (Note: I prefer the wording in the King James versioemember the maxim: ‘Keep to what is written.” (1 Cor.4

    Samuel Adams

    American Patriot & Politician

    1722 – 1803

    If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. :

    The MSM is Marxist, socialist just like Obama and his wife and the MSM deliberately did not make Michelle Obama’s remarks news in April to dummy down the American people to help get their Marxist socialist world government candidate elected.

    Obama wants global taxes for a global government via Climate Change Control, Poverty, and to regulate international banks and commerce. He like Bill Clinton wants to be President “of the world”. “Make the world over again” Obama says.

    The Bible says:

    The AntiChrist “shall think to CHANGE the times and the laws.”

    The AntiChrist shall not regard the desire of women (infanticide)

    The AntiChrist shall cast truth to the ground and trample it (brazen liar who gets away with it).

    The AntiChrist shall destroy wonderfully by peace and a false peace treaty for the Middle East.

    The AntiChrist shall pretend to be a Messiah, a Christ like figure, and at one point declare himself as God.

    While Obama pretends to be Christian he has publicly taken an Anti Christian position, that people of many different faiths other than Christian can have eternal life (not what Jesus Christ defines as Christian). Obama’s church (Jeremiah Wright) preaches Marxist Liberation theology. Obama openly embraces terror members of Islam, an anti Christian religion.

    Obama may not yet be the Antichrist but he has many of the attributes of and the spirit of an Antichrist and could become an Antichrist. The Antichrist will be like Obama – even if he is not Obama.

    God will raise up a cruel and base leader over the people of a nation who turns its back on God. He will also allow that that nations weakest of enemies to prevail over her. Obama could be such a cruel leader that is allowed to rule over America and enable America’s enemies to prevail over or attack her. For dividing Jerusalem and Israel (which Obama favors), God may allow America to be divided by civil unrest.

    ,,,, his fellow blacks back in the slum are worse off than ever;

    They will be, as MANY illegal aliens pour over the border to get in on the big amnesty Obama has promised.

    The money isn’t there. Obama can tax the death out of what’s left of the economy, he can tax businesses right off the planet. Then what?

    The Obama followers are expecting very good things, they expect now that they can keep their houses with the subprime loans and everything will be wonderful for them now.

    The thing to remember is that Marxism does not work, it has never provided the material things that the Obama followers have become very accustomed to having. Or what if they have to “share” the government benefits with the “new American citizens” who will very soon be making a run for the border.

    Obama has promised much. Revolution. Name any society in which the middle class became suddenly impoverished – that didn’t end up in revolution very fast. A dispossessed middle class is a powder keg.

    AMERICAS new Democratic National Police Force

    Comment by Jaycee — November 7, 2008 @ 10:36 pm | Reply

  228. #227: You are nuts. God will NEVER “take His hand” from our nation. Yes, we have ALL sinned, and we will continue to sin. BUT, we ask for forgiveness for these sins, and God is faithful in His promise to forgive.

    America has not “rejected God” as our King. There will always be those who do not believe, there will always be those who do terrible things, and we will ALL make bad decisions at times. But God has promised that HE WILL NEVER LEAVE NOR FORSAKE US. –If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

    To all of the wonderful Christians (in America and everywhere else for that matter) who are trying very hard to live a life that would be pleasing to God: Know that He will always be here with us, He will never take His hand from us. NO MATTER WHAT. For once we believe in Jesus as our Savior, He dwells inside us ALWAYS and never, ever leaves.

    Comment by Angela — November 8, 2008 @ 8:14 am | Reply

  229. The Compass of History

    History has a daunting way of repeating itself. Unfortunately it can be a bad past revisited. Learning a lesson the wise way is not one of humanities’ strongest attributes.

    One thing holds true in every historical period; man falls down, God’s mercy picks him up. However, how many skinned knees and broken bones will the human race have to endure before reality sets in? How much unresolved generational pain will surface? God can heal it all and bring unity if we sincerely desire to let Him move as He sees fit.

    The bible tells us about sin and the perils it has brought upon mankind. It also tells about the arrogance of man’s thinking that he has power over his destiny; if he tries hard enough he will succeed.

    Yes, strong determination and hard work are necessary to achieve success in the world, but where is God in the mean time? He is conveniently tucked away in a “Glad Bag”; our Father is put in storage until we need to be GLAD! What are people thinking!?

    The present day stage has been set for change. If we seek God through this transition of events we will see God’s hand move in the earth. If we look at man and his self-image of right and wrong, we invite judgment.

    I believe this is the finest hour of “The Church”. Now is the time she is needed most. Will we answer the call to the harvest fields?

    I pray that we do not give Satan the satisfaction of accusing us of not being active in this time of need or not being unified in Christ.

    Through every hard time and season of change God has had a people that pray, believe and respond to the challenges of the day in a positive tone.

    Now again, God is calling out to His faithful:

    “Arise, arise and be the “Rose” I have nurtured. Fill the world with the fragrance of heaven’s beauty. See this, even the rose has a shield of thorns to protect itself, I designed it so. If I protect the rose, will I not also care for you? I am God and I am jealous over my own. I will tear down the generational pain and I will bring unity to my chosen ones.”

    “Even now my children I see you, I love you and will protect you. Do not deny me for the ideology of man. He is like a grain of dust in a wind storm; I alone am the Lord, you will find peace in no other”.

    Throughout history trouble and calamity are the results of man’s own doing. Now, once more the world is seeking answers everywhere else other than the Lord who deeply cares for them. Does God feel sorrow when people go astray? Jesus once wept over Jerusalem; I believe He feels the same depth of passion today.

    Perilous times are upon us and choices must be made. Paul speaks of a great evil where men will fall away.

    The signs of the days of sorrow have manifested. Only Christ can turn the tide, but He has to be invited and welcomed to do so in order to institute change.

    Godlessness in the Last Days (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

    1. But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

    2. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,

    3. without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,

    4. Treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God-

    5. Having a form of godliness but denying its power.

    To His praise, there is always a remnant of people who will stand in crisis, defend the truth and God’s kingdom. However, to those that have itching ears and deny God, He honors that also. If man seeks an earthly king to reign, God will step aside. If man seeks God, He will intervene.

    History is supposed to be a compass for the future, but if the needle doesn’t point towards the Father, every effort for change is in vain. We have a great opportunity to glorify the Lord in this hour if we stand fast and trust God.

    Isaiah 55:6-13

    6. Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.

    7. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.

    8. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.

    9. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

    We have entered a new corridor of history. God is calling America to repentance. Every man and every heart in the earth is under reconstruction; for good or evil is up to the individual.

    Let God heal the wounds caused from arrogance, greed and prejudice. Support the youth of this generation in their charismatic personality. Let God arise and every enemy be scattered.

    Now is the time to dig in, pray and become involved in an active pursuit of holiness and reaching people of every race and creed; Jesus is “Lord of All”. No more victims; let’s stand in the principles that bring unity in Christ.

    Let’s pray for a government that will allow us to continue in freedom and in the spreading of the “Gospel”. Beware of anything that would threaten our religious rights, then endorse and protect the liberties we have held dear since the day the “Declaration of Independence” was signed.

    Let’s not allow the sacrifices of so many to be negated through bitterness and disobedience to God.

    We must now pray for President Elect Obama whether we agree or disagree with him and his policies. America needs the prayers and maturity of the faithful more now than ever.

    Let history remind us of our future and may we be unashamed to share the Lord and embrace all people.

    Romans 1:16

    “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

    We must bring Christ forth in all arenas of life and family.

    Change has come. Now let’s pray it will motivate each of us to grow in faith. We must be watchmen on the wall and God can use this season to His advantage. All things still work together for good.

    So, lets stand up for freedom, stand up for Christ and advance into the fight for truth and righteousness.

    Colossians 2:8-10

    “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.”

    If we seize this time of change, we can push back the enemy. The choice is ours whether to use this as a platform to glorify God or sit back and allow the forces of hell to intimidate us. The world is waiting, God is ready; will we step up and step out?

    The Compass of History

    History can remind us all,
    Of the way things used to be,
    So in those many memories,
    I pray they teach us to be free,

    In our future comes the hope,
    Of the healing love can bring,
    With our hearts now open wide,
    And hands of love that cling,

    To neighbors and to strangers,
    Every color, every creed,
    So the world can see our Savior,
    Jesus Christ in you and me,

    The chains of fear and anger,
    Are broken, now cast away,
    By compassion’s strong compulsion,
    To declare God’s liberty,

    That in a world of differences,
    One thing stands so ever true,
    That Jesus Christ is Lord of all,
    A friend to me and to you.

    Comment by jeff — November 9, 2008 @ 3:05 pm | Reply

  230. Pastor Mark –

    THANK YOU for your devotion to being used by God! I am one of those “cave and den” prophets you mentioned (well, more like a “prophetic gift” than “prophet”) – and when I read that line in your email, I broke down and sobbed. My prophetic gift has been “on the shelf” for about 8 years while God has been working hard to bring healing and restoration to me persionally. That season has ended, and new doors and horizons seem to be appearing. One new development is that I am reading about the prophetic word of Amos. The historian/author’s words about this prophet’s message to the Northern Kingdom so long ago is really God’s word for our country today.

    I have sent an email to Sarah Palin stating that the phrase I have been hearing since she was announced as the VP choice is “for such a time as this.” I had no idea that anyone else “out there” was hearing the same or similar words from God.

    I am incredibly thankful that I have read of your experience. Not only have I heard from God about similar things re Palin specifically, but I experienced my own prayer trauma for days – 2 days before the election, election day, and the day after – I was under an almoust unberable oppression. I could hardly think, eat, or do anything because the oppression was so severe. I literally felt like I had been hit in the stomach, the wind had been knocked out of me, etc. Finally, 2 days after the election, the oppression began to lift and I was able to move on with daily things.

    I am convinced that God has permitted the outcome of this election to be as it is for His purposes. I believe it will send prayer warriers and prophets to their knees in record numbers, as this country begins to truly seek God.

    God’s hand in on this process, on this country, and he is calling us all to prayer and repentance. He is calling his Body to holiness unlike anything we have yet seen. The purification process and rebuilding is just beginning.

    Again – thank you for sharing your experience. I personally believe every word!

    Many blessings,
    Julie Lopes
    Tujunga, CA

    Comment by Julie Lopes — November 10, 2008 @ 4:35 pm | Reply

  231. I went to “Google” and typed in Sarah Palin and this is what I found:

    Burying the pre-poll rancour, former Republican US vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Friday said she is optimistic about Barack Obama’s presidency and even prays for the President-elect and his family.

    “I’m proud of Barack Obama. I pray for him, his family, the new administration. I look forward to the good things that are in store for this nation,” Palin, the Governor of the oil-rich state of Alaska said while appearing on CNN’s “Larry King Live”.

    When I read this I thought it is not the end of the story. Sarah Palin personifies the character of a true believer; she will be back!

    I would encourage the believers in America to take notice of things like appointments to the Supreme Court, policies concerning Israel and government intervention into Christian freedoms (speech-press-evangelism).

    Keeping in mind that we must pray for our new President, his safety and for the new administration to be swift in adopting resolutions and resolving this present crisis in the economy.

    Be advised, we all know that radical groups are chomping at the bit to test the strength of President Elect Obama. We have a responsibility to our Country to pray-pray and pray some more!

    Sarah Palin must have been disappointed as John McCain was giving his congratulations to Brack Obama. However, in her moment of saddness, I would be willing to say she was probably shedding those tears for John McCain. He was a man she respected and worked beside during the campaign.

    Personally, I feel she deserves an engraved apology from the liberal media and from some of her Republican so called “friends”. They treated her with total disregard in an attempt to humiliate her. Flash, they did not succeed; thank the Lord!

    The time to stand is here; a new shift has occurred in the world and in the spirit. Now more than ever we must be alert.

    I hope we all have learned a valuable lesson; we are all to be involved and every prayer means something strategic. Now, let’s protect the homeland, our President elect and be the Church, the “Body of Christ” in the days and years to come.

    God bless you, I love you all and I love America!


    Comment by jeff — November 13, 2008 @ 10:16 am | Reply

  232. Jeff, or anyone. If you want to be taken seriously by those on the left, can you please address all the lies and slander repeated by Palin in her bid for office? When they pretty much called Obama a terrorist? And yes slander occured on both sides.

    Comment by madmonq — November 13, 2008 @ 8:23 pm | Reply

  233. Exactly what lies did she tell madmonq?

    Comment by Lisa — November 14, 2008 @ 8:42 pm | Reply

  234. You’re kidding, right? To suggest otherwise indicates a very, very naive viewpoint or directly pretending otherwise. Which would be lying. If anyone has been paying attention these last few months you know exactly what I’m talking about. So I’ll repeat

    If you want to be taken seriously by those on the left, can you please address all the lies and slander repeated by Palin in her bid for office? When they pretty much called Obama a terrorist? And yes slander occured on both sides.

    Shouldn’t she apologize for this?

    Comment by madmonq — November 15, 2008 @ 11:54 am | Reply

  235. In all due fairness, mainstream MSNBC talking heads routinely call Bush and Cheney murderers, asking a Church in general or Sarah Palin in particular to apologize for standard operating procedure that has been in effect since Atwater through Rove is probably overly optimistic. Obama won and ke’s not asking for an apology. VP’s are attack dogs, thats the way it is, Sarah did her jpb.

    Comment by dummidumbwit — November 15, 2008 @ 1:35 pm | Reply

  236. I could care less if the left takes me seriously. And dummindumbwit is right, Sarah was just doing her job. Besides that she never called Obama a terroist.She suggested that he had alot of bad associates and thats the truth. The man is questionable and that is just a fact. But its over now and the country has spoken. We have to accept the outcome and pray for this man. I sincerely hope he does what is right for out country. I don’t think anybody wants our country to fall apart, we all love this nation but we also need to be watching every move him and the mostly Democratic Congress and House makes. Afterall, it is our country and they are working for us, and that is true of every administration wheter it is Republican or Democratic.

    Comment by Lisa — November 16, 2008 @ 11:38 am | Reply

  237. I don’t disagree with what dummidumwit is saying. I take issue with my alledged moral superiors on the political and religious right not living up to their BS. Rather living down to it for political gain. To them, those on the political left are supposed to be lowly and immoral. What is it called when they do it? Hypocritical, lowly and immoral. Like Sarah Palin.

    This whole post was about God choosing Palin for his superior politcal purposes. But this thread has gone on long enough that some are saying it’s OK that she was a lying weasel for God’s superior political purposes? The rest seemed to be focusing on her “persecution” rather than addressing her behavior and examining their own paranoia.

    Quite frankly I’m tired of hearing American Christians whine about their persecution, getting involved in people’s personal lives, blaming others for the end of the world blah blah when they are part of the problem, not the solution.

    Comment by madmonq — November 16, 2008 @ 1:01 pm | Reply

  238. I don’t disagree with what dummidumwit is saying. I take issue with my alledged moral superiors on the political and religious right not living up to their BS. Rather living down to it for political gain. To them, those on the political left are supposed to be lowly and immoral. What is it called when they do it? Hypocritical, lowly and immoral. Like Sarah Palin.

    This whole post was about God choosing Palin for his superior politcal purposes. But this thread has gone on long enough that some are saying it’s OK that she was a lying weasel for God’s superior political purposes? The rest seemed to be focusing on her “persecution” rather than addressing her behavior and examining their own paranoia.

    Quite frankly I’m tired of hearing American Christians whine about their persecution, getting involved in people’s personal lives, blaming others for the end of the world blah blah when they are part of the problem, not the solution.

    Sorry for the rant.

    Comment by madmonq — November 16, 2008 @ 1:01 pm | Reply

  239. The roots of Charismatic Assembly of God Pentecostalism are completely different from the roots of Bob Jones type Fundamental Evangelicals, they may appear superficially the same. I often wonder about the Genius of the Atwater and Rove School picking a Charismatic to do the job for the Evangelical right, but that’s probably too paranoid. Obama is on the U niter not a divider thing now, so I suggest either doing that or going after the Newt/Delay/Bob Jones wing of the right? It’s technical, but just look at the roots of Pentecostalism, they are not Bob Jones. And Obama is already talking to Lindsey Graham/McCain as well as considering input from Sarah Palin.

    Comment by dummidumbwit — November 17, 2008 @ 9:11 am | Reply

  240. Actually madmonq, the only one that is going to bring the end of the world is Satan, with Gods approval. Its nobody’s fault, that is just the way it is going to be according to the bible. And I am not here to argue with anyone, you are free to believe what you want but you cannott expect to come onto a blog like this and expect people to agree with you. I wish you no harm, God bless you…

    Comment by Lisa — November 23, 2008 @ 7:52 pm | Reply

  241. Is God’s approval the same as God approving of it? If God planned everything from the beginning, Satan is not doing anything but being directed by God, right?

    I don’t really expect a reply. I have yet to get a direct one for my previous question. And that one was easy. But I’d appreciate if someone tried. Otherwise this will be the last thing I remember.

    “The only one that is going to bring the end of the world is Satan, with Gods approval.” God’s approval.

    Comment by madmonq — November 23, 2008 @ 8:47 pm | Reply

  242. I believe that word of knowledge came to pass since Saxby Chambliss is now elected because now the republicans have a fighting chance just like when Esther received favor with the king, though he couldn’t undo Hamons hate for the Jews, the Jews had a fighting chance. The fact that Sarah Palin came to assist Saxby Chambliss with his election.

    Comment by Patricia — December 3, 2008 @ 7:49 am | Reply

  243. Who are WE to question God?? You can come up with all kinds of questions that will be truly inexplicable; I used to spend a lot of time thinking to myself “How could God always, ALWAYS have been here??” He had no mother, no father, He had no beginning, and He has no end. The fact that I couldn’t figure it out would bother me until I started thinking about or doing something else. You could drive yourself crazy with those kinds of questions. What it really boils down to is Faith; either you have it or you don’t.

    I also think our brains are ill-equipped to handle such questions. Our minds are finite and cannot comprehend everything. God’s Mind and Will are infinite; He comprehends *everything.* I believe when our bodies die, and we go to Heaven, we will understand everything as well. Until then, I would pray that you just stop trying to answer incomprehensible questions. Faith is not based upon logic (logic, as our finite minds understand it), but simple belief in Him and His Word.

    BTW, I do not support Mark Arnold; I think his story is false, as is the man himself. I also think he was a “false prophet” (or perhaps a couple of cards short of a full deck), and I hope he can turn his life around and come back to God, instead of trying to use his position as pastor and his false prophesy to receive money via his website.

    Comment by Stephanie — December 7, 2008 @ 9:53 am | Reply

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